
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2007-05-16 21:36:10
上 传 者喜欢猫的大狗
说明:  通过摄像头进行数字图像处理。演示了如何从视频流中提取帧的信息。里面的类可以单独使用。用于机器人的控制A demonstration of how to abstract one frame from a stream vedio. The class can be used alone.
(through the camera for digital image processing. Demonstration of how to extract video frame information. Inside the class can be used alone. Robot used for the control of A demonstration of how to abstract one frame from a stream vedio. The class can be used a lone.)

camlab (0, 2005-11-30)
camlab\bitmap.cpp (2937, 2005-12-01)
camlab\bitmap.h (918, 2005-11-29)
camlab\bitmap.o (1603, 2005-12-06)
camlab\camera.cpp (6433, 2005-12-05)
camlab\camera.h (1039, 2005-11-29)
camlab\camera.o (4393, 2005-12-06)
camlab\ (3111, 2005-12-05)
camlab\camlab.exe (51805, 2005-12-06)
camlab\camlab.layout (1186, 2005-12-06)
camlab\canny.cpp (6883, 2005-12-06)
camlab\canny.h (141, 2005-12-05)
camlab\canny.o (4310, 2005-12-06)
camlab\device.txt (3, 2005-12-01)
camlab\display.cpp (4303, 2005-12-01)
camlab\display.h (1995, 2005-11-29)
camlab\display.o (3030, 2005-12-06)
camlab\filters.cpp (20284, 2005-12-06)
camlab\filters.h (3565, 2005-12-06)
camlab\filters.o (9345, 2005-12-06)
camlab\input.cpp (5450, 2005-12-05)
camlab\input.h (1015, 2005-11-29)
camlab\input.o (3570, 2005-12-06)
camlab\main.cpp (3436, 2005-11-30)
camlab\main.h (1156, 2005-11-29)
camlab\main.o (2441, 2005-12-06)
camlab\ (1573, 2005-12-06)
camlab\process.cpp (6761, 2005-12-05)
camlab\process.h (1084, 2005-12-05)
camlab\process.o (6770, 2005-12-06)
camlab\types.h (1439, 2005-11-29)
camlab\vfwmod.h (136106, 2005-11-28)
camlab\window.cpp (3558, 2005-11-30)
camlab\window.h (1158, 2005-11-30)
camlab\window.o (1692, 2005-12-06)

You need to link with vfw32 Escape: Exit 'i' Toggle canny filter. This is the point of the program 'r' Save to a numbered bitmap file 'c' Configure camera 't' Pause camera 'g' Toggle fast capture 'f' Toggle FPS display 'd' Display difference frame 'q' Decrease threshold1 'w' Increase threshold1 'a' Decrease threshold2 's' Increase threshold2 'v' Enable debug filter chain 'b' Disable filters '1' Toggle gauss filter '2' Toggle median filter '3' Toggle sharpness filter '4' Toggle edgefast filter '5' Toggle laplace filter '6' Toggle sobel filter '7' Toggle emboss filter '8' Toggle threshold filter '9' Toggle erode filter '0' Toggle tracking filter 'e' Toggle edge reduction Device.txt Modify this file with the device number in case 0 does not work


