
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2007-08-15 11:28:29
上 传 者zhongyuancao
说明:  碰撞检测算法,源码研究,多体动力学的基础啊!

Zombie.cpp (29697, 2003-08-31)
Zombie.exe (188518, 2003-08-31)

ZOMBIE CITY v1.1 Explanation: Welcome to Zombie City! One person here is a Zombie. The camera starts centered on him. Green person = Zombie. Zombies like brains, and will chase humans to get them. Red people are normal humans. They move 5x faster than Zombies. They fear zombies, and if they see one, they will PANIC. Bright red people are panicked humans, and move 10x faster than Zombies. If a human touches a Zombie, then they become a Zombie. That's it. Enjoy your stay. Don't get eaten. Controls: Arrow Keys: Pan Camera Z: New City S: Change game speed Numpad +: Increase Population by 100 (builds new city) Numpad -: Decrease Population by 100 (builds new city) TAB: Toggle a 'population HUD,' which shows the current ratio of humans to zombies. The red bar is the human population, the green bar is the Zombie population. KNOWN BUGS: None! If you find one, send it to professor_scissors@yahoo.com. IN THE FUTURE: The next big step for Zombie City is going to be turning it into a screensaver. After that, I begin to think, in general terms, about allowing the humans to fight back against the Zombies. Version History: 1.0: -Initial Release. 1.1: -Fixed a bug in which beings could push into walls or off the edge of the level. -Fixed the "Couldn't register the window class" Bug. -Added the population HUD option. -Cleaned up the code a whole lot.


