
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2007-05-27 22:00:08
上 传 者konglee2005
说明:  opengl win32 application 向导
(opengl win32 application wizard)

OGLWiz.awx (61440, 2001-07-14)
OGLWIZ.HLP (6954, 2001-07-14)

OpenGL Win32 AppWizard By Ulf hlén, ulf_ohlen@hotmail.com This Custom AppWizard for VC++ 6.0 creates an OpenGL enabled Win32 application suitable for demos and simple games. ---------------------------------- Installation ---------------------------------- Copy OGLWiz.awx and Oglwiz.hlp to your Custom AppWizard directory (probably "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev***\Template"). ---------------------------------- Overview of the generated project ---------------------------------- Projects generated with this AppWizard contains two classes: - CApp - CMainWnd There is a global instance of CApp (gApp) that owns an instance of CMainWnd (m_pMainWnd). CApp creates the main window, initializes OpenGL, maintains the message pump and manages screen updates. CMainWnd encapsulates the main window and its OpenGL rendering context. CApp notifies CMainWnd of different phases of the OpenGL RC life cycle (by calling CMainWnd::InitScene(), CMainWnd::KillScene() and CMainWnd::DrawScene()). CMainWnd::Tick() is called (by CApp) each time the windows message queue is empty. This may not be the most elegant OO solution; some of the code in CApp really belongs in CMainWnd, like window creation and (some of the) message handling. But the idea is to let CApp do the grunt work of Win32API and OpenGL setup and leave CMainWnd free to concentrate on what's displayed in the client area. ---------------------------------- Using the wizard ---------------------------------- Chose to create a new project, selecting "OpenGL Win32 Application" from the list of project types, enter a project name and press OK. The following options to customize the project are available: Application ----------- Menu: Check this box to add a menu to the main window. Keyboard accelerator: Adds a keyboard accelerator resource and processes accelerator keys. About box: Creates an about dialog and a dialog callback routine. Also adds an About command to the menu (if available). Main window ----------- Select appearance of the main window. Window: Creates an overlapped main window with default size. Fullscreen: Creates a topmost popup window that occupies the entire screen. Both: Appearence is determined with a switch: If FULLSCREEN is not #defined, the application runs in a window. Show FPS in caption: Adds code to show Frames Per Second on regular intervals. (Not available in fullscreen mode) OpenGL Support -------------- Use OpenGL: Adds code to initialize and maintain an OpenGL RC. If this box is not checked, a plain Win32 application is created. Sample code: Adds code that renders a simple OpenGL scene (spinning cube). Double buffering: Creates a double-buffered pixel buffer. Color depth: Number of color bitplanes in each color buffer. Z-buffer depth: Bit-depth of the Z-buffer. Background color: Press the button to select background color for main window


