
上传日期:2014-12-04 20:13:51
上 传 者toshyams
说明:  tcl partial reconfig synthesis code

led_shift_count (0, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl (0, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl\ooc_impl.tcl (8338, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl\impl.tcl (17421, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl\log.tcl (8009, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl\hd_floorplan_utils.tcl (16817, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl\synth_utils.tcl (7353, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl\run.tcl (3074, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl\pr_impl.tcl (15356, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl\eco_utils.tcl (4817, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl\design_utils.tcl (26779, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl\synth.tcl (6214, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl\impl_utils.tcl (27621, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Tcl\step.tcl (4998, 2014-10-02)
led_shift_count\Bitstreams (0, 2013-10-12)
led_shift_count\Implement (0, 2013-10-12)
led_shift_count\Implement\Config_shift_left_count_down (0, 2013-10-12)
led_shift_count\Implement\Config_shift_right_count_up (0, 2013-10-12)
led_shift_count\Sources (0, 2013-09-20)
led_shift_count\Sources\xdc (0, 2014-04-07)
led_shift_count\Sources\xdc\top_io.xdc (3224, 2014-03-08)
led_shift_count\Sources\xdc\top.xdc (4254, 2013-10-11)
led_shift_count\Sources\xdc\pblocks.xdc (2236, 2014-03-12)
led_shift_count\Sources\hdl (0, 2013-09-20)
led_shift_count\Sources\hdl\count_up (0, 2013-09-20)
led_shift_count\Sources\hdl\count_up\count_up.v (1601, 2013-06-04)
led_shift_count\Sources\hdl\top (0, 2013-09-20)
led_shift_count\Sources\hdl\top\top.v (5281, 2013-06-07)
led_shift_count\Sources\hdl\top\clocks.v (3969, 2013-05-31)
led_shift_count\Sources\hdl\shift_right (0, 2013-10-11)
led_shift_count\Sources\hdl\shift_right\shift_right.v (26599, 2013-10-11)
led_shift_count\Sources\hdl\shift_left (0, 2013-10-11)
led_shift_count\Sources\hdl\shift_left\shift_left.v (15982, 2013-10-11)
led_shift_count\Sources\hdl\count_down (0, 2013-09-20)
led_shift_count\Sources\hdl\count_down\count_down.v (1605, 2013-06-04)
led_shift_count\Checkpoint (0, 2013-10-12)
led_shift_count\design.tcl (5862, 2014-03-08)
led_shift_count\Synth (0, 2013-10-16)
... ...

************************************************************************* ____ ____ / /\/ / /___/ \ / \ \ \/ Copyright 2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. \ \ This file contains confidential and proprietary / / information of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. /___/ /\ and international copyright and other intellectual \ \ / \ property laws. \___\/\___\ ************************************************************************* Vendor: Xilinx Current readme.txt Version: 1.3 Date Last Modified: 01OCT2014 Date Created: 01OCT2013 Associated Filename: UG947 Associated Document: Partial Reconfiguration Tutorial for Vivado Supported Device(s): all 7 series FPGAs Target Device as delivered: 7K325TFFG900-2 ************************************************************************* Disclaimer: This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same. Critical Applications: Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws and regulations governing limitations on product liability. THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. ************************************************************************* This readme file contains these sections: 1. REVISION HISTORY 2. OVERVIEW 3. SOFTWARE TOOLS AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 4. DESIGN FILE HIERARCHY 5. INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 6. OTHER INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) 7. SUPPORT 1. REVISION HISTORY Readme Date Version Revision Description ========================================================================= 11OCT2013 1.0 Initial Xilinx release 15DEC2013 1.1 Update for 2013.4 07MAR2014 1.2 Update for 2014.1 01OCT2014 1.3 Update Tcl directory for 2014.3 ========================================================================= 2. OVERVIEW This readme describes how to use the files that come with UG947, the Partial Reconfiguration Tutorial for Vivado. This design targets the KC705 demonstration platform and is used to highlight the software flow for Partial Reconfiguration. 3. SOFTWARE TOOLS AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS This tutorial requires Xilinx Vivado 2014.1 or newer. A Partial Reconfiguration license is required to run the implementation flow. 4. DESIGN FILE HIERARCHY The directory structure underneath this top-level folder is described below: \Bitstreams | This folder is empty and will be the target location for bitstream generation. | \Implement | This folder is the target location for checkpoints and reports for each of | of the design configurations. Two subfolders are present, ready for | implementation results. | +----- \Config_shift_right_count_up | This is the location for the first configuration results. | +----- \Config_shift_left_count_down | This is the location for the second configuration results. | \Sources | +----- \hdl | Verilog source code is located within these folders. There are folders | for static logic (top) and each reconfigurable module variant | | +--\count_down | +--\count_up | +--\shift_left | +--\shift_right | +--\top | +----- \xdc | This folder contains the design constraint files. | top.xdc is the complete constraint file for automatic scripted processing | top_io.xdc contains pinout and clocking constraints | pblocks.xdc contains the PR floorplan | top_io.xdc + pblocks.xdc = top.xdc | \Synth | This folder contains empty folders that will receive the post-synthesis | checkpoints for all the modules of the design. | +----- \count_down +----- \count_up +----- \shift_left +----- \shift_right +----- \Static | \Tcl | This folder contains all the lower-level Tcl scripts invoked by the Tcl | scripts at the top level. The readme.txt is located here. Any | modifications to accommodate user designs should be done to design.tcl or | design_complete.tcl in the top level, not with these scripts here. 5. INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Follow the instructions provided in UG947 to run the tutorial. To compile a full design, open the Tcl Shell from Vivado 2013.3 or newer, navigate to this folder, and type the following on the command line: source design_complete.tcl -notrace This will compile the entire design, from RTL to bitstreams. In the tutorial itself, design.tcl is used instead. This version only runs synthesis and leaves the Tcl Shell open for further actions, otherwise the scripts are identical. 6. OTHER INFORMATION For more information on Partial Reconfiguration in Vivado, please consult UG909. 7. SUPPORT To obtain technical support for this reference design, go to to locate answers to known issues in the Xilinx Answers Database or to create a WebCase.


