
上传日期:2007-12-14 22:50:09
上 传 者romanpan
说明:  一维、二维阵列方向图计算,带各种幅相分布、误差计算等
(One-dimensional, two-dimensional array pattern calculation, with a variety of amplitude and phase distribution, the error calculation)

arpat.m (25661, 2005-10-31)
array2d.fig (90120, 2004-09-01)
array2d.m (2726, 2004-09-01)
arraycodes.doc (833536, 2002-07-08)
arraycodes.pdf (430085, 2002-07-08)
arraydat.mat (8240, 2005-10-31)
BAYLISS.M (1078, 2000-09-21)
COSINE.M (255, 2000-09-21)
getamplitudes.m (2562, 2005-10-31)
helpmaintxt.m (3420, 2002-06-30)
hlpmain.fig (14168, 2004-09-01)
patdata (3908, 2005-10-31)
plotpatdata.m (286, 2005-08-24)
POLARDB.M (1875, 2002-06-21)
RRO.M (635, 2000-09-21)
RROFF.M (589, 2000-09-21)
tayl.m (1054, 2002-06-19)
TRUNCATE.M (404, 2000-09-21)

README file for array codes (version 2.2, Sept. 2005, has Bayliss dist'n fixed): The program array2d.m computes the array factor of two dimensional arrays. GUI version for PCs (Matlab 6.5); nonGui version for any Matlab platform. To execute from the command window, pwd to the folder where array2d.m resides and type array2d. Most data is entered interactively. However, some of the sidelobe distribution parameters are "hardwired" in the code. Users can change them to suit their needs. The theory and operation of the program is described briefly in the Microsoft Word document arraycodes.doc. array2d.m requires the following functions: sidelobe amplitude distributions: taylor.m (tayl.m on later versions to avoid problems with Matlab's internal taylor function) bayliss.m cosine.m phase shifter roundoff algorithms: truncate.m rro.m rroff.m plotting functions: plotpatdata.m polardb.m plotpatdata.m can be run separately. It reads file arraydat.m which is written by array2d (version > 2.1). It contains the complex field values, not just the dB values, from which the user can perform more complex calculations SEE THE ARRAY2D.PDF FILE FOR MORE DETAILS Disclaimer: The codes have been verified for basic test cases but there is no guarantee of accuracy in all cases. (25 June 2002)


