
上传日期:2014-11-20 15:49:41
上 传 者一名程序员
说明:  图像融合的各种Q值评价指标的代码,包括Q0,Qe,Qw,Qabf,vif等,非常适合图像融合的质量评价
(Q values ​ ​ of various uation code image fusion, including Q0, Qe, Qw, Qabf, vif, etc., is very suitable for quality uation of image fusion)

evalute (0, 2014-11-11)
evalute\efq.m (597, 2014-11-05)
evalute\FQA.m (330, 2014-11-20)
evalute\fqiQ.m (1104, 2014-11-05)
evalute\img_qi.m (4384, 2014-11-03)
evalute\mutual_inf.m (785, 2014-05-18)
evalute\Q0w.m (636, 2012-01-09)
evalute\QABF.m (3022, 2014-11-05)
evalute\rang_block.m (541, 2012-01-09)
evalute\vif (0, 2014-11-06)
evalute\vif\FR_VIF.m (739, 2012-03-20)
evalute\vif\FR_VIF_test.m (111, 2014-11-03)
evalute\vif\ind2wtree.m (357, 2011-11-29)
evalute\vif\refparams_vecgsm.m (1417, 2011-11-29)
evalute\vif\vifsub_est_m.m (2292, 2014-11-06)
evalute\vif\vifvec.m (5621, 2014-11-06)
evalute\wfq.m (1158, 2014-11-05)

% -----------COPYRIGHT NOTICE STARTS WITH THIS LINE------------ % Copyright (c) 2005 The University of Texas at Austin % All rights reserved. % % Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, % modify, and distribute this code (the source files) and its documentation for % any purpose, provided that the copyright notice in its entirety appear in all copies of this code, and the % original source of this code, Laboratory for Image and Video Engineering (LIVE, http://live.ece.utexas.edu) % at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin, % http://www.utexas.edu), is acknowledged in any publication that reports research using this code. The research % is to be cited in the bibliography as: % % H. R. Sheikh and A. C. Bovik, "Image Information and Visual Quality", IEEE Transactions on % Image Processing, (to appear). % % IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, % OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS DATABASE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS % AT AUSTIN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. % % THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED % WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE DATABASE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, % AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. % % -----------COPYRIGHT NOTICE ENDS WITH THIS LINE------------ This software release consists of an implementation of the algorithm described in the paper: H. R. Sheikh and A. C. Bovik, "Image Information and Visual Quality"., IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (to appear). Download manuscript draft from http://live.ece.utexas.edu in the Publications link. It consists of the following files: readme.txt: this file vifvec.m: main function, call this to evaluate image quality support .m files: ind2wtree.m, refparams_vecgsm.m, vifsub_est_M.m Prerequisites: The Steerable Pyramid toolbox. Available at http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~lcv/software.html Input : (1) img1: The reference image as a matrix (2) img2: The distorted image (order is important) Output: (1) VIF the visual information fidelity measure between the two images Default Usage: Given 2 test images img1 and img2, whose dynamic range is 0-255 vif = vifvec(img1, img2); Advanced Usage: Users may want to modify the parameters in the code. (1) Modify sigma_nsq to find tune for your image dataset. (2) MxM is the block size that denotes the size of a vector used in the GSM model. (3) subbands included in the computation Please read the paper for more details on interpretation of the results. Email comments and bug reports to hamid.sheikh@ieee.org


