CD 读 

开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2007-09-25 23:09:47
上 传 者lorthing
说明:  一个简单的CD管理工具,当你有很多很多的CD时,是否因为为了查找某些数据而烦恼,这个工具可以把CD或某个目录下的文件的基本信息影像到一个文件中,方便对CD上内容的检阅和查询,避免频繁把CD放入光驱中去读,(实现比较简单,呵呵没有专业软件那么牛X,是另外一种简单的实现方法,愿意和大家一起分享)
(A simple management tool for CD, when you have many, many of the CD, whether it is because in order to search some of the data to worry about, this tool can be CD or a directory of basic information document image into a document, the convenience of CD on the contents of the review and inquiry, to avoid frequent Add to CD drive read, (to achieve relatively simple, huh, huh professional software so there is no cattle X, is another way to realize a simple, and everyone is willing to share))

CDManager.aps (156048, 2007-06-27)
CDManager.clw (4106, 2007-07-16)
CDManager.cpp (4409, 2006-06-12)
CDManager.dsp (6691, 2006-07-11)
CDManager.dsw (541, 2006-06-12)
CDManager.h (1389, 2006-06-12)
CDManager.ncb (140288, 2007-07-16)
CDManager.opt (64000, 2007-07-16)
CDManager.plg (2271, 2007-07-16)
CDManager.rc (14962, 2006-07-11)
CDManager.reg (700, 2006-06-12)
CDManagerDoc.cpp (6021, 2006-06-22)
CDManagerDoc.h (1949, 2006-06-18)
CDManagerView.cpp (13845, 2007-07-16)
CDManagerView.h (2724, 2006-06-24)
cdmgr.ldb (464, 2006-06-18)
CDRomSet.cpp (12278, 2006-07-11)
CDRomSet.h (1826, 2006-06-22)
MainFrm.cpp (5066, 2006-06-24)
MainFrm.h (1705, 2006-06-24)
NewToolBar.cpp (6943, 2006-06-24)
NewToolBar.h (1454, 2006-06-24)
PathGet.cpp (1171, 2006-07-11)
PathGet.h (1165, 2006-07-11)
Resource.h (2561, 2006-07-11)
StdAfx.cpp (211, 2006-06-12)
StdAfx.h (1130, 2006-06-16)
icons\Application.ico (3638, 2006-06-15)
icons\INF.ico (7406, 2006-06-15)
icons\CDdrive1.ico (4846, 2006-06-16)
icons\CD-rom.ico (7718, 2006-06-16)
icons\DOCL.ICO (4846, 2006-06-16)
icons\UNKNOW.ICO (3638, 2006-06-16)
icons\ARROW1.ICO (766, 2006-06-16)
icons\folder close.ico (12862, 2004-02-20)
icons\textfile.ICO (1086, 2006-06-18)
icons\Movie.ico (3638, 2006-06-18)
icons\Music.ico (7406, 2006-06-18)
icons\WinRar.ico (318, 2006-06-21)
... ...


