3ds obj WRL .wrl wrl o 

开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2007-04-10 19:47:28
上 传 者linyuweiwei
说明:  自己写的可以直接查看并控制多种模型的接口,如3ds,nff,wrl,obj,
(himself wrote the check and can directly control a variety of interface models, such as 3ds, nff, wrl. obj, etc.)

FLIPOBJ\flipobj.001 (3900, 1999-04-27)
FLIPOBJ\FLIPOBJ.APS (18416, 2004-12-13)
FLIPOBJ\FLIPOBJ.CPP (11364, 2005-10-25)
FLIPOBJ\FLIPOBJ.DSP (3413, 2005-04-06)
FLIPOBJ\FLIPOBJ.DSW (539, 2005-04-06)
FLIPOBJ\FLIPOBJ.EXE (970752, 2004-12-22)
FLIPOBJ\FLIPOBJ.ncb (50176, 2005-10-25)
FLIPOBJ\FLIPOBJ.OPT (53760, 2005-10-25)
FLIPOBJ\flipobj.plg (929, 2005-10-25)
FLIPOBJ\FLIPOBJ.RC (2718, 1999-04-27)
FLIPOBJ\RESOURCE.H (1241, 1999-04-27)
FLIPOBJ\WTK.REG (656, 1999-04-27)
FLIPOBJ\WTKCODES (86, 1999-04-27)
FLIPOBJ\Debug (0, 2007-04-02)
FLIPOBJ (0, 2007-04-02)

demo/flipobj/Readme.Txt ----------------------- Flip Object Demo ---------------- - This is a demonstration of utilizing Windows interface elements in the WorldToolKit window. - A pop-down menu with several commands that interface with WTK. - The new mouse trackball update function is used for manipulating the object. (The trackball update function is documented in the WorldToolKit documentation). To recompile the demo --------------------- This directory has a pre-compiled executable called flipobj.exe, with an associated icon in the WTK Program Folder. However if you wish to recompile the demo, we have provided a makefile to do so. flipobj.dsw is for use on Visual C++ 5.0 environment. It can be converted into a makefile that can be read by Visual C++ 4.2. Stereo Display -------------- - This demo has two modes of stereo display built in as command line options. - For CrystalEyes stereo use the -c option. FlipObj -c xyz.nff - For Interlaced stereo use the -s option. FlipObj -s xyz.nff (Intergraph only) File Menu --------- - Open: Opens a Windows File Open common dialog box. If a valid file is selected it is loaded into WTK as a geometry node, replacing the existing one in the universe. - Reset: Reloads the last object that was specified and resets the trackball mouse update function. - Display Info: Toggles display of model name, number of polygons, and frame rate in the title area of the window. - About: Displays a dialog that describes the application. - Exit: Quits the application. Settings Menu ------------- - Bounding Box: Toggles the object's bounding box. - Background Color: Opens a Windows Color common dialog box. If a valid color is selected it is used to set the universe background color. - Wireframe: Sets the rendering mode to wireframe. - Shaded: Sets the rendering mode to shaded. - Shaded/Textured: Sets the rendering mode to shaded and textured. KEYS ---- q - Quits the simulation Up/Down - Adjust Y-blank for CrystalEyes Right/Left - Adjust viewpoint parallax


