
上传日期:2007-10-15 11:20:15
上 传 者鹰飞
说明:  这是一个由java实现的数据挖掘,以前收集。里面有英文技术文档
(This is a java achieved by data mining, previously collected. There are English technical documentation)

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===================================================================== ====== README ====== WEKA 3.2.3 28 May 2002 Java Programs for Machine Learning Copyright (C) 19***, 1999, 2000, 2001 Eibe Frank, Leonard Trigg, Mark Hall, Richard Kirkby email: wekasupport@cs.waikato.ac.nz ===================================================================== NOTE: We are following the Linux model of releases, where, an even second digit of a release number indicates a "stable" release and an odd second digit indicates a "development" release (e.g. 3.0.x is a stable release, and 3.1.x is a developmental release). If you are using a developmental release, you might get to play with extra funky features, but it is entirely possible that these features come/go/transmogrify from one release to the next. If you require stability (e.g. if you are using Weka for teaching), use a stable release. ===================================================================== Contents: --------- 1. Installation 2. Getting started - Classifiers - Association rules - Filters - Data format - Experiment package - GUIs 3. Tutorial 4. Source code 5. Credits 6. Submission of code and bug reports 7. Copyright ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Installation: ---------------- For people familiar with their command-line interface ----------------------------------------------------- a) Set WEKAHOME to be the directory which contains this README. b) Add $WEKAHOME/weka.jar to your CLASSPATH environment variable. c) Bookmark $WEKAHOME/doc/packages.html in your web browser. To start a simple GUI for using Weka ------------------------------------ If you are using Java 2 (JDK 1.2 or equivalent) or you have Swing 1.1.1 (or later installed for Java 1.1), you should be able to just double-click on the weka.jar icon, or from a command-line (assuming you are in the directory containing weka.jar) type java -jar weka.jar or if you are using Windows use javaw -jar weka.jar This will start a small GUI (GUIChooser) from which you can select the SimpleCLI interface or the more sophisticated Explorer and Experimenter interfaces (see below). SimpleCLI just acts like a simple command shell and has been provided mainly for Mac users who don't have their own shell :) If you are using NT/Windows you may need to create a file association before you can double click on the weka.jar icon. Open the file Explorer or a file browser window. Select View (or perhaps Tools)->Options. Click on File Types. Click on New Type. Fill in the Type field (put something like "java jar files"). Fill in the Associated Extension ("jar"). Add new Action, with Action name Open, and application as "javaw.exe -jar" (you will probably need to browse to the location of your JRE to get the path correct for javaw---you will find javaw in the "bin" directory of wherever your JRE is installed). If you are using some other Java virtual machine you need to start GUIChooser from within weka.jar. For JDK 1.1 users something like the following: java -classpath weka.jar:$CLASSPATH weka.gui.GUIChooser or if you are using Windows use javaw -classpath weka.jar;$CLASSPATH weka.gui.GUIChooser ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Getting started: ------------------- In the following, the names of files assume use of a unix command-line with environment variables. For other command-lines (including SimpleCLI) you should substitute the name of the directory where weka.jar lives where you see $WEKAHOME. If your platform uses something other than / as the path separator, also make the appropriate substitutions. =========== Classifiers =========== Try: java weka.classifiers.j48.J48 -t $WEKAHOME/data/iris.arff This prints out a decision tree classifier for the iris dataset and ten-fold cross-validation estimates of its performance. If you don't pass any options to the classifier, WEKA will list all the available options. Try: java weka.classifiers.j48.J48 The options are divided into "general" options that apply to most classification schemes in WEKA, and scheme-specific options that only apply to the current scheme---in this case J48. WEKA has a common interface to all classification methods. Any class that implements a classifier can be used in the same way as J48 is used above. WEKA knows that a class implements a classifier if it extends the Classifier or DistributionClassifier classes in weka.classifiers. Almost all classes in weka.classifiers fall into this category. Try, for example: java weka.classifiers.NaiveBayes -t $WEKAHOME/data/labor.arff Here is a list of the most important classifiers currently implemented in weka.classifiers: a) Classifiers for categorical prediction: weka.classifiers.IBk: k-nearest neighbour learner weka.classifiers.j48.J48: C4.5 decision trees weka.classifiers.j48.PART: rule learner weka.classifiers.NaiveBayes: naive Bayes with/without kernels weka.classifiers.OneR: Holte's OneR weka.classifiers.KernelDensity: kernel density classifier weka.classifiers.SMO: support vector machines weka.classifiers.Logistic: logistic regression weka.classifiers.AdaBoostM1: AdaBoost weka.classifiers.LogitBoost: logit boost weka.classifiers.DecisionStump: decision stumps (for boosting) b) Classifiers for numeric prediction: weka.classifiers.LinearRegression: linear regression weka.classifiers.m5.M5Prime: model trees weka.classifiers.IBk: k-nearest neighbour learner weka.classifiers.LWR: locally weighted regression weka.classifiers.RegressionByDiscretization: uses categorical classifiers ================= Association rules ================= Next to classification schemes, there is some other useful stuff in WEKA. Association rules, for example, can be extracted using the apriori algorithm. Try java weka.associations.Apriori -t $WEKAHOME/data/weather.nominal.arff ======= Filters ======= There are also a number of tools that allow you to manipulate a dataset. These tools are called filters in WEKA and can be found in weka.filters. weka.filters.DiscretizeFilter: discretizes numeric data weka.filters.AttributeFilter: deletes/selects attributes etc. Try: java weka.filters.DiscretizeFilter -i $WEKAHOME/data/iris.arff -c last =========== Data format =========== Datasets in WEKA have to be formatted according to the arff format. Examples of arff files can be found in $WEKAHOME/data. What follows is a short description of the file format. A dataset has to start with a declaration of its name: @relation name followed by a list of all the attributes in the dataset (including the class attribute). These declarations have the form @attribute attribute_name specification If an attribute is nominal, specification contains a list of the possible attribute values in curly brackets: @attribute nominal_attribute {first_value, second_value, third_value} If an attribute is numeric, specification is replaced by the keyword numeric: (Integer values are treated as real numbers in WEKA.) @attribute numeric_attribute numeric In addition to these two types of attributes, there also exists a string attribute type. This attribute provides the possibility to store a comment or ID field for each of the instances in a dataset: @attribute string_attribute string After the attribute declarations, the actual data is introduced by a @data tag, which is followed by a list of all the instances. The instances are listed in comma-separated format, with a question mark representing a missing value. Comments are lines starting with % ================== Experiment package ================== There is now support for running experiments that involve evaluating classifiers on repeated randomizations of datasets, over multiple datasets (you can do much more than this, besides). The classes for this reside in the weka.experiment package. The basic architecture is that a ResultProducer (which generates results on some randomization of a dataset) sends results to a ResultListener (which is responsible for stating whether it already has the result, and otherwise storing results). Example ResultListeners include: weka.experiment.CSVResultListener: outputs results as comma-separated-value files. weka.experiment.InstancesResultListener: converts results into a set of Instances. weka.experiment.DatabaseResultListener: sends results to a database via jdbc. Example ResultProducers include: weka.experiment.RandomSplitResultProducer: train/test on a % split weka.experiment.CrossValidationResultProducer: n-fold cross-validation weka.experiment.AveragingResultProducer: averages results from another ResultPoducer weka.experiment.DatabaseResultProducer: acts as a cache for results, storing them in a database. The RandomSplitResultProducer and CrossValidatioResultProducer make use of a SplitEvaluator to obtain actual results for a particular split, provided are ClassifierSplitEvaluator (for nominal classification) and RegressionSplitEvaluator (for numeric classification). Each of these uses a Classifier for actual results generation. So, you might have a DatabaseResultListener, that is sent results from an AveragingResultProducer, which produces averages over the n results produced for each run of an n-fold CrossValidationResultProducer, which in turn is doing nominal classification through a ClassifierSplitEvaluator, which uses OneR for prediction. Whew. But you can combine these things together to do pretty much whatever you want. You might want to write a LearningRateResultProducer that splits a dataset into increasing numbers of training instances. In terms of database connectivity, we use InstantDB, a free database implemented entirely in Java. It is available from: http://www.instantdb.co.uk/index.htm From there you will also be able to find a RmiJdbc bridge which is useful for running a server that just listens for experiment results from other machines. When using classes that access a database, you will probably want to create a properties file that specifies which jdbc drivers to use, and where to find the database. This file should reside in your home directory or the current directory and be called "DatabaseUtils.props". An example is provided in weka/experiment, this file is used unless it is overidden by one in your home directory or the current directory (in that order). To run a simple experiment from the command line, try: java weka.experiment.Experiment -r -T datasets/UCI/iris.arff \ -D weka.experiment.InstancesResultListener \ -P weka.experiment.RandomSplitResultProducer -- \ -W weka.experiment.ClassifierSplitEvaluator -- \ -W weka.classifiers.OneR (Try "java weka.experiment.Experiment -h" to find out what these options mean) If you have your results as a set of instances, you can perform paired t-tests using weka.experiment.PairedTTester (use the -h option to find out what options it needs). This is all much easier from the Experiment Environment GUI :-) ==== GUIs ==== We now have two GUIs to make using Weka a little easier: one that acts much as the original interface to the old Weka 2 system, and one for conducting experiments (see README_Experiment_Gui). Both of these interfaces use Swing, so you need to either be using Java 2 or have downloaded Swing 1.1.1 or later for your JDK 1.1. One of the components of the GUIs is a generic object editor that requires a configuration "GenericObjectEditor.props". There is an example file in weka/gui. This file will be used unless it is overidden by one in your home directory or the current directory (in that order). This file simply specifies for each superclass which subclasses to offer as choices. For example, which Classifiers are available/wanted to be used when an object requires a property of type Classifier. An example file is provided. To start the Explorer: java weka.gui.explorer.Explorer To start the experiment editor: java weka.gui.experiment.Experimenter These _really_ need more documentation, but that'll do to get you started :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Tutorial: ------------ A tutorial on how to use WEKA is in $WEKAHOME/Tutorial.pdf. However, not everything in WEKA is covered in the Tutorial. For a complete list you have to look at the online documentation $WEKAHOME/doc/packages.html. In particular, Tutorial.pdf is a draft from the forthcoming book (see our web page), and so only describes features in the stable 3.0 release. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Source code: --------------- The source code for WEKA is in $WEKAHOME/weka-src.jar. To expand it, use the jar utility that's in every Java distribution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Credits: ----------- Len Trigg - weka.experiment, weka.gui, weka.gui.experiment, weka.gui.explorer, weka.filters, weka.estimators, weka.classifiers, weka.core Eibe Frank - weka.core, weka.classifiers, weka.classifiers.j48, weka.filters, weka.associations Mark Hall - weka.clusterers, weka.attributeSelection, weka.classifiers.DecisionTable, weka.gui, weka.gui.explorer, weka.gui.experiment, weka.gui.visualize, weka.converters Richard Kirkby - weka.classifiers.adtree Malcolm Ware - weka.classifiers.neural, weka.classifiers.UserClassifier Bernhard Pfahringer - weka.classifiers.adtree Yong Wang - weka.classifiers.m5 Abdelaziz Mahoui - weka.classifiers.kstar Ian H. Witten - weka.classifiers.OneR, weka.classifiers.Prism Stuart Inglis - weka.classifiers.IB1 ... and others! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Call for code and bug reports: --------------------------------- If you have implemented a learning scheme, filter, application, visualization tool, etc., using the WEKA classes, and you think it should be included in WEKA, send us the code, and we can put it in the next WEKA distribution. If you find any bugs, send a fix to wekasupport@cs.waikato.ac.nz. If that's too hard, just send us a bug report. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Copyright: ------------- WEKA is distributed under the GNU public license. Please read the file COPYING. -----------------------------------------------------------------------


