上传日期:2007-04-21 19:14:04
上 传 者wlllion888
说明:  空时编码仿真源码,从专业网站上搜索的,希望对大家有用
(space-time simulation source code, from a professional web site search, I hope it may be useful to)

Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\ (3754, 2004-03-05)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\ (22808, 2004-05-28)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\ (14488, 2004-05-28)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\ (7145, 2004-03-05)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\ (13635, 2004-06-05)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\ (201477, 2004-06-05)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\ (31087, 2004-06-05)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\CH2\capacity_plot_main.m (1638, 2004-03-04)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\CH2\capacity_rician.m (1140, 2004-03-04)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\CH2\capacity_water.m (1637, 2004-03-04)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\CH2\getmu.m (212, 2004-01-11)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\CH2\capacity_plot.m (1264, 2004-03-04)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序\CH2 (0, 2006-08-21)
Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems程序 (0, 2006-08-21)

This chapter contains sample programs for determining capacity. The reader is advised to go through the coding. The file "capacity_water.m" is for measuring the waterfilling capacity. It should be made to work with a file similar to "capacity_plot_main.m". The latter file deals with all the other capacity plots given in the book in Chapter 2. All programs are verified with MATLAB versions 6.0 and above with signal processing and communications toolboxes.


