
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2007-06-02 09:09:54
上 传 者wabhappy
说明:  用C写的能读取shapefile,并且可以对地图进行放大缩小。
(C can be written to read shapefiles, and to be able to enlarge the map to narrow.)

CC.BAT (20, 1997-10-16)
DBFADD.C (2285, 1997-10-16)
DBFADD.EXE (36288, 1997-10-16)
DBFCREAT.C (2179, 1997-10-16)
DBFCREAT.EXE (36618, 1997-10-16)
DBFDUMP.C (4216, 1997-10-16)
DBFDUMP.EXE (36810, 1997-10-16)
DBFOPEN.C (26863, 1997-10-16)
GEN2SHP.C (8329, 1997-10-16)
GEN2SHP.EXE (42266, 1997-10-16)
LNK.BAT (39, 1997-10-16)
MAKESHAP.SH (364, 1995-08-22)
MIFSHAPE.EXE (261212, 1997-10-17)
MULTI (196, 1997-10-15)
POINTS (108, 1997-10-15)
SHAPEFIL.H (3336, 1997-10-24)
SHAPEFIL.TXT (24108, 1997-10-16)
SHP2GEN.C (2892, 1997-10-16)
SHP2GEN.EXE (37302, 1997-10-16)
SHPADD.C (2759, 1997-10-16)
SHPADD.EXE (40046, 1997-10-16)
SHPCREAT.C (1865, 1997-10-16)
SHPCREAT.EXE (37102, 1997-10-16)
SHPDUMP.C (2641, 1997-10-16)
SHPDUMP.EXE (37168, 1997-10-16)
SHPOPEN.C (32709, 1997-10-16)
SHPUTILS.C (28177, 1997-10-16)
SHPUTILS.EXE (59954, 1997-10-16)
SHPUTILS.MAP (2122, 1997-10-16)
SHPUTILS.OBJ (19432, 1997-10-16)
SHPUTILS.TXT (2860, 1997-10-16)
VERTS (252, 1997-10-16)
shapefil.h (3336, 1997-10-21)
shape.mak (1068, 2001-04-09)

Hello, Using the pd shape library created by Frank Warmerdam, in 1995, I've created a geneate to shape program ( gen2shp.exe ) and a shape to generate program ( shp2gen.exe ). I have also complied the programs supplied by Frank to run on the pc. I used the MSC 6.00 compiler with the following options cl /Os /AL /c %1 and linked it with the large library, which is the only one on my system. I had to add some pc .h files to some of Frank's and my programs work, which are not necessary when compiling and linking under unix. They have comments to identify them. The real problem was finding an ascii format that would support island and sybling parts of a shape. I couldn't find one. The closest was the MOSS export format, but that used a negative projected X coordinate to make an island, which I thought might lead to problems. So I am using a modification of the ESRI generate format. The standard format is accepted for points, arcs, and polygons. No testing takes place to insure that polygons close and that they travel clockwise. Multipoint format is exactly the same as ARC format, just tell gen2shp that the format is multipoint. The modification I've made to the generate format uses the word BREAK to mark the beginning of an ARC or POLYGON or ISLAND. The coordinates following the word BREAK begin the island or sybling. Commas are optional, but shp2gen.exe puts then in, between x and y coordinates. Example are included in this distribution. The file VERTS can be used for both ARC and POLYGON formats. POINTS is for the point format, MULTI is for the multipoint format. I have not written a program to read a file of dbf data and put it into the .dbf file. You will need to use Frank's dbf*.exe program to do this at this time. All of Frank's shape library is include in this distribution. Sol Katz,, 303-236-0101, Oct. 12, 1997


