
上传日期:2007-05-26 22:26:15
上 传 者nwei
说明:  matlab平台开发的振动工具箱,进行振动中的数值计算
(platform for the development of the Matlab toolbox vibration, the vibration of numerical calculation)

._vtoolbox (82, 2006-06-12)
vtoolbox (0, 2006-06-12)
vtoolbox\#genss.m# (2, 2004-10-31)
vtoolbox\.DS_Store (14340, 2002-03-06)
vtoolbox\Contents.m (4511, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\e8_2_1.con (502, 1993-03-03)
vtoolbox\e8_2_1.txt (2552, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\p8_12.m (680, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\p8_3_10.con (2390, 1993-03-03)
vtoolbox\sdofcf.m (3959, 2004-10-05)
vtoolbox\sdofcf.m~ (3957, 2004-10-05)
vtoolbox\simpletruss.con (464, 2004-08-09)
vtoolbox\simpletruss.eqn (872, 2004-08-09)
vtoolbox\simpletruss.out (384, 2004-08-09)
vtoolbox\ssbeam.con (2760, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\ssbeam.eqn (1568, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\ssbeam.m (702, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\ssbeam.m~ (700, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\ssbeam.out (720, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\truss1.con (398, 1993-03-03)
vtoolbox\truss1.eqn (258, 1993-03-03)
vtoolbox\truss1.out (204, 1993-03-03)
vtoolbox\truss2.con (526, 1993-03-03)
vtoolbox\truss2.eqn (2778, 1993-03-03)
vtoolbox\truss2.out (1196, 1993-03-03)
vtoolbox\vtb.m (842, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\vtb1.m (684, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\vtb10.m (249, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\vtb10_1.m (3570, 2003-07-17)
vtoolbox\vtb10_1.m~ (3568, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\vtb10_ex.m (114, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\vtb1_1.m (2165, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\vtb1_2.m (1740, 2002-08-20)
vtoolbox\vtb1_3.m (1370, 2004-10-31)
vtoolbox\vtb1_3.m~ (1366, 2003-10-15)
vtoolbox\vtb1_3ex.m (484, 2005-10-20)
vtoolbox\vtb1_3ex.m~ (449, 2004-10-31)
vtoolbox\vtb1_4.m (1465, 2002-08-20)
... ...

ABOUT THE ENGIENERING VIBRATION TOOLBOX: The Engineering Vibration Toolbox is a set of educational programs written in MATLAB by Joseph C. Slater. Also included are a number of help files, demonstration examples, and data files containing raw experimental data. The codes include single degree of freedom response, response spectrum, finite elements, numerical integration, and phase plane analysis. It is included free with the text "Engineering Vibration" by Dr. Daniel J. Inman (Prentice Hall, 1994 ...). The most current version, for use with the professional and student versions of MATLAB 4 or later, can be obtained via the Engineering Vibration Toolbox home page at http://www.cs.wright.edu/~vtoolbox using NetScape(R), NCSA Mosaic(R), Internet Explorer or any other HTML 2.0 capable browser for more information. Please email me directly at mailto:jslater@wright.edu if you have difficulty with this link. A brief introduction to UNIX and MATLAB is also available in PostScript format on the FTP site. If you have not already installed MATLAB or the Student Edition of MATLAB, do so now. You should be familiar with MATLAB before running this software. NOTE TO INSTRUCTORS: Regular updates are made to the toolbox. You can have your name added to the announcement mailing list by emailing me at the account below. Your comments are what make the improvements happen. Please send me any problems you've developed for the toolbox, I'd like to begin a collection of problems that better take advantage of its capabilities. SETTING UP THE TOOLBOX: The first step is to download the files. You can download them uncompressed, in TAR/unix, or zip compressed format. Files in the uncompressed directory must be downloaded in the following formats: Text if they end in: .txt .m .exa Binary is they end in: .con .mat .eqn In addition, the files can be downloaded in tar and zip formats. Free utilities exist on UNIX, Windows, and MAC for uncompressing these formats. Some of these have been posted to the web site. The documentation for the code will explain how to uncompress the files. Please talk to your computer support people if you have difficulty decompressing the files. The toolbox can go in any directory as long as the Matlab path to it is set properly in the matlabrc.m file. It should be named "vtoolbox" for consistency with other installations. Like any of the other toolboxes, you should not save personal files inside the vtoolbox directory since you may inadvertently lose them when you update (i.e. you may decide to delete the directory and replace everything). Alternatively, the line path(path,'full path to vtoolbox') can be added to the startup.m file. The startup.m file allows users of multiple account systems to customize their environments and paths. Note that typing the command 'path' at the MATLAB prompt will show all of the directories in the MATLAB path. Example: On my mac, my startup.m file contains the command: path(path,'Math:m_files:vtoolbox:') On my UNIX system, my startup.m file contains the command: path(path,'/nfs/valhalla/users26/me/jslater/vtoolbox') In addition, all of my students have the same startup.m file so they can access my files as well. If you do this, make sure you set your UNIX privs such that your directory and files can be read by the students: chmod 755 /nfs/valhalla/users26/me/jslater/vtoolbox chmod ***4 /nfs/valhalla/users26/me/jslater/vtoolbox/* On my PC (yes, I have a few different machines), my startup.m file is: path(path,'C:\matlab\toolbox\vtoolbox') Be aware that PCs are not case sensitive, Macs are quasi-case sensitive, and Unix machines are case sensitive. The bottom line is save the vibration toolbox files in lower case (including the directory), on UNIX and Mac machines, and make sure your paths have the correct case. Type the "path" command from the Matlab prompt to check the case of the directory structure to other toolboxes installed on your machine. USING THE ENGINEERING VIBRATION TOOLBOX The files on this disk will load/run on all platforms if transferred properly. Files with the extension .mat, .exa, .con, .eqn, and .out are binary files compatible on all platforms. To load them type "load filename -mat". Files with no extension or the extension .m are text files and must be transferred properly to assure that the end-of-line characters are correct for your platform. Typing 'help vtoolbox' will provide a table of contents of the toolbox. Likewise, typing 'help vtb?' will provide a table of contents for the files related to chapter '?'. Typing 'help codename' will provide help on the particular code. Note that the 'filename' is 'codename.m'. Engineering Vibration Toolbox commands can be run by typing them with the necessary arguments just as any other MATLAB commands/functions. For instance, vtb1_1 can be run by typing "vtb1_1(1,.1,1,1,0,10)". Many functions have multiple forms of input. The help for each function shows this flexibility. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR: If you have any difficulty, please email me at jslater@cs.wright.edu. Please visit the Engineering Vibration Toolbox home page at http://www.cs.wright.edu/people/faculty/jslater/vtoolbox/vtoolbox.html ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Support for the Engineering Vibration Toolbox has come from a number of sources. First and foremost, Daniel J. Inman, who initially tasked myself and Donald J. Leo to write version 3 of the software for his text "Engineering Vibration" by Dr. Daniel J. Inman (Prentice Hall, 1994). I also thank the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering and the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Wright State University for providing the computer resources for developing the MATLAB 4 version of the software. Perhaps the people who have given the most are my students who painfully experienced every piece of beta code, often at the least opportune times. Thanks is also given to Dr. Maurice Petyt and Robert C. Chiroux for their patience in testing numerous 4.0 beta versions of this software. LICENSE: The Engineering Vibration Toolbox is licensed free of charge for educational use. For professional use, users should contact the Engineering Vibration Toolbox author directly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MATLAB is a registered trademark of the MathWorks, Inc. Mac(intosh) is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Unix is a registered trademark of AT&T. Joseph C. Slater is the copyright holder of the Engineering Vibration Toolbox. Neither the author, Prentice Hall, nor Wright State University make any warranty with regard to merchantability or fitness for any given purpose with regard to the software. All rights are retained. No permission is given to anyone other than myself, the MathWorks and Prentice Hall to distribute this software in any manner whatsoever.


