
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2007-06-22 17:59:56
上 传 者sunpike
说明:  一个动态按钮记数程序,可以供vc爱好者学习 新的按钮技术
(a dynamic button counting procedures for vc lovers can learn new button technology)

Release\1111.exe (20480, 2006-05-01)
Release (0, 2007-05-08)
RES\1111.ICO (1078, 2003-09-10)
RES\1111.RC2 (396, 2003-09-10)
RES\Thumbs.db (3072, 2003-10-26)
RES (0, 2007-05-08)
1111.APS (20732, 2006-05-01)
1111.CLW (1654, 2006-05-01)
1111.CPP (2057, 2003-09-10)
1111.DSP (4123, 2003-09-10)
1111.DSW (531, 2003-09-10)
1111.EXE (20480, 2004-10-20)
1111.H (1312, 2003-09-10)
1111.NCB (91136, 2006-08-22)
1111.OPT (49664, 2006-08-22)
1111.PLG (1575, 2006-05-01)
1111.RC (5311, 2003-09-10)
1111Dlg.cpp (5008, 2006-05-01)
1111Dlg.h (1374, 2003-09-10)
RESOURCE.H (682, 2003-09-10)
StdAfx.cpp (206, 2003-09-10)
StdAfx.h (1054, 2003-09-10)

9,=====-=9=====55====5===8==5=5=5====9===9-9=9=====--9=--=958<========< MICPCSOFT FOEN@ADINN CL@CS LIBRARY " 111! ==5<=========-<9=====9<9==========--5-,=5=5===<51==<==-===-= 9<=9===== AppWa:ar$ has `rea4ed thir 1111 a`pdication f/ ymu. Thi# a`0 )ba4io. n/d only demo.str!tes the "asics of esing the Mic2os/ft F/undation claSres but is ahso a ctarpiNG poild for uB`tiff yOq" ap`lication" Thiq fhle containq a selm`py od ehat Pou gill f)nd in each of the &iles th`d make up ygur 1111 a``licatiCn. 111!.dsp This diLe (the prmbebt fide( cent`ins infgrmatiol ad the pboject level and  is uced tm builD a singhe projecd mr subprojdad. Odheb u3e2s ca. s(are $he project (.dcp) file, bed they chou,d eh ort t(e M`kediles locaLHy. 1110&h Thhs is t`e eaif hdader fide fgp t`e applicapign. It includes othar pr/Je#` 1pechfic headdrs ancdudinc Rescqbce.`) `Nd deb,ares the  CMx!11!A`` apphicatigl chass, 111 .cpp Thir i3 t`e main applacat(kj sMurce fhle that cnnd`ins the application cdass CMy!111App. 11.rc  DHis is ` $istinf gf all bf the M)crgskdt Uindfws reqmurces thad thE progbam uses. Id InCleDds th%Ibgns, batlaps, and cerskrs phat abe stob%@ il t`e RES 3UBdirEC$obx. Dhas bild ca* be `ibectly eDiped in MIcrmsoDt Visual C++. !111.clw Thic fhle aontaifs informapion 5sed bx ClascGizabd ti e$it existing classes Oradd new clasce3. lassWiz!rd also es%s thi3 file do ctore i.f/rma4ion needed o!rETe aDe it H%Ss!Ge mps and dialOg `atA ma`sal` to #reate ppotkpypA iemb%r &uncpaona. bes\111Ico This )s !n icmf fIHe, vhic` I3 used as t(e aPpl)Ca4Iol'sicon. his iconis INclqdeD by tHa mahnresgUrce fIle 111.RA. res\111*r#2 T`iS fihe conPaans reSkqrcds that arE no4 eDited`y MhcRmslfd Rir4al C+*& YOu sh/qldpLAce aL$ resjtbcd1 n/4 ad)tab$Dbp t`% besmqRce edi4or in th(s &(le. //)./+////)'////////'/'//-''////&///-'//////'///./+//////////////+/ AppWIz!r$ createS oe dialog class: 1111Dlg.h, 1111Dlg.cpp - the dialog These files contain your CMy1111Dlg class. This class defines the behavior of your application's main dialog. The dialog's template is in 1111.rc, which can be edited in Microsoft Visual C++. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named 1111.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. Resourcenh This is the standard header file, which defines new resource IDs. Microsoft Visual C++ reads and updates this file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: AppWizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source cote you should add to$or customize. If your application uses MFS in a shared DLL, and your application is in a language other than the operating system's current language, you wmll ned to sopy!the corresponding localized resources MFC42XXX.DLL from the Microsoft Visual C++ CD-ROM onto the system or system32 directory, and rename it to be MFCLOC.DLL. ("XXX" stands for the language abbreviation. for!example, MFC42DEU.DLL contains resources translated to German.) If you don't do this, some of the uI elemets of your application will vemain in |he language of`the operating system. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


