
所属分类:Windows CE
上传日期:2007-07-21 10:33:34
上 传 者管理员
说明:  CE下 NET2778 NDIS Drivers, 在每个平台上都可以使用
(CE under the NET2778 NDIS Drivers, in each platform can be used)

makefile (41, 2005-06-23)
Nc2272Db.h (3474, 2005-06-23)
NcCommon.h (3431, 2005-06-23)
NcDebug.c (16332, 2005-06-23)
NcDebug.h (10733, 2005-06-23)
NcDevice.c (72736, 2005-06-23)
NcDevice.h (6609, 2005-06-23)
NcFindHardware.c (7286, 2005-06-23)
NcFindHardware.h (690, 2005-06-23)
NcFirmApp.h (2238, 2005-06-23)
NcFwApi.c (113051, 2005-06-23)
NcFwApi.h (67759, 2005-06-23)
NcFwApiPriv.h (21242, 2005-06-23)
NcHal.c (9222, 2005-06-23)
NcHal.h (8540, 2005-06-23)
NcTypes.h (4225, 2005-06-23)
NcUfnPdd.c (31049, 2005-06-23)
NcUfnPdd.h (2693, 2005-06-23)
NcVirtEp.c (58850, 2005-06-23)
NcVirtEp.h (1728, 2005-06-23)
NcXscale.h (2494, 2005-06-23)
net2272.def (497, 2005-06-23)
Net2272.h (23552, 2005-06-23)
plx.h (3713, 2005-06-23)
sources (717, 2005-06-23)
System.c (16081, 2005-06-23)
System.h (5295, 2005-06-23)
UsbStd.h (13573, 2005-06-23)

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FEATURE NAME: NET2272 MANUFACTURER: PLX Technology CONTACT INFO: DATE: 6/22/2005 VERSION: 1.0 SIZE: DESCRIPTION: NET2272 PDD for the WinCE 5.0 USB Function Controller stack NOTES: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ======================================================================== DYNAMIC LINK LIBRARY : NET2272 ======================================================================== Rebuilding net2272.dll 1) Prepare the platform - make sure SYSGEN_USBFN is set to 1: this will build ufnmdd.lib ufnmdd.lib is combined with the the net2272 pdd to form net2272.dll - make sure to include the client driver you'd like to use SYSGEN_USBFN_STORAGE for MassStorage SYSGEN_USBFN_ETHERNET for RNDIS SYSGEN_USBFN_SERIAL for Serial 2) Add net2272 to the platform - add a net2272 folder to the dirs file under \WINCE500\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\DRIVERS\USBFN\CONTROLLER\ Like so: DIRS=\ mdd\ net2280\ NET2272\ - copy the entire NET2272 directory from the NET2272 PDD source distribution to \WINCE500\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\DRIVERS\USBFN\CONTROLLER\ - add net2272 to the final binary image by adding an entry to project.bib Like so: Sample project.bib ; ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ; ; ; Use of this source code is subject to the terms of the Microsoft end-user ; license agreement (EULA) under which you licensed this SOFTWARE PRODUCT. ; If you did not accept the terms of the EULA, you are not authorized to use ; this source code. For a copy of the EULA, please see the LICENSE.RTF on your ; install media. ; MODULES ; Name Path Memory Type ; -------------- --------------------------------------------- ----------- net2272.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\net2272.dll NK SH FILES ; Name Path Memory Type ; -------------- --------------------------------------------- ----------- - add net2272 entry to the registry, in project.reg, so that net2272.dll is associated with the net2272 hardware (whether it's the NET2272 PCI-RDK or your own board) For the NET2272 PCI-RDK add this to the bottom of project.reg (for your own platform this will be done in your platform-specific manner): [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\PCI\Template\NET2272] "Dll"="net2272.dll" "Class"=dword:06 "SubClass"=dword:80 "ProgIF"=dword:00 "VendorID"=multi_sz:"10b5" "DeviceID"=multi_sz:"9054" "Prefix"="UFN" "IsrDll"="giisr.dll" "IsrHandler"="ISRHandler" "Priority256"=dword:6C "BusIoctl"=dword:2a0048 "IClass"=multi_sz:"{E2BDC372-5***F-4619-BC50-54B3F7848D35}=%b","{6F40791D-300E-44E4-BC38-E0E63CA8375C}=%b" 3) Sysgen the platform - the sysgen will fail at the end because net2272.dll hasn't been built yet 4) Rebuild net2272.dll - in the "FileView" of the Workspace pane on the left panel, navigate to \public\common\oak\drivers\usbfn\controller\net2272 - right-click NET2272 and click "Make Run-Time Image After Build" so that the CE image is rebuilt every time net2272.dll is recompiled - rebuild the project ("Build Project->Build Current Project") - net2272.dll and the run time CE image should build with no errors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


