
上传日期:2007-09-20 15:30:12
上 传 者kly
说明:  Stellaris Luminary Micro 系列之 EV-LM3S811 多个学习范例全都是基于 Keil 工程版的范例, 而范例内容列举如下: 1.BitBand 2.PWMgen3.GPIO_JTAG 4.Hello 5.Interrupts 6.QS_EV_LM3S811 7.Timers 8.UART_Out 9.WatchDog 等
(Stellaris Luminary Micro Series EV-LM3S811 are all examples of a number of learning-based version of the Keil project examples, and examples of content are listed below: 1.BitBand 2.PWMgen3.GPIO_JTAG 4.Hello 5.Interrupts 6.QS_EV_LM3S811 7.Timers 8.UART_Out 9.WatchDog, etc.)

EV-LM3S811 (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\bitband (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\bitband\bitband.c (6997, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\bitband\bitband.Opt (1693, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\bitband\bitband.Uv2 (2754, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\bitband\lst (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\bitband\lst\bitband.map (55659, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\bitband\obj (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\bitband\obj\bitband.axf (44344, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\bitband\Startup.s (9118, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\diag.h (2657, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\gpio_jtag (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\gpio_jtag\gpio_jtag.c (6866, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\gpio_jtag\gpio_jtag.Opt (1701, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\gpio_jtag\gpio_jtag.Uv2 (2764, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\gpio_jtag\lst (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\gpio_jtag\lst\gpio_jtag.map (53754, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\gpio_jtag\obj (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\gpio_jtag\obj\gpio_jtag.axf (42604, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\gpio_jtag\Startup.s (9151, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\hello (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\hello\hello.c (2773, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\hello\hello.Opt (1685, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\hello\hello.Uv2 (2744, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\hello\lst (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\hello\lst\hello.map (52555, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\hello\obj (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\hello\obj\hello.axf (41408, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\hello\Startup.s (9118, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\interrupts (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\interrupts\interrupts.c (14350, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\interrupts\interrupts.Opt (1705, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\interrupts\interrupts.Uv2 (2769, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\interrupts\lst (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\interrupts\lst\interrupts.map (59087, 2006-09-15)
EV-LM3S811\interrupts\obj (0, 2007-06-24)
EV-LM3S811\interrupts\obj\interrupts.axf (49560, 2006-09-15)
... ...

Hello World A very simple "hello world" example. It simply displays "hello world" on the LCD and is a starting point for more complicated applications. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006 Luminary Micro, Inc. All rights reserved. Software License Agreement Luminary Micro, Inc. (LMI) is supplying this software for use solely and exclusively on LMI's Stellaris Family of microcontroller products. The software is owned by LMI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. LMI SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. This is part of revision 852 of the Stellaris Driver Library.


