
上传日期:2007-08-08 21:17:35
上 传 者CCPannda
说明:  Analog 公司 ADE7169 SOC 电表方案DEMO程序,开发平台为 Keil C51。
(Analog company ADE7169 SOC meter program DEMO procedures, development platform for the Keil C51.)

Easy_Meter\project\EEPROM_locations.h (3304, 2006-09-25)
Easy_Meter\project\Easy_Meter_EEPROM_locations.xls (18432, 2006-09-15)
Easy_Meter\project\LCD.c (15224, 2006-09-29)
Easy_Meter\project\LCD.h (1204, 2006-09-23)
Easy_Meter\project\acc_energy.h (33, 2006-09-22)
Easy_Meter\project\acc_energy.s51 (2846, 2006-09-22)
Easy_Meter\project\bin2bcd.h (82, 2006-09-29)
Easy_Meter\project\bin2bcd.s51 (5679, 2006-09-29)
Easy_Meter\project\cstartup.s51 (14242, 2006-08-03)
Easy_Meter\project\default_val.h (100, 2006-09-13)
Easy_Meter\project\easy_meter.dep (9233, 2006-09-30)
Easy_Meter\project\easy_meter.ewd (21202, 2006-09-22)
Easy_Meter\project\easy_meter.ewp (54989, 2006-09-26)
Easy_Meter\project\easy_meter.eww (164, 2006-09-11)
Easy_Meter\project\energy.c (6078, 2006-09-26)
Easy_Meter\project\energy.h (331, 2006-09-27)
Easy_Meter\project\extern_declarations.h (5769, 2006-09-29)
Easy_Meter\project\i2c.c (5196, 2006-09-27)
Easy_Meter\project\i2c.h (972, 2006-09-27)
Easy_Meter\project\low_level_init.c (2130, 2006-08-03)
Easy_Meter\project\main.c (4037, 2006-09-30)
Easy_Meter\project\main.h (2888, 2006-09-22)
Easy_Meter\project\mult24x16.h (21, 2006-09-23)
Easy_Meter\project\mult24x16.s51 (3099, 2006-09-23)
Easy_Meter\project\power.c (5024, 2006-09-30)
Easy_Meter\project\power.h (243, 2006-08-23)
Easy_Meter\project\rtc.c (6095, 2006-09-29)
Easy_Meter\project\rtc.h (777, 2006-09-15)
Easy_Meter\project\structures.h (892, 2006-09-25)
Easy_Meter\project\system_def.h (1011, 2006-09-22)
Easy_Meter\project\uart.c (4941, 2006-09-16)
Easy_Meter\project\uart.h (1543, 2006-09-01)
Easy_Meter\project\util.c (4324, 2006-09-21)
Easy_Meter\project\util.h (805, 2006-09-29)
Easy_Meter\project\settings\easy_meter.dbgdt (10444, 2006-09-30)
Easy_Meter\project\settings\easy_meter.dni (275, 2006-09-30)
Easy_Meter\project\settings\easy_meter.wsdt (5188, 2006-09-30)
Easy_Meter\project\settings (0, 2007-03-13)
Easy_Meter\project\Debug (0, 2007-03-13)
... ...

-08/18/2006 Petre M. -this file explains the debugger settings that must be set in the Project Options to connect ADE7169Fxx based boards to IAR Workbench on the PC -in the Debugger=>Setup menu: -Driver: Select "Analog Devices" -uncheck Run To: main -for Device Description File, Browse for the file ioADE7169F16.ddf placed in the folder: $TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\derivatives\Analog Devices\ioADE7169F16.ddf -if the connection is done through 1 pin pod emulator: -In the Analog Devices menu: -Serial Port Tab: -Port: choose COMx port used by the USB cable on the PC -Baud Rate: choose 115200 baud -Download Tab: -check AD device protocol option -uncheck Handshake at 9600 baud -if the connection is done through U2B2UART board: -In the Analog Devices menu: -Serial Port Tab: -Port: choose COMx port used by the USB cable on the PC -Baud Rate: choose 57600 baud -Download Tab: -check AD device protocol option -check Handshake at 9600 baud


