
上传日期:2007-06-11 21:26:03
上 传 者ballet
说明:  Face Recognition Using Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis Algorithms and Matlab source codes for the kernel direct discriminant analysis (KDDA)
(Face Recognition Using Kernel Direct Disc riminant Analysis Algorithms and Matlab sourc e codes for the kernel direct discriminant anal ysis (KDDA))

r-kdda(规范化参数的KDDA)\F_EigenSys.m (369, 2003-09-03)
r-kdda(规范化参数的KDDA)\F_KDDA_PolyPrj.m (1196, 2003-09-03)
r-kdda(规范化参数的KDDA)\F_KDDA_PolyPro.m (5408, 2004-11-01)
r-kdda(规范化参数的KDDA)\F_KDDA_RbfPrj.m (1175, 2004-05-25)
r-kdda(规范化参数的KDDA)\F_KDDA_RbfPro.m (5386, 2004-11-01)
r-kdda(规范化参数的KDDA)\JLu_KP_ANV.pdf (547786, 2004-10-04)
r-kdda(规范化参数的KDDA)\TNN_KDDA02.pdf (270078, 2004-10-14)
r-kdda(规范化参数的KDDA) (0, 2007-06-11)

************************************************************************** * Matlab source codes for the kernel direct discriminant analysis (KDDA) * * Author: Lu Juwei * * Bell Canada Multimedia Lab, Dept. of ECE, U. of Toronto * * Released in 03 September 2003 * ************************************************************************** The matlab functions implement the methods presented in the paper [TNN_KDDA02.pdf] Juwei Lu, K.N. Plataniotis, and A.N. Venetsanopoulos, "Face Recognition Using Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis Algorithms", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 14, No. 1, Page: 117-126, January 2003. and the chapter [JLu_KP_ANV.pdf] (An extension to the above TNN paper) Juwei Lu, K.N. Plataniotis and A.N. Venetsanopoulos, “Kernel Discriminant Learning with Application to Face Recognition”, to appear, in “Support Vector Machines: Theory and Applications”, Lipo WANG, Editors, Springer-Verlag, to be published in 2004. [Usages:] 1. To find the KDDA based feature representation with RBF kernel, 1.1. use function F_KDDA_RbfPro() to find the kernel discriminant subspace. 1.2. use function F_KDDA_RbfPrj() to project the test samples into the kernel discriminant subspace. 2. To find the KDDA based feature representation with polynomial kernel, 2.1. use function F_KDDA_PolyPro() to find the kernel discriminant subspace. 2.2. use function F_KDDA_PolyPrj() to project the test samples into the kernel discriminant subspace. [Note:] In addition to the kernel function and its involved parameters, the regularization parameter $eta$ in function F_KDDA_Rbf()/F_KDDA_Poly() does affect the classification performance. Try different values of these parameters to find the best one. [Restrictions:] In all documents and papers that report on research that uses the matlab codes, the researcher(s) must reference the following paper: Juwei Lu, K.N. Plataniotis, and A.N. Venetsanopoulos, "Face Recognition Using Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis Algorithms", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 14, No. 1, Page: 117-126, January 2003. Any comments and questions can be sent to juwei@dsp.utoronto.ca.


