
上传日期:2007-12-08 02:36:43
上 传 者qrlvls
说明:  书籍《Writing Add-ins for Visual Studio .NET》的附带源码,对于为 Visual Studio .NET 环境下编写 IDE 插件有较好的帮助
(Book Writing Add-ins for Visual Studio. NET collateral source, for Visual Studio. NET environment to prepare a better IDE plug-ins to help)

Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02 (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1 (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\AssemblyInfo.vb (1109, 2001-12-02)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\bin (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\bin\MyAddinTest1.dll (8704, 2002-02-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\bin\MyAddinTest1.pdb (17920, 2002-02-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\bin\MyAddinTest1.tlb (1912, 2002-02-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\Connect.vb (5460, 2002-01-14)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\MyAddinTest1.sln (1229, 2001-12-02)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\MyAddinTest1.snk (596, 2001-12-02)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\MyAddinTest1.suo (8192, 2002-02-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\MyAddinTest1.vbproj (4293, 2002-01-14)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\MyAddinTest1.vbproj.user (2310, 2002-02-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\MyAddinTest1Setup (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\MyAddinTest1Setup\Debug (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\MyAddinTest1Setup\MyAddinTest1Setup.vdproj (43335, 2001-12-02)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\MyAddinTest1Setup\Release (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\obj (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\obj\Debug (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\obj\Debug\MyAddinTest1.dll (8704, 2002-02-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\obj\Debug\MyAddinTest1.frmTreeView.resources (647, 2001-12-05)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\obj\Debug\MyAddinTest1.pdb (17920, 2002-02-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\obj\Debug\MyAddinTest1.tlb (1912, 2002-02-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\obj\Debug\temp (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\obj\Debug\TempPE (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter02\MyAddinTest1\ReCreateCommands.reg (117, 2001-12-02)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03 (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03\MyAddinTest1 (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03\MyAddinTest1\AssemblyInfo.vb (1109, 2001-12-02)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03\MyAddinTest1\bin (0, 2002-06-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03\MyAddinTest1\bin\MyAddinTest1.dll (17408, 2002-02-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03\MyAddinTest1\bin\MyAddinTest1.pdb (38400, 2002-02-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03\MyAddinTest1\bin\MyAddinTest1.tlb (2492, 2002-02-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03\MyAddinTest1\Connect.vb (21879, 2002-02-20)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03\MyAddinTest1\Form1.resx (5512, 2001-12-05)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03\MyAddinTest1\Form1.vb (3043, 2001-12-05)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03\MyAddinTest1\MyAddinTest1.sln (1229, 2001-12-02)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03\MyAddinTest1\MyAddinTest1.snk (596, 2001-12-02)
Writing Addins for VS.NET\Chapter03\MyAddinTest1\MyAddinTest1.suo (8704, 2002-07-14)
... ...

Since none of the add-in projects were created on your machine, using the Add-in Wizard; they will not be automatically registered in your registry and therefore you cannot expect to see them listed in the Add-in Manager Dialog. The follow steps should be followed to test any of the add-in projects from the downloaded code: 1. Load the desired solution from the selected chapter into Visual Studio.NET. 2. Build the solution. 3. The add-in will be registered by the Build process, but it will not be automatically listed in the Add-in Manager dialog manager, as it would if it had been created by the Add-in Wizard. The build process does everything but create the Add-In Manager entries. To get that done, you can either go to Regedit and make the entries shown below; or you can create a .reg file using the infromation shown below, replacing the value for "ProjectName" with the name of the respective Add-in project name. Also, replace the values for the FriendlyName, and Description entries to match the add-in you desire to load. If you choose to create a .reg file, once you have created the file, using a text editor, simply double click the file in explorer and the data will be added to the registry. You should then be able to go to the Add-In Manager, under the Tools Menu, in VS.NET and find your add-in listed. Check the desired boxes and the add-in should load. FreindlyName is the name that will appear in the Add-In Manager Dialog. Description will appear there also to describe the add-in. ProjectName.Connect should be the name of the add-in project followed by ".Connect" REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\AddIns\ProjectName.Connect] "FriendlyName"="ExternaName" "Description"="Description for Addin Manager Dialog" "LoadBehavior"=dword:00000000 "CommandLineSafe"=dword:00000000 "CommandPreload"=dword:00000000


