
上传日期:2007-06-22 15:49:24
上 传 者wxl1980
说明:  解N-S方程可进行二维和三维的N-S方程求解
(N-S equation for the two-dimensional and three-dimensional N-S equation)

FeatflowCD\Rules_apps.mk (2189, 2007-02-05)
FeatflowCD\Globals.mk (23730, 2007-02-05)
FeatflowCD\Makefile (7619, 2006-07-14)
FeatflowCD\Rules_libs.mk (1227, 2005-10-10)
FeatflowCD\VERSIONS (1385, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\misc\avsextremes.f (3768, 2005-05-12)
FeatflowCD\utilities\misc\gmvextremes.f (3971, 2005-05-12)
FeatflowCD\utilities\misc\nnwork_estimator\cc2di.f (7118, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\misc\nnwork_estimator\cc3di.f (7161, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\misc\nnwork_estimator\pp2di.f (7922, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\misc\nnwork_estimator\pp3di.f (7967, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\misc\nnwork_estimator (0, 2007-06-22)
FeatflowCD\utilities\misc (0, 2007-06-22)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gnuplot\src\pdiff.f (470, 2005-05-12)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gnuplot\src (0, 2007-06-22)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gnuplot\com\pall.gnuplot (318, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gnuplot\com\f.gnuplot (216, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gnuplot\com\uall.gnuplot (291, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gnuplot\com\x.gnuplot (208, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gnuplot\com (0, 2007-06-22)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gnuplot (0, 2007-06-22)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gmvmpeg\gmvmpeg.pdf (31380, 2006-07-15)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gmvmpeg\gmvmpeg (39073, 2006-07-15)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gmvmpeg\gmvmpeg.ps (42406, 2006-07-15)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gmvmpeg (0, 2007-06-22)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gmv\avs2gmv2d.f (3994, 2005-05-12)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gmv\gmvextremes.f (3971, 2005-05-12)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gmv\gmvpt.c (42466, 2005-05-23)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gmv\mkmpeg.c (706, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gmv\mkyuv.c (1157, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\gmv (0, 2007-06-22)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\byu\movie\com\dp3d.com (2250, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\byu\movie\com\dp.com (1671, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\byu\movie\com\dpall.com (1577, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\byu\movie\com\dptest.com (1333, 2005-05-02)
FeatflowCD\utilities\graphic\byu\movie\com\dscu.com (1811, 2005-05-02)
... ...

________________________________________________________________________ FEATFLOW 1.3 ________________________________________________________________________ 1. Installation 2. Directory structure 3. General remarks 4. Makefile structure 5. Developing your own application 6. Final remarks 1. Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For successful installation of Featflow in a Unix-like environment you need the following software packages: - F77-compatible compiler like "g77" - C-compatible compiler like "gcc" - GNU-make ("gmake") - a couple of standard Unix commands that belong to the coreutils package: env, cat, tee, sed, awk - a sh-compatible shell interpreter like "bash" To install Featflow, type "make build" inside of the Featflow directory. The installation script will try to identify your machine and choose compiler settings for it. It will compile all libraries and applications. To run a short test of the applications, type "make test" To run the Featflow benchmark on your machine, type "make bench" This may requiere up to 2 hours of cpu time depending on cpu speed. If you encounter problems with the installation, you can check the following: * Please check that all files in the "./bin" subdirectory have the "executable" flag set. If necessary, perform a "chmod a+x ./bin/*". * By running "make id" you should check if your machine is detected correctly and the compilers are found. If you have non-standard compiler (-settings) you can edit the Globals.mk file in the main Featflow directory to specify settings for youe system; see section "Makefile-structure" below for details. You can also use "make sysinfo" for a detailed information page about your computer system and the compiler settings that are chosen. * If you interchanged files between Linux and Windows systems, check that the files (expecially the "feat.msg" file in each applications/- subdirectory and the .prm/.tri/.dat data files of each problem) are saved in Unix text format. Eventually you have to use "dos2unix" to convert these files. For an overview about the other options valid for installation, type "make" in the Featflow directory. This will print a summary of the options that can be used to call "make". 2. Directory structure ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The directory structure has changed in contrast to the original manual due to the better handling of makefiles. The files and applications are organized as follows: ./applications -> Contains all Featflow-applications: cc2d, pp2d,... as well as the benchmark computation suite for the cylinder-flow benchmark (benchmark, bench_xxx) ./bin -> Contains auxiliary shell scripts to support compiling on multiple computer architectures (Intel, Sun, Alpha,...) and the usage of include-files ./libraries -> Contains the source code for all libraries - the general libraries (blas, lapack,...) as well as the FEAT libraries ./object/libraries -> Contains the compiled libraries ./utilities -> Contains additional utilities you might want to use, e.g. "gmvmpeg" to convert GMV-data to an MPEG-Movie, "avs2gmv2d" to convert AVS-data to GMV-data, "gmvpt" for particle tracing,... 3. General remarks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ a) It should be possible to compile this package on most computers with a Unix-like programming environment, e.g. - Sun Workstation - Alpha - Intel-compatible x86-computers with Linux - Windows-computers using the Cygwin Unix emulator package (http://www.cygwin.com/) b) For the libraries as well as for the main applications, there are even project files provided for the Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 IDE in combination with the Intel Fortran Compiler 8.0. We remark that these files are experimental, and so we give no guarantee for them to work. The readme.txt-file in the applications/- and libraries/- directory describes a little bit more in detail these project files. 4. Makefile structure ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this section we give a short overview about the structure of the makefiles for that case, that compilation is not possible due to problems with compilers/linkers and so on. There exist 3 core-makefiles in the main directory of Featflow: Globals.mk - compiler settings Rules_apps.mk - application-specific make-rules Rules_libs.mk - library-specific make-rules These makefiles contain global preferences for all applications in the Featflow package. The main entry point for the compilation of each application is the file "Makefile" in each application/library directory as well as in the Featflow installation directory itself. All makefiles including the one in the top-level directory of Featflow share the same structure: * Define the relative or absolute path to the top-level directory of the Featflow installation with the $(FEATFLOW) environment variable. * Include "Globals.mk" for compiler settings * Define a list of source files of the application/library with the $(SRC) environment variable * If the makefile belongs to an application, include "Rules_apps.mk". If the makefile belongs to an library, include "Rules_libs.mk". Globals.mk : This file is the main entry point for the compiler settings. If anything goes wrong (e.g. Featflow cannot be compiled due to wrong compiler settings), check this file and include your compiler settings here. Rules_apps.mk : This file contains the compiler rules for applications. Don't ever modify this file, since it's used by all makefiles belonging to applications in Featflow! Rules_libs.mk : This file contains the compiler rules for libraries. Don't ever modify this file, since it's used by all makefiles belonging to libraries in Featflow! The top-level "Makefile" in the Featflow installation directory controls the installation itself and calls the Makefiles in the different subdirectories depending on the type of installation. To compile an individual application/library, it's also possible to switch into the corresponding directory and type "make" there. Make will automatically detect if anything is missing (e.g. libraries) and compile it if necessary using the compiler options defined in "Globals.mk". 5. Developing your own application ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To start working on your own application/problem, * pick one of the provided applications (ccXd/ppXd/bouss) on which you want to base your developement and * make a copy of it inside of the applications/-subdirectory. If you place your copy outside of the applications/-subdirectory, edit the Makefile of your application: Set the variable $(FEATFLOW) to point to the base directory of your FEATFLOW installation (absolute or relative). After this you can compile your application by the make command and use all the other make targets: * make all - compile the application, if needed library is missing compile it too, it is the default target (same as "make" without any target) * make id - to check the compiler settings * make help - short overwiev of these make targets * make clean - to remove the object files for current machine * make purge - to remove the object files and the executable for current machine The makefile will automatically use the needed libraries from the base $(FEATFLOW) installation. It also allows you to keep executables/object files for different machines simultaneously. By editing the Makefile in your application you can specify the name to be used for your executable by the variable $(EXEC). The standart setting is EXEC=appname-$(ID) which will create the executable with that name and $(ID) is replaced by the machine identification string so for example the resulting executable will be named appname-pc-opteron-linux if compiled on machine wich is identified as pc-opteron-linux. 7. Final remarks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also check the other "readme.txt"-files in the application/libraries- subdirectories. They explain a little bit more in detail about the content, structure and organization of these directories. Good luck with your projects :-) The Featflow-Team Homepage: http://www.featflow.de EMail: featflow@featflow.de ======================================================================== last but not least... Copyright notice Featflow Disclaimer Copyright (c) 1***9-2005, Featflow Group All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, fully or in parts, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * The Featflow distribution package contains source code of other software packages (LAPACK, BLAS, UMFPACK). These are distributed under their own licenses which have to be respected. * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. If you are using the software to compute results for a publication, we would appreciate one the following entry in the list of citations: "FEATFLOW - Finite Element Software for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations; http://www.featflow.de; featflow@featflow.de" If you are using TeX, you can use the following BibTeX-entry: @TechReport{ TurekBecker1999 , author = {Turek, S. and Becker, Ch.}, title = {{FEATFLOW} - {F}inite {E}lement {S}oftware for the {I}ncompressible {N}avier--{S}tokes {E}quations}}, institution = {University of Dortmund}, year = {1999}, type = {User Manual}, address = {\url{http://www.featflow.de/}, \url{featflow@featflow.de}}, }


