
上传日期:2007-06-29 10:33:01
上 传 者gj-online
说明:  IOCTL 宏代码解码器。在驱动开发中,经常要用到io控制代码,这个工具可以帮你解释相应的IO控制代码的具体含义。附带了此工具的Win32asm源码。很有用的工具!
(IOCTL code decoder. Drivers in the development, which often have to use io control code, This tool can help you explain the corresponding IO control code specific meaning. Fringe of the tool Win32asm source. Very useful tool!)

IoctlDecoder\src\IoctlDecoder.bat (27842, 2004-07-28)
IoctlDecoder\src\htodw.asm (783, 2001-10-03)
IoctlDecoder\src\ioctls.asm (2803, 2004-07-28)
IoctlDecoder\src\MaskedEdit.asm (4065, 2004-07-05)
IoctlDecoder\src\memory.asm (4064, 2003-08-07)
IoctlDecoder\IoctlDecoder.exe (34304, 2004-07-30)
IoctlDecoder\src\ioctls.obj (22364, 2004-07-28)
IoctlDecoder\src\rsrc.obj (13832, 2004-07-28)
IoctlDecoder\src\ioctl.bmp (2078, 2004-07-06)
IoctlDecoder\src\icon.ico (9062, 2004-07-30)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (1509, 2004-07-26)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (953, 2004-07-27)
IoctlDecoder\src\ (13427, 2004-07-28)
IoctlDecoder\src\ (15112, 2004-07-28)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (189, 2004-07-27)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (974, 2004-07-26)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (2575, 2004-07-27)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (216, 2004-07-26)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (1002, 2004-07-26)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (244, 2004-07-26)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (3033, 2004-07-27)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (1280, 2004-07-26)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (1545, 2004-07-26)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (6280, 2004-07-28)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (1222, 2004-07-26)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet\ (2157, 2004-07-26)
IoctlDecoder\src\wnet (0, 2007-03-27)
IoctlDecoder\src\rsrc.rc (3242, 2004-07-28)
IoctlDecoder\src (0, 2007-03-27)
IoctlDecoder (0, 2007-03-27)

I/O Control Code Decoder Did you ever try to understand what does the code similar to this: ; IO_STACK_LOCATION.Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode :00010407 mov eax, [edi+0Ch] :0001040A sub eax, 70000h ; 00070000 :0001040F jz loc_106E9 :00010415 sub eax, 14h ; 00070014 :00010418 jz loc_10661 :0001041E sub eax, 10h ; 00070024 :00010421 jz loc_105E3 :00010427 sub eax, 0BDCh ; 00070C00 :0001042C jz loc_1050D :00010432 sub eax, 3404h ; 00074004 :00010437 jz short loc_104B8 :00010439 sub eax, 8014h ; 0007C018 :0001043E jnz loc_104F6 If you did you probably noticed that it's not so easy as may seem at the first glance. With the help of IoctlDecoder.exe it's much more easier. Note1: IoctlDecoder displays only basic Device Type. So, for example, instead of IOCTL_SCSI_BASE you will see FILE_DEVICE_CONTROLLER, and instead of FSCTL_IP_BASE - FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK etc... This is because of the following definitions: IOCTL_SCSI_BASE equ FILE_DEVICE_CONTROLLER FSCTL_IP_BASE equ FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK Note2: IoctlDecoder can't recognize (few exceptions), for example, between IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_BAUD_RATE and IOCTL_SERIAL_INTERNAL_DO_WAIT_WAKE because their definitions are the same: IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_BAUD_RATE equ CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT, 1, METHOD_BUFFERED, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) IOCTL_SERIAL_INTERNAL_DO_WAIT_WAKE equ CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT, 1, METHOD_BUFFERED, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) So you will be able to decode only the first one. Probably in the future releases I will figure out how to fix this problem. ______________________ Four-F,


