
上传日期:2014-11-16 08:10:07
上 传 者Arachnid
说明:  MATLAB code to use MATLAB code with Arduino

ArduinoIO\install_arduino.m (1532, 2011-10-14)
ArduinoIO\arduino.m (98980, 2013-09-04)
ArduinoIO\pde\adioe\adioe.pde (22688, 2013-08-28)
ArduinoIO\pde\adioes\adioes.pde (26212, 2013-08-28)
ArduinoIO\pde\motor_v2\motor_v2.pde (33545, 2013-09-04)
ArduinoIO\pde\adio\adio.pde (10215, 2013-08-29)
ArduinoIO\pde\motor_v1\motor_v1.pde (33332, 2013-09-04)
ArduinoIO\contents.m (3597, 2013-10-09)
ArduinoIO\examples\blink_challenge_sch.mdl (76137, 2013-10-09)
ArduinoIO\examples\example_servos.m (946, 2013-08-28)
ArduinoIO\examples\library_test.mdl (27651, 2013-10-09)
ArduinoIO\examples\example_encoders.m (971, 2013-08-27)
ArduinoIO\examples\blink_led_sim.mdl (19219, 2013-10-09)
ArduinoIO\examples\stepper_sim.mdl (23148, 2013-10-09)
ArduinoIO\examples\blink_challenge_sf.mdl (45882, 2013-08-23)
ArduinoIO\examples\blink_challenge.m (3456, 2012-08-04)
ArduinoIO\examples\example_mot.m (1625, 2013-08-27)
ArduinoIO\examples\example_io.m (1361, 2013-08-27)
ArduinoIO\examples\html\example_mot.html (9438, 2013-08-27)
ArduinoIO\examples\html\example_io.html (8360, 2013-08-27)
ArduinoIO\examples\html\example_servos.html (7179, 2013-08-27)
ArduinoIO\examples\html\example_encoders.html (7359, 2013-08-27)
ArduinoIO\examples\blink_challenge_sim.mdl (49569, 2012-08-02)
ArduinoIO\examples\motor_sim.mdl (19615, 2013-10-09)
ArduinoIO\examples\encoder_sim.mdl (21124, 2013-10-09)
ArduinoIO\examples\servo_sim.mdl (20467, 2013-10-09)
ArduinoIO\simulink\msfun_arduino_analogread.m (3462, 2011-10-14)
ArduinoIO\simulink\msfun_realtime_pacer.m (3969, 2011-09-26)
ArduinoIO\simulink\msfun_arduino_digitalread.m (3458, 2011-10-14)
ArduinoIO\simulink\msfun_arduino_io_setup.m (3871, 2012-08-05)
ArduinoIO\simulink\arduino_io_lib.mdl (59005, 2012-08-31)
ArduinoIO\simulink\realtime-pacer-license.txt (1551, 2011-09-26)
ArduinoIO\simulink\msfun_arduino_servowrite.m (3777, 2012-08-09)
ArduinoIO\simulink\msfun_arduino_digitalwrite.m (3423, 2011-10-14)
ArduinoIO\simulink\msfun_arduino_stepper.m (4325, 2011-10-14)
ArduinoIO\simulink\msfun_arduino_dcmotor.m (4322, 2011-10-14)
ArduinoIO\simulink\msfun_arduino_encoderreset.m (4252, 2012-08-10)
ArduinoIO\simulink\msfun_arduino_servoread.m (3628, 2012-08-31)
ArduinoIO\simulink\slblocks.m (185, 2011-10-14)
... ...

ARDUINO IO (Also Known As: "TETHERED" MATLAB SUPPORT PACKAGE FOR ARDUINO): This package allows using an Arduino connected to the computer to perform Analog and Digital Input and Output, (and command motors) from MATLAB. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETAILS ABOUT ARDUINO: Arduino is a powerful and inexpensive open-source microcontroller board, with an associated development environment: An extensive Knowledge base can be found here: BUYING AN ARDUINO BOARD: An extensive list of sites where you can buy an Arduino is here: In the US, adafruit industries ( provides a starter pack that includes pretty much everything that you need to get started with the board. While earlier version of this package were targeted at smaller boards like the Uno and Nano, since August 2012 (ver 3.3) the package also works right out of the box on the Mega boards, without requiring any Mega-related tweaking. GETTING STARTED GUIDES: The official getting started guide is here : and a very good tutorial is here: However note that for the purpose of using this package you only need to have the IDE environment installed but you won't need to use it, because you can do all the programming in MATLAB. CHIP KIT 32 BOARDS: Note that the the package works fine with the ChipKit32 boards (Uno32, Max32):,892&Cat=18 All of the analog and digital input and output functionality work fine, but unfortunately not all the interrupts functionalities work in the same way, so servos and encoders might not work exactly as on the Arduino boards. Since Sep 2012, when the AFMotor library was updated to support PIC32, the Adafruit Motor Sield also works with these boards. The Cerebot MX7ck also works fine with the package. Note that in order to be accessed with the MPIDE you need to short jumper JP11, set the switch to ON, and connect it to the PC through the UART (not the DEBUG) usb port. If you don't have external power then make sure to also set the power jumper to UART (as opposite to the default position DBG). TI LAUNCHPAD (MSP430) BOARDS: Using the Energia IDE ( the adio.pde and adioe.pde can be compiled for the MSP430G2553 and MSP430G2452 (the G2231 does not have enough memory). The adioes.pde sketch can be compiled for the FR5739. Note however that no real testing has been performed on these platforms though. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING THE IDE (to be done only once): A step by step driver installation can be found at: and there is no need to duplicate it here. It is a good idea to go trought all the 9 steps, although after you have installed the drivers, maybe the shield library, and verified that the IDE can communicate with the Arduino, you can already start using this package. INSTALLING THE ADAFRUIT MOTOR SHIELD LIBRARY (to be done only once): If you want to use this package with the ADAFRUIT motor shield, (either version 1: or version 2: ), you need to download and install the respective adafruit motor shield library (follow instructions given in the above sites, which amount to download a zip file and unzip it into the arduino-1.X/libraries folder. As better explained in the next step, this you will also need to upload eiter the motor_v1.pde or the motor_v2.pde sketch on the board. NOTE that if you don't have the adafruit motor shield and you don't plan to use it, you might also SKIP THIS STEP. Also note that the "official" Arduino (not Adafruit) motor shield: ( does not require any additional library, works fine with the chipkit32 boards, and can be used with this package right away. Therefore if you plan to use the official motor shield then you can safely skip this step. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPLOAD ADIOES.PDE TO THE ARDUINO BOARD (to be done only once): The adioes.pde sketch is the "server" program that will continuously run on the microcontroller board. It listens for MATLAB commands arriving from the serial port, executes the commands, and, if needed, returns a result. The following instructions are needed to upload the adioes.pde file into the controller's flash memory. As long as no other file is uploaded later, this step does not need to be repeated anymore, and the package can be used as soon as the board is connected to the computer. Note that if you want to use the adafruit shield library then you need to both install the appropriate library (see previous step) and upload the the appropriate sketch (either motor_v1.pde or motor_v2.pde) instead of the adioes.pde sketch. From the Arduino IDE, go to File > Open, locate the file adioes.pde, (in the ArduinoIO/pde/adioes folder) and open it. If a dialog appears asking for the permission to create a sketch folder and move the file, press OK (this will create an adioes folder and move the adioes.pde file inside it). Connect the Arduino, make sure that the right board and serial port are selected in the IDE, (Tools/Board and Tool/Serial Port) then select File -> Upload to I/O Board and wait for the "Done Uploading" message. At this point the adioes.pde file is uploaded and you can close the IDE, which is not needed anymore for the purpose of this package. Actually closing the IDE is suggested, so you can be sure that the serial connection to the arduino board is not taken by the IDE when matlab needs to use it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKAGE INSTALLATION (to be done only once): When installing the Arduino IO package on your operating system it is important that users have the right to access the serial port and modify the pathdef.m file. ON LINUX: --------- To make sure that the pathdef.m file is writable, issue a command like this: sudo chmod 777 usr/local/matlab/R2012a/toolbox/local/pathdef.m (modify the path above according to where MATLAB is installed). Also, still on Linux, create a symbolic link as follows: sudo ln -s /dev/ttyACM0 /dev/ttyS101 and make sure it is accessible by any user: sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyS101 Forgetting this last step might lead to a serial port which is unaccessible by a normal user (therefore being grayed-out in the IDE). Then from MATLAB, launch the "install_arduino" command, this will simply add the relevant ArduinoIO folders to the matlab path and save the path. ON WINDOWS: ----------- Run MATLAB as administrator (just one time for the purpose of installing the package) by right-clicking on the MATLAB icon and selecting "Run as Administrator". This will allow the updated path to be saved. Then from MATLAB, launch the "install_arduino" command, this will simply add the relevant ArduinoIO folders to the matlab path and save the path. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPICAL USAGE: Make sure the board is connected to the computer via USB port, make sure you know which serial port the Arduino is connected to (this is the same port found at the end of the drivers installation step), and finally, make sure that the port is not used by the IDE (in other words, the IDE must be closed or disconnected), so that MATLAB can use the serial connection. From MATLAB, launch the command a=arduino('port') where 'port' is the COM port to which the Arduino is connected to, e.g. 'COM5' or 'COM8' on Windows, or '/dev/ttyS101' on Unix (use '/dev/ttyUSB0' for Arduino versions prior to Uno) or 'DEMO' (see below for the DEMO mode) and make sure the function terminates successfully. Then use the commands a.pinMode, a.digitalRead, a.digitalWrite, a.analogRead, and a.analogWrite, to respectively change the mode (input/output) of each pin, perform digital input, digital output, analog input, and analog output. Consult the help of the files to get more information about their usage. If you also have a servo motor, then you can use commands such as a.servoAttach, a.servoStatus, a.servoWrite, a.servoRead, and a.servoDetach to respectively attach a servo to a PWM pin, get its status (attached/detached) move it to a certain angle, and read its position. NOTE that since August 2012 (ver 3.8) the servos are no longer referred by the numbers 1 and 2 but instead by the PWM pin number to which they are attached (e.g. a.servoRead(9) reads the servo attached to pin #9). For encoders you can use the commands a.encoderAttach, a.encoderStatus, a.encoderRead, a.encoderReset and a.encoderDetach to respectively attach an encoder to 2 interrupt pins (2,3 on the Uno, 2,3,21,20,19,18 on the Mega) get its status (attached/detached), read and reset its position, and detach it when you are done. The positive rotation directions for encoders is assumed to be clockwise, and the range goes from -32768 to +32767, if you need a bigger range all you have to do is to go in the Encoder structure typedef line of the sketch file and replace the third field, "int pos;" with "long int pos;". There is a couple of other functions such as a.serial (returning the name of the serial port), a.flush (flushing the input side of the PC's serial port) and a.roundTrip, which sends a value to the arduino and back. Finally, use a.delete to delete the arduino object, (and free up the serial port) when the session is over. Have a look below for an example. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE: % connect the board a=arduino('COM5') % specify pin mode for pins 4, 13 and 5 pinMode(a,4,'input'); pinMode(a,13,'output'); pinMode(a,5,'output'); % read digital input from pin 4 dv=digitalRead(a,4); % output the digital value (0 or 1) to pin 13 digitalWrite(a,13,dv); % read analog input from analog pin 5 (physically != from digital pin 5) av=analogRead(a,5); % normalize av from 0:1023 to 0:254 av=(av/1023)*254; % ouptput value on digital (pwm) pin 5 (again, different from digital pin 5) analogWrite(a,5,round(av)) % change reference voltage for analog pins to external analogReference(a,'external'); % change it back to default analogReference(a,'default'); % gets the name of the serial port to which the arduino is connected to serial(a) % flushes the PC's serial input buffer (just in case) flush(a); % sends number 42 to the arduino and back (to see if it's still there) roundTrip(a,42) % attach servo on pin #9 servoAttach(a,9); % return the status of all servos servoStatus(a); % rotates servo on pin #9 to 100 degrees servoWrite(a,9,100); % reads angle from servo on pin #9 val=servoRead(a,9) % detach servo from pin #9 servoDetach(a,9); % attach encoder #0 on pins 3 (pin A) and 2 (pin B) encoderAttach(a,0,3,2) % read the encoder position encoderRead(a,0) % attach encoder #2 on pins 18 (pin A) and 21 (pin B) encoderAttach(a,2,18,21) % sets debouncing delay to 17 (~1.7ms) for encoder #2 encoderDebounce(a,2,17) % read position or encoder #2 encoderRead(a,2) % reset position of encoder #2 encoderReset(a,2) % get status of all three encoders encoderStatus(a); % detach encoder #0 encoderDetach(a,0); % close session delete(a) NOTE: Should for any reason the serial port not be relaesed after you clear the arduino object, you can use the following commands to force the release ot the serial connection: % delete MATLAB serial connection on COM3 delete(instrfind({'Port'},{'COM3'})); % delete all MATLAB serial connections delete(instrfind('Type', 'serial')); Also note that due to MATLAB OO naming conventions, the first argument can be passed also before any function (method) name, therefore a typical function such as: function(a,arg2,arg3,...) can also be called like this: a.function(arg2,arg3,...) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROVIDED SKETCHES: The following sketches are provided with the package: -) adio.pde : analog and digital IO, plus basic serial commands only -) adioe.pde : adio.pde + encoders support -) adioes.pde : adioe.pde + servo support -) motor_v1.pde : adioes.pde + afmotor v1 shield -) motor_v2.pde : adioes.pde + afmotor v2 shield In most cases the adioes.pde will cover all you need. The last two sketches are needed for the Adafruit Motor Shield (version 1 and 2 respectively). The first 2 sketches are mostly provided in case your specific platform does not support servos or encoders and as a better (simpler) starting point for people that want to customize a sketch for their own purposes. In the latter case, the "roundtrip" function is probably the easiest place to get started to introduce custom code. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMO MODE: Whenever 'DEMO' is specified as argument of the arduino function, i.e. a=arduino('DEMO') then a virtual connection is opened that does not involve any hardware. This allows trying the package without actually having an arduino board. In this mode, all the "read" functions return random values according to their output range. Also, delays are used internally so that the execution time of any function approximately matches the average execution time that can be observed when the actual board is connected. Note that the same behavior (random output values) occurs when the sketch running on the board does not support the specific operation (e.g. a servo read is issued but the sketch running on the board, say adio.pde) does not support servos. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLINK CHALLENGE: The "blink_challenge" is an example application that switches the leds on and off with variable frequency and with mode changed by pressing a switch button Have a look at the m file for more info, (type help blink_challenge from the command line) and launch blink_challenge to execute the demo. NOTE that running this applicaton only makes sense if the Arduino board is connected to an appropriate circuit where digital pins 9 to 13 are configured as outputs and connected to leds, digital pin #2 is configured as input and connected to a button that pulls the voltage down when pressed, and analog pin #2 is connected to a potentiometer. Have a look at the schematics in the blink_challenge_sch.mdl file, in the examples folder. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- USING THE ADAFRUIT MOTOR SHIELD: The adafruit motor shield is a shield (with an associate library) to control dc and stepper motors. The Arduino IO package allows using the adafruit motor shield library primitives (in addition to the other basic IO and servo functions described above) directly from MATLAB. Details on the shield are here, version 1: and version 2: Make sure you follow the instructions on installing the required library (also see the "Installing the motor shield library" section above). If you were using the adioes.pde sketch then you need to upload either the motor_v1.pde (for versions 1.x of the shield) or motor_v2.pde (for the version 2 of the shield) sketch on the board, in order to use the motor shield related instructions. Both sketches NEED the related adafruit motor shield LIBRARY (see related installation step above) to work, regardless on whether the motor shield is mounted on top of the arduino or not. Both motor sketches are the most comprehensive ones, that is you can use them also for basic I/O, servos, encoders and so on, even when the motor shield is not mounted on the arduino. However, note that the adafruit motor shield V1 uses a lot of the pins, (see the manual) so if you use both analog and digital IO and motor instructions they will likely INTERFERE WITH EACH OTHER, (especially for Version 1 of the library and shield). Therefore the best approach is using EITHER the IO instructions OR the motor shield instructions and delete and reinstantiate the arduino object everytime one needs to switch from one set of instructions to the other. DO NOT HOT SWAP SHIELDS. Before mounting the motor shield delete the arduino object from the workspace, disconnect, then mount the motor shield on top of the arduino, reconnect, upload motor.pde to the board, and finally, from MATLAB, create a new arduino object. ADAFRUIT MOTOR SHIELD EXAMPLE: % connect the board a=arduino('COM5') % sets speed of motor 4 as 200/255 motorSpeed(a,4,200) % prints the speed of all motors motorSpeed(a); % runs motor 1 forward motorRun(a,4,'forward'); % runs motor 3 backward motorRun(a,4,'backward'); % release motor 1 motorRun(a,4,'release'); % sets speed of stepper 1 as 10 rpm stepperSpeed(a,1,10) % prints the speed of stepper 1 stepperSpeed(a,1); % rotates stepper 1 forward of 100 steps in interleave mode stepperStep(a,1,'forward','double',100); % rotates stepper 1 backward of 50 steps in single mode stepperStep(a,1,'backward','single',50); % releases stepper 1 stepperStep(a,1,'release'); % close session delete(a) Note that all the other functions related to pins analog and digital IO as well as to servos, can still be used as described in the previous example above. Also note that the stepper instructions are blocking, that is the board cannot start to execute a new instruction until the execution of the previous stepper command has come to completion (which might take several seconds if the number of required steps is high). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMULINK LIBRARY Since version 3.0 this package also comes with a Simulink library that has blocks for Analog and Digital IO, as well as Servo Read and Write, Motor, and Stepper control. Type "arduino_io_lib" to open the library. The setup block can either use a pre existing arduino object in the workspace, or it can automatically instantiate a temporary arduino object before the simulation. In the latter case the object gets automatically deleted after the simulation is over. You have to use this block (the setup block) in order to use the other ones, and you have to use a different setup block for each different arduino variable that you use in the simulation. Examples that illustrate how to use analog IO blocks are the files "blink_challenge_sim.mdl" and "blink_challenge_sf.mdl", which are the simulink and stateflow implementation of the blink challenge demo described above in this readme file. The file ... ...


