
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2007-09-14 10:32:02
上 传 者zhangchengfeng99
说明:  这是一个完美版本的的超强文件编辑器,支持各种程序的语法高亮,支持插件和宏录制,支持XP菜单,支持浏览器浏览等等功能,记得有位网友做文件编辑器要求我给他一个支持语法高亮和DockWindows技术的代码,这下好了,这个程序中所有的都包含了,而且速度还可以.

cEdit.vbp (2758, 2005-06-19)
cEdit.vbw (1577, 2005-06-19)
ftp.dat (40, 2001-09-12)
INSTALL.LOG (2021, 2001-12-02)
LanguageDef.exe (49152, 2001-12-03)
main.bmp (22326, 2002-03-17)
MSSCCPRJ.SCC (190, 2004-10-28)
reg.ini (160, 2001-11-17)
register.bat (183, 2003-08-03)
ACCOUNTS\Microsoft.ftp (105, 2002-03-17)
ACCOUNTS (0, 2004-10-25)
COMPILE\NSIS.cmp (159, 2003-08-02)
COMPILE (0, 2004-10-25)
DATA\Load.mst (5, 2001-09-12)
DATA\tasks.dat (0, 2005-06-18)
DATA\tmp.nsi (0, 2001-11-21)
DATA (0, 2004-10-25)
FORMS\frmBrowse.frx (12334, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmBug.frx (3750, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmBug.log (60, 2004-07-15)
FORMS\frmBuild.frx (12502, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmColor.frm (3099, 2001-12-01)
FORMS\frmColor.frx (15266, 2001-12-01)
FORMS\frmDoc.frx (7018, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmFile.frx (778, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmFindInFiles.frx (12, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmFTP.frx (17328, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmFTP.log (423, 2001-11-04)
FORMS\frmInput.frx (1056, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmMain.frx (78022, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmNav.frx (3062, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmProject.frx (5168, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmProperties.frx (8324, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmTask.frx (12, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmTemplate.frx (4520, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\frmUpload.frx (8324, 2005-06-19)
FORMS\ftp.dat (0, 2000-09-16)
FORMS\frmDoc.log (69, 2004-07-15)
... ...

####### #### # ##### # ##### # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #### ####### ##### # # Thanks to Vinchenzo For his Code to catch the compiler output! Plugins!!! The new plugin method was written by an author at PSC though his name was not listed for some reason. The URL of this is at: It is done excelently and he deserves some credit for it. cEdit Final Whats new? - Macro's - Improved HTML Tags - Bookmarks - Better Tab System - Next/Previous Line - Custom Tag - Fixed Delete - Fixed Replace - Improved GUI - Added Language Loading - Tab/Untab - Comment Block - Uncomment Block - Improved Close All - Far Improved FTP - Recent Documents Well probably the most obvious is the fact that this version is MDI (Multiple Document Interface) - Also I improved the menu system, and statusbar. - improved the toolbar. - made both the toolbar and statusbar optional. - added a help file. - made the properties the CodeMax default properties which means you have more room to save. - I actually managed to reduce the overal size of the application when loaded. - Added support for drag and drop file opening. - Added find next and find previous. - All settings are now stored in the registry for faster access. - Language is selected from a menu now. - All the search options are in the Search menu now. - View holds main options, and other options. - Added a close all documents. - Added a show file in browser option. - Improved the document open/save code. - Built in FTP - MDI Tabs Navigation (You can pick the window with a tab) - Breaks, Highlighting and Bookmarks (Ctrl+f2), (f10), (f9) - Quick Nav sidebar. - Fewer bugs at least I hope :) Thanks: Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped me. Way to many to list them all. So thanks :) Whats the purpose? Well cEdit is a code editor obviously. It's purpose is relativly strait forward. It's meant to be used to edit code. Why I wrote this? I frequently code muds. They are most often written in c/c++, and run on linux. Obviously linux has it's own built in compilers for these languages but it doesn't have any kind editor to go along with these. I usually just edit my files in notepad but I always wanted syntax highlighting. Then one day I stumbled upon CodeMax which is a code editing control by winmain. http://www.winmain.com. This made it possible for me with a minimum of time to write a very complete and very nice code editing application. And so here is cEdit. How much is it? Some may wonder why I was so happy to find this codemax control and then to make my own editor. I mean there are a number of editors out there. Example: UltraEdit. UltraEdit is a very nice editor. But it's not free. This editor is free. Anyone may use it, and or modify the code. How do I modify code? Well you can modify code using visual basic. Then compile it into the EXE. If you do I ask a few favors. Your welcome to add your name to the about box but don't remove mine. Leave me as the main creator. Also if you make any great improvements send me a copy at ackbar81@hotmail.com. I'd really like to see it. No code is perfect but some is better than others :) Can I sell a modified copy? Well I guess if you can manage to convince someone to pay money for it sure. But remember this is GNU so if they then want to give the full copy to their friends for free it's legal. You can't sue them for it :) Why did you switch to registry? Mostly for speed. INI files work great but they just aren't as fast as the registry. So I switched over to it. Hope nobody minds. But it improves the overall speed greatly and works nicely, also I think it might reduce the overall ram usage which is always a plus :) Quick Nav Side Bar: With this you get quick file access and html tag list. Built In FTP? Basicly you can download and upload files onto an ftp server right from in this program. I added this feature cause I code muds and make websites frequently so it helps greatly :) Well that being said. Thanks for downloading cEdit. I hope you enjoy it and find many uses for it. Lazy Coder - Ackbar


