
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2007-09-06 14:09:28
上 传 者donew
说明:  采用佳能相机作的读取条形码的程序,超级好,可以借佳能数码相机。
(The use of Canon cameras to read bar codes for the procedure, super good, you can use Canon digital cameras.)

specimenphoto_devel_0.1 (0, 2007-09-05)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist (0, 2007-09-05)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\AXBAR32.dll (176128, 2004-11-23)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\AXTOOL32.H (300646, 2004-07-02)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\AXTOOL32.LIB (65746, 2003-05-21)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\cdDcd.dll (356352, 2005-07-14)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\cdDvlp.dll (188416, 2004-06-08)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\cdParse.dll (229376, 2004-06-10)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\CDPROC.exe (491520, 2004-06-15)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\CDPROCMN.exe (376832, 2004-06-15)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\CDPTPCLS.dll (356352, 2004-06-15)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\CDPTPCLT.dll (413696, 2004-06-15)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\CDRAPCLS.dll (774144, 2004-06-16)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\CDSDK.dll (331776, 2004-06-15)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\EWatch.exe (57344, 2003-11-07)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\IWrap.dll (167936, 2004-05-28)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\psCamDat.dll (598016, 2003-12-08)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-redist\specimenphoto.ini (774, 2006-03-03)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-licensed (0, 2007-09-05)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-licensed\AXBAR32.dll (176128, 2004-11-23)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-licensed\Axtool32.h (300646, 2004-07-02)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto-licensed\AXTOOL32.LIB (65746, 2003-05-21)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto (0, 2007-09-05)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\Accession.h (1554, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\AlbumFrame.cpp (25095, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\AlbumFrame.h (2131, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\Axtel_license_info.txt (24, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\CameraConnectDlg.cpp (6680, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\CameraConnectDlg.h (1629, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\CameraControlBar.cpp (7293, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\CameraControlBar.h (1047, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\Canon_SDK_license.txt (13097, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\GetNumberDlg.cpp (3719, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\GetNumberDlg.h (958, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\GetProcessID.cpp (4361, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\GetProcessID.h (981, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\GrossPhotoFrm.cpp (63821, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\GrossPhotoFrm.h (4798, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\IdentifyBarcode.cpp (14401, 2006-03-01)
specimenphoto_devel_0.1\specimenphoto\IdentifyBarcode.h (1218, 2006-03-01)
... ...

specimenphoto Remote control software for Canon Powershot series digital cameras Information about how to use this software and its current state of development may be found at: http://specimenphoto.sourceforge.net Please post comments, bugs, and feature requests to that website. This project references three licensed subparts: 1) Canon, 2) Axtel and 3) Microsoft Speech SDK [SAPI] Canon and Microsoft provide EULAs for products 1) & 3). Recent versions (as of Mar 1 2006) are in the licensed directory of this project. This software will not compile without the necessary proprietary header files and libraries. Some of these files may be downloaded, as allowed by each manufacturers' EULA. These files may be downloaded in the "specimenphoto-redistributables" package from the main page of this project. Download the "specimenphoto-redistributables" package from the main page of this project and place all files in the same directory as "specimenphoto.exe". 1) Information about the Canon SDK for Powershot (CDSDK) is available from their website (as of Mar 1 2006): http://consumer.usa.canon.com/ir/controller?act=SDKHomePageAct&fcategoryid=224 (European and Asian developers will be referred to other information pages.) ******** DO NOT CONTACT THE DEVELOPERS TO OBTAIN THE CANON SDK. ********* Our license prevents redistribution of the SDK (we reserve the right to call you nasty names if you directly request the Canon SDK from us.) The SDK for Powershot cameras is free with the submission of some personal information and includes additional materials you will need to develop this software. This project is specifically designed for Powershot series cameras, so you'll need a camera from that series to work on anything but the basic user interface. The Canon dynamic libraries required by this project's executable are installed with the ZoomBrowser application included with all new Powershot cameras. These dynamic libraries are found in the "redist" directory in the Canon SDK and may be downloaded in the "specimenphoto-redistributables" package from the main page of this project. 2) Information about the Axtel SDK for barcode detection from digital images (AXTOOL32) is available from their website (as of Mar 1 2006): http://www.axtel.com/ The Axtel SDK is freely downloadable and includes all necessary headers and libraries. These may be downloaded in the "specimenphoto-redistributables" package from the main page of this project. The developers thank Axtel for permission to redistribute these demonstration files. The dynamic library required by this project's executable, AXBAR32.dll, is a demonstration version and is included in the "specimenphoto-redistributables" download from the main page of this project. When barcode recognition is compiled in the executable, this demonstration DLL will display a "nag pop-up" which must be pressed twice to decode an image. 3) Information about the Microsoft Speech SDK for speech recognition (SAPI) is available from their website (as of Mar 1 2006): http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=5e86ec97-40a7-453f-b0ee-6583171b4530&DisplayLang=en This is the "Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1" product used to develop speech recognition embedded in WIN32 applications and is used in this project. (No Speech SDK files are available from this project.) The 5.1 SDK is a LARGE download, so you may wish to request that Microsoft mail a CD to you. The "Microsoft Speech Application Software Development Kit 1.1" product is NOT used in this project (the SASDK product is for web-based applications.) The main speech website, http://www.microsoft.com/speech/, does not include any link to the "Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1" product. For developers: This is alpha software currently used at the original author's pathology laboratory (so be nice, I'm paid to do other things...) The original author used the Visual Studio C++ .NET to compile this code (no other development environment has been tested.) Download the "specimenphoto-redistributables" package from the main page of this project and place all files in your build directory (Debug or Release). Three subcomponents can be compiled into the project depending on flags set in: "specimenphoto.h" Define DEBUG_NO_CAMERA if no camera is attached (used for testing other parts of program.) Define NO_SAPI for build without speech recognition (as of Mar 1 2006, the sourcecode still requires the Speech SDK to exist on the developer's machine.) (As of Mar 1 2006, the project configuration includes an additional "pre-build" step which compiles the speech recognition grammar, which may be disabled under "Project Configuration".) Define NO_BARCODE for build without barcode detection from image (all images are considered "Unidentified" and must be labelled manually.) Basic program parameters are set in an INI file in your build directory (setting the root directory for digital image files, etc.) You should modify that INI file to match the requirements at your site.


