
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2007-06-07 15:11:17
上 传 者上官婉儿
说明: 1. Why do I use IImgCtx to decode images? If you want to develop a image viewer or processor in Windows, the first thing you have to face is image decoding. Now there are some free image decoders, with full source code: JPEG decoder released by Independent JPEG Group PNG decoder released by libpng organization TIFF decoder released by libtiff organization GIF decoder release by giflib organization If you d like all decoders in one project, you may try CxImage, which is developed by Davide Pizzolato.
( 1. Why do I use IImg Ctx to decode images If you want to develop a imag e viewer or processor in Windows, the first thing you have to face is image decodin g. Now there are some free image decoders. with full source code : JPEG decoder released by Independent JPEG Grou p PNG decoder released by libpng organization T IFF decoder released by libtiff organization G. IF decoder release by giflib organization If yo u d like all decoders in one project, you may try CxImage. which is developed by Davide Pizzolato.)

WndImgCtx.cpp (4757, 2004-05-12)
WndImgCtx.h (1569, 2004-05-12)


