
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2007-12-27 08:36:33
上 传 者wbob
说明:  非常好的网络打印机监控的软件,即支持网络打印,自动记录打印结果,如打印人、打印份数、打印内容等等并存储到数据库中,同时给出每份打印的单价,以方便用户进行打印成本控制,也适用于想进行无人值守打印的小店。同时还可以打印出打印某个月份打印的份数及费用。同时源代码也可以创建打印用户帐号,只有输入帐号和密码才能有权使用打印机.
(Very good software to monitor network printers that support network printing, print the results automatically recorded, such as print, and print shares, print content, etc. and stored to the database, at the same time given for each printing unit, to facilitate users Print cost control, but also to want to print the store unattended. At the same time can also print out the print number of copies of a particular month and the cost of printing. At the same time the source code can also create print user account, only enter the account number and password to have the right to use the printer.)

print.rpt (3697, 2007-09-25)
给 枕善居 发邮件.url (79, 2006-10-10)
枕善居VB.NET源码博客.url (163, 2006-10-10)
枕善居VB源码博客.url (164, 2005-06-30)
PRINT.ldb (128, 2007-12-20)
PRINT.MDB (131072, 2007-12-20)
MSSCCPRJ.SCC (193, 2007-09-09)
Form1.frx (3987, 2007-12-20)
frm.frx (1418, 2007-12-20)
frmInitialization.frx (73234, 2007-12-20)
Frmlogin.frx (1418, 2007-12-20)
FrmMain.frx (3668, 2007-12-20)
FRmrem.frx (1418, 2007-12-20)
Frmrept.frx (9693, 2007-12-20)
Frmuser.frx (1418, 2007-12-20)
Alert.frm (12692, 2007-12-20)
Form1.frm (9806, 2007-12-20)
frm.frm (1309, 2007-12-20)
Frmblock.frm (6529, 2007-12-20)
frmInitialization.frm (5814, 2007-12-20)
frmlog.frm (11830, 2007-12-20)
Frmlogin.frm (4300, 2007-12-20)
FrmMain.frm (11156, 2007-12-20)
FRmrem.frm (11024, 2007-12-20)
Frmrept.frm (6933, 2007-12-20)
Frmtest.frm (5654, 2007-12-20)
Frmuser.frm (6535, 2007-12-20)
Filewriter.bas (2774, 2007-12-20)
findwin.bas (82312, 2007-12-20)
Mod_Functions.bas (15893, 2007-12-20)
Mod_Global.bas (15597, 2007-12-20)
Mod_Main.bas (1036, 2007-12-20)
ModExecute.bas (9108, 2007-12-20)
ModPrintJob.bas (4629, 2007-12-20)
Modrecent.bas (4614, 2007-12-20)
Module1.bas (1080, 2007-12-20)
Trayarea.bas (1662, 2007-12-20)
Project1.vbp (1940, 2007-12-20)
Project1.vbw (1025, 2007-12-20)
Button.ctl (9690, 2007-12-20)
... ...


