
上传日期:2014-12-09 14:21:06
上 传 者t0903
说明:  兼容Swing的基于MVC体系结构图形组件,具有以下特点:基于Swing的扩展,简单、高效的设计,时间效率高,强大的布局算法支持
( Compatible Swing MVC architecture based graphical components, has the following characteristics: Swing-based expansion, simple and efficient design, high time efficiency, powerful layout algorithm support)

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JGraph - The JFC/Swing Graph Component (c)2001-2007 A component to display and edit graphs (networks) with Java by Gaudenz Alder TABLE OF CONTENTS ***************** 1. Disclaimer 2. Installation 2.1 Requirements 2.2 Compiling 3. What is it? 3.1 Purpose 3.2 Features 3.3 History 4. Overview 4.1 Implementation 4.2 Architecture 5. Getting Help 5.1 Documentation 5.2 Support 6. Obtaining JGraph 6.1 Binaries 6.2 Source Code 7. Misc 7.1 Tips and tricks 7.2 Showcase 8. License 9. Contact Email 1. Disclaimer ------------- Please read the license under which your version of JGraph is licensed for any warranty limitation. 2. Installation --------------- 2.1 Requirements ---------------- o JGraph requires a Java 1.4 or later compatible virtual machine for your operating system. o Apache Ant. The most recent version of Java can be obtained from http://java.sun.com/j2se/ Compiling JGraph requires Ant. To obtain Ant go to http://ant.apache.org/ and select Binary Distributions of the left hand side navigation. Select the nearest mirror then download the compressed file appropriate for your platform (.zip for Windows and .tar.gz for UNIX). Then decompress the file into your selected directory path for the Ant binaries. 2.2 Compiling ------------- The project has the following directory structure: src/ Source root examples/ Examples root build/ Build environment dist-*/ Distributables The compilation of JGraph requires Ant and the build.xml file. The same build file is used for all distributions. However, the binary and source distribution are only compatible with certain versions of Java. o On Unix, type the following depending on the location of Java and Ant: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_12 export ANT_HOME=/usr/ant/ant-1.6.2 export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin/ o On Windows, type the following depending on the location of Java and Ant: set JAVA_HOME=c:\j2sdk1.4.1_12 set ANT_HOME=c:\ant-1.6.2 set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin The build.xml file offers the following targets: - all (*) --> Clean up and produce all distributions - apidoc --> Generate the API specification (javadoc) - build --> Run all tasks to completely populate the build directory - clean --> Delete all generated files and directories - compile --> Prepare (migrate) and compile the source tree - prepare --> Copy source code to build directory - dist --> Produce fresh distributions - distclean --> Clean up the distribution files only - doc --> Generate all documentation - init --> Initialize the build; create directories, call tstamp - jar --> Build all Java archives (JARs) - make-example --> Compile the example tree - example --> Run the main example UI (*) all is the default target. Target names may be appended to the above Java commands. For example, to compile and run the example UI type the following: ant example 3. What is it? -------------- The intention of this project is to provide a freely available and fully Swing compliant implementation of a graph component. 3.1 Purpose ----------- With the JGraph zoomable component, you can display objects and relations (networks) in any Swing UI. JGraph can also be used on the server-side, for example to read a GXL graph, apply a custom layout algorithm, and return the result as an SVG image. 3.2 Features ------------ o Edge Editing: Add/Remove/Edit Points; Connect, Disconnect; Labels o Moving/Sizing: Transaction-Based, with Live-Preview o Selection: Single-Cell and Marquee Selection. o Zoom: Arbitrary Zoom; Uses JavaTM 2D o Layering: View-Dependent Inter- and Intracell Layering o Grouping: Children Selectable; Uses Tree-Interface o Grid:Customizable Size, Color, Appearance o In-Place Editing: Direct Text Editing for all Cells o View Attributes: Cells have Separate Attributes for each attached View o Ports: Multiple Connection Points for each Cell o Handles: Flexible Interface for Cell-Modifications o Drag and Drop: Between JGraphs, JVMs and other applications/OS o Clipboard: Supports Multiple Transfer Formats o Command History: Multi-View; for all available Operations o Look-and-Feel: All Swing Pluggable Look-and-Feels o Routing: Customizable Routing with default algorithms o Visibility: Hide edges, vertices and groups o Attribute-Split: Per attribute control of view-only attributes o Clustering: Folding/Unfolding of groups into vertices o Ant-based: Ant-based build environment o Precision: Double precision coordinates o Labels: Draws labels along edges 4. Overview ----------- 4.1 Implementation ------------------ The following design principles guided the implementation of JGraph: o Full Swing Compatibility o Clear & Efficient Design o Short Download Time o 100 % Pure JavaTM 4.2 Architecture ---------------- No need to learn another complex product! JGraph integrates nicely into the Swing component class hierarchy, because it is based on the Swing MVC pattern. The API and implementation complies with the JavaTM Code Conventions. All classes in JGraph have their equivalents in Swing, and all features are fully Swing compatible. 5. Getting Help --------------- The FAQ is at http://www.jgraph.com/faq.html 5.1 Documentation ----------------- The API specification is included in this distribution and also available at http://api.jgraph.com/. For additional information, updates, binaries and source code see the Home Page of JGraph at http://www.jgraph.com/ A complete and up to date User Manual is available at http://www.jgraph.com/downloads.html. The User Manual should be the next document you read after this one. 5.2 Support ----------- Support is available through the Support section of the JGraph web site at http://www.jgraph.com/support.html. On this page the process of finding help is explained. Please note that no free support is provided via email. A number of examples are available in the examples package of the JGraph download. 6. Obtaining JGraph ------------------- The Home Page of JGraph can be found at http://www.jgraph.com/ 6.1 Binaries ------------ The Binaries of JGraph are distributed on http://www.jgraph.com/downloads.html 6.2 Source code --------------- The sources of JGraph are placed under the LGPL and a commercially oriented license, and the LGPL version is available via anonymous CVS or as zip files via the download link at http://www.jgraph.com/downloads.html. 7. Misc ------- 7.1 Tips and Tricks ------------------- To create multiline labels you can use HTML. Here is an example: first line
second line The following key bindings are supported by default: o Alt-Drag: Force marquee selection o Shift-Select: Extend selection o Control-Select: Toggle selection o Control-Drag: Clones selection o Shift-Drag: Constrained drag To add and remove bends (edge points) you can press the right mouse button while holding down the Shift key. To use the quadratic and bezier line style the edge must have 1 and 2 intermediate points respectively. 7.2 Showcase ------------ Please send screenshots to info (at) jgraph (dot) com if you would like to see your application on the JGraph web site. 7.3 Other JGraph packages ------------------------- JGraph Layout Pro is a package of commercial-grade layout routines supporting the full range of JGraph features. Layout Pro comes with example applications that demonstrating features such as auto-layout, collapsing/expanding of grouped cells, graph morphing and selective layouting of sub-graphs. JGraphpad is a professional implementation of a complete JGraph application framework. It provides a flexible document model and XML-configurable user interface with pluggable actions, tools and custom components. It also provides features such as a palette (library), overview panel (birds-eye view), rich-text data in cells, movable ports, expanding/collapsing, drag and drop and standard XML encoding i/o in a fully-plugable framework architecture. mxGraph is a digramming library that provides all of the graph features you expect natively in a web browser. Try it out at http://www.mxgraph.com 8. License ---------- For legal and licensing issues, please read the LICENSE file. All source and binaries in this package remain copyrighted to Gaudenz Alder. 9. Contact Email ---------------- Sales sales (at) jgraph (dot) com For more information please visit http://www.jgraph.com/ What's Next? ------------ Download and read the JGraph User Manual from http://www.jgraph.com/downloads.html.


