上传日期:2007-09-29 15:25:19
上 传 者yuzhuen
说明:  类似于Unix系统的SHELL,运行于DOS环境,是我收藏多年的宝贝
(Similar to Unix systems SHELL, running on the DOS environment, is my precious collection for many years)

BUILTIN.C (14832, 1985-08-08)
CMDS.C (18504, 1985-08-08)
COMPILE.BAT (66, 1985-08-08)
CP.C (2128, 1985-08-08)
FGREP.C (1547, 1985-08-08)
FILES (38, 1985-08-08)
GEN.H (277, 1985-08-08)
MORE.C (4775, 1985-08-08)
SH.C (5947, 1985-08-08)
SH.H (244, 1985-08-08)
WILDCARD.C (829, 1985-08-08)

Ann Arbor, Michigan August 3, 1***5 The following describes some of the features of the Unix(tm) like shell for DOS that I have written. It is intended as a productivity aid, not an exact duplicate of either the C or Bourne shells. There are some features taken from both. Minor details may vary. Compatibility flames should be routed to /dev/null. To get started: The program was written using the Microsoft C compiler. Most of the code should be fairly portable (which is easy to say, since I haven't tried to port any of it). I compile it using the small memory model. There has been only one case where that has proven to be a problem, which I will describe more in the "limitations" section below. I set the stack size to be 4096 (the default is 2048). If you have version 3.0 of the Microsoft C compiler, you should be able to invoke "compile.bat" which will compile and link everything. See the section below entitled "Porting to another compiler" if you don't have Microsoft version 3.0. If you don't have it, I would suggest thinking seriously about getting it. I have been generally very favorably impressed with their library support. I don't currently have anything to compare it with, in terms of speed (I am sure there are lots of published benchmarks), but I have as yet to hit a bug. That counts for a lot. I am not sure how much is DOS 3.0 specific. I think the directory stuff is. I suspect Microsoft 3.0 C is. DOS 3.0 is well worth getting, in any case. Philosophy: I tried to keep this program relatively small so that it would work on the small memory model. The program: is invoked by sh [-e] the -e flag indicates that '\' is not to be used as a literal-next character. When invoked it tries to source the file /profile. When you type a command, the shell first escapes all characters preceded by a backslash (if not invoked with the -e option) and all special characters enclosed within quotes. It then performs history substitutions on expressions beginning with '!' as follows: !! is replaced with the previous command ! is replaced with the th command ! is replaced with the command beginning with It then breaks the command string into tokens. Entities enclosed within quotes form one token. Space characters are used to delimit other tokens. It then performs wildcard substitutions as follows: Tokens containing wildcard characters (currently, only '*') are assumed to be file names. The wildcards are expanded to match file names. '*' matches any character It then performs I/O redirections: '>word' redirects stdout '>>word' redirects stdout, appending to the indicated file '>&word' redirects stdout and stderr ' change the current working directory to the indicated directory pushd cd to the indicated directory, pushing the current directory on the stack. Invoking this with no arguments causes the current directory and the top of the stack to be interchanged. Also known as pd. popd pop the top element off the directory stack, and cd to it. dirs print the current directory stack mkdir [...] create directories with the indicated names rmdir [...] remove the indicated directories set var=val [...] set the environment variable var to the given value source file take commands from the given file fgrep str file [...] look for the given string within the given file(s). Limitations / bugs: The goddamn dos limitation of 128 bytes of arguments really take a lot of the utility out of the wildcards. That is why fgrep is built in. I spent a little time working on making this the resident SHELL. I gave it up when I ran into problems getting a full segment of variable space. It seemed to work alright otherwise. There are some cryptic references in the manual sections describing the SET and COMMAND commands, and the section describing the psp about where this problem comes from. If anyone who knows more about it would like to enlighten me, I would be very appreciative. The implementation of history is pretty limited. There are no modifiers, and ^^^ is not implemented. The parsing is not always consistent with the c-shell's parsing. The only wildcard character implemented is '*'. It is not implemented in the general case. It is only matches final destination files or directories correctly. Patterns such as /*/* or /*/xxx do not work. The ls command and wild card characters use the qsort routine which requires adequate stack space to sort its arguments. Very large directories could cause problems. The largest directory I have has 85 members. This will not sort with a 2K stack size. It has no problems with a 4K stack size. Unfortunately, I don't know how to trap this stack error, so this is a fatal error. The parsing of quoted strings is not quite right. For example, you can't say set PROMPT="% " This may be fairly simple to resolve. In the mean time, I say set PROMPT=%\ (with a trailing blank) No shell variable substitution. Not hard to do - I just haven't gotten around to it. There are no local variables. There are no shell scripts or control structures. Oh well. Fgrep works, but isn't great. No useful -i options, etc. I freely admit that the algorithm was the one that required the absolute minimum amount of thought. Porting to another compiler: As I say, I haven't tried porting to any other compilers, but here are my best guesses as to trouble spots: Data structures - The dos routines use a union called REGS and a structure called SREGS. REGS is a union of the byte register names (h.ah,,, etc.) and the word register names (, x.bx, etc.). SREGS contains the segment register names. There is a special directive called "far" that indicates that a pointer is to have an offset and a segment part, both of which can be assigned to or from independantly. For example, char far * x; declares such a pointer whose type is char *. Library routines - strchr(ptr,ch) returns char * pointing to ch within ptr or null char * ptr; if not found. also known as "index" int ch; strrchr(ptr,ch) same as above only search backwards (rindex). strlwr(ptr) convert to lower case char * ptr; strcmpi(a,b) like strcmp, only ignore case char * strdup(ptr) => strcpy( malloc(strlen(ptr)+1), ptr ) char * ptr; qsort(b,n,w,c) sort n items at b each of width w using char * b; compare rtne c int n; unsigned w; int (* c)(); intdos(ireg,oreg) REGS * ireg, * oreg; issue a dos interrupt first loading registers from ireg. after returning, assign oreg the register values. intdosx(ireg,oreg,sreg) same as above, but set the segment registers REGS * ireg, * oreg; before the call, also. SREGS * sreg; stat(path,statb) this is just like the Unix stat. struct stat statb; I can picture lots of C libraries skipping it. spawn* like a fork/exec combo Include files - Microsoft was very complete about declaring the return values of routines in include files. They have a whole bunch of include files, and since they go to all of this trouble, I didn't have to declare much in the way of include files. This will be a nusiance if you try to use some other C compiler. Specifics include malloc.h, stdlib.h, dos.h, etc. File handling. Microsoft scores again with relatively sane file handling. Slashes work like backslashes. Stat works more or less normally. Binary files are manageable (although I don't think this actually came up in this particular program). A center of compiler dependency is in the routines that do directory queries - open_dir and nxt_entry. Look there first if you are going to a new compiler. Extra programs: Also included are a cp/mv and a more that takes file name arguments and uses inverse video. I guess I went a little nuts. More has some little glitches. -Douglas Orr


