
上传日期:2007-06-22 14:36:20
上 传 者zmagic
说明:  一套完整的图像处理与识别的源码(全中文注释) 这是我们内部开发与使用的一套图像处理代码,里面包括了大部分图像处理与识别处理的的函数:像模板变换,图像的平滑、锐化、边缘识别、图像中值滤波、图像模糊、图像逆滤波、图像模糊加噪、图像维纳滤波、线性变换、灰度拉伸、直方图均衡、图像腐蚀、图像膨胀、图像开运算、GIF确码编码、缩放、旋转、快速付立叶变换、离散余弦变换等等,等等,太多了。可以用于windows软件或嵌入式软件编程。内部用的,全中文注释,为了下载我才拿出来的。你们自己看着办吧。
(a complete set of image processing and recognition of the source code (all Chinese Note) This is our internal development and use of a image processing code, includes the most image processing and recognition processing function : as template transform, Image smoothing, sharpening, edge recognition, image filtering and fuzzy images, image inverse filtering, fuzzy image noise increases, Wiener filter images, linear transformation, gray tensile, histogram equalization, images corrosion, expansive images, image open operation, GIF correct coding, zooming, rotation, fast Fourier transform, discrete cosine transform, and so on and so forth, that is too many. Can be used for windows software or embedded software programming. Internal use, and the whole Chinese translations, in order to download )

cDlgMorphClose.h (1675, 2007-01-13)
cDlgMorphDilation.cpp (3200, 2007-01-13)
cDlgMorphDilation.h (1708, 2007-01-13)
cDlgMorphErosion.cpp (3187, 2007-01-13)
cDlgMorphErosion.h (1697, 2007-01-13)
cDlgMorphOpen.cpp (3142, 2007-01-13)
cDlgMorphOpen.h (1664, 2007-01-13)
ch1_1.aps (51064, 2007-01-15)
ch1_1.clw (18056, 2007-01-13)
ch1_1.cpp (4307, 2007-01-13)
ch1_1.dsp (8572, 2007-01-13)
ch1_1.dsw (535, 2007-01-13)
ch1_1.h (1345, 2007-01-13)
ch1_1.ncb (967680, 2007-01-14)
ch1_1.opt (49664, 2007-01-14)
ch1_1.plg (244, 2007-01-15)
ch1_1.rc (43164, 2007-01-13)
ch1_1.rc.bak (41641, 2007-01-13)
ch1_1Doc.cpp (7742, 2007-01-13)
ch1_1Doc.h (2065, 2007-01-13)
ch1_1View.cpp (95792, 2007-01-13)
ch1_1View.h (4079, 2007-01-13)
ChildFrm.cpp (1879, 2007-01-13)
ChildFrm.h (1451, 2007-01-13)
ColorTable.h (65041, 2007-01-13)
detect.cpp (13890, 2007-01-13)
detect.h (581, 2007-01-13)
DIBAPI.CPP (28388, 2007-01-13)
DIBAPI.H (1806, 2007-01-13)
DlgCodeGIF.cpp (1833, 2007-01-13)
DlgCodeGIF.h (1248, 2007-01-13)
DlgColor.cpp (1562, 2007-01-13)
DlgColor.h (1427, 2007-01-13)
DlgGeoRota.cpp (1026, 2007-01-13)
DlgGeoRota.h (1231, 2007-01-13)
DlgGeoTran.cpp (1034, 2007-01-13)
DlgGeoTran.h (1245, 2007-01-13)
DlgGeoZoom.cpp (1118, 2007-01-13)
DlgGeoZoom.h (1242, 2007-01-13)
DlgHuffman.cpp (5634, 2007-01-13)
... ...


