
上传日期:2007-04-17 15:56:05
上 传 者chenyw
说明:  这是利用图像隐藏信息的代码,f5算法,很好!
(This is the image of the code hidden information, f5 algorithm, very good!)

f5\bin.noise (213, 1999-12-16)
f5\crypt\F5Random.class (665, 2001-06-21)
f5\crypt\F5Random.java (697, 2001-06-21)
f5\crypt\Permutation.class (516, 2000-06-13)
f5\crypt\Permutation.java (913, 2000-06-13)
f5\crypt (0, 2007-03-17)
f5\d (94, 2000-06-06)
f5\d.bat (63, 1999-12-28)
f5\e (109, 2001-11-06)
f5\e.bat (105, 2001-11-06)
f5\Embed.class (4685, 2001-11-06)
f5\Embed.java (5203, 2001-11-06)
f5\Extract.class (4335, 2002-07-03)
f5\Extract.java (6331, 2002-07-03)
f5\google.txt (3775, 2007-04-17)
f5\gpl.txt (18347, 1999-07-15)
f5\image\Bmp.class (2609, 2000-06-13)
f5\image\Bmp.java (2545, 2000-05-06)
f5\image (0, 2007-03-17)
f5\james\DCT.class (4867, 2002-07-05)
f5\james\Huffman.class (7345, 2002-07-05)
f5\james\Jpeg.java (4758, 2000-05-06)
f5\james\JpegEncoder.class (10672, 2002-07-05)
f5\james\JpegEncoder.java (60541, 2002-07-05)
f5\james\JpegInfo.class (3719, 2002-07-05)
f5\james\license.txt (1466, 1999-09-09)
f5\james\version.txt (383, 1998-05-13)
f5\james (0, 2007-03-17)
f5\java\security\SecureRandomSpi.class (341, 2000-04-29)
f5\java\security (0, 2007-03-17)
f5\java (0, 2007-03-17)
f5\license.txt (323, 1999-12-21)
f5\lopez.bmp (188706, 1999-12-28)
f5\Makefile (373, 2000-06-06)
f5\ms_d.bat (64, 1999-12-28)
f5\ms_e.bat (106, 2001-11-06)
f5\ortega\HuffmanDecode.class (11711, 2000-06-13)
f5\ortega\HuffmanDecode.java (20880, 1999-12-16)
f5\ortega\HuffTable.class (2353, 2000-06-13)
... ...

Steganography Software F5 This package is meant to demonstrate a new steganographic algorithm. It is a very preliminary version to embed files into true colour BMP, GIF, or JPEG images. To have secure steganography choose a good passphrase. It is also recommended to scan a new carrier image in true colour BMP format for every new steganographic message. Delete the carrier BMP after you created the lossy compressed steganogram. The attacks presented on the third Workshop on Information Hiding are not successful with F5. http://wwwrn.inf.tu-dresden.de/~westfeld/attacks.html To run this software you need a Java runtime environment. There are two shell scripts to demonstrate what you can do with this software: e (stands for encrypt) This is the embedding script merging the two files lopez.bmp and bin.noise to one single file lopez.jpg. This JPEG image is the data to delivered. The receiver of this file can extract the hidden message using the second script d (stands for decrypt) which extracts a file output.txt from lopez.jpg. Output.txt and bin.noise are equal. To run this software from a DOS prompt you have e.bat and d.bat. To run it with Microsoft's c:\windows\jview.exe you have ms_e.bat and ms_d.bat. I make no warranty about the usability of this code. It is for educational purposes and should be regarded as such. Best regards, Andreas Westfeld westfeld@inf.tu-dresden.de http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/~aw4


