
上传日期:2007-12-28 04:25:18
上 传 者yellowstonely
说明:  Shape Correspondence – a nonrigid shape-correspondence software package for statistical shape analysis

shcor (0, 2007-12-27)
shcor\cdf (0, 2007-12-27)
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shcor\cdf\bin\cdfcompare (808785, 2006-10-26)
shcor\cdf\bin\cdfconvert (786026, 2006-10-26)
shcor\cdf\bin\cdfdir (1247, 2006-10-26)
shcor\cdf\bin\cdfdump (811549, 2006-10-26)
shcor\cdf\bin\cdfedit (949630, 2006-10-26)
shcor\cdf\bin\cdfexport (961164, 2006-10-26)
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shcor\cdf\bin\definitions.C (1632, 2006-10-26)
shcor\cdf\bin\definitions.K (1578, 2006-10-26)
shcor\cdf\bin\skeletoncdf (785282, 2006-10-26)
shcor\cdf\bin\skeletontable (780929, 2006-10-26)
shcor\cdf\CDF_copyright.txt (687, 2005-08-15)
shcor\cdf\CHANGES.txt (4497, 2006-02-01)
shcor\cdf\Help.all (15398, 2006-06-16)
shcor\cdf\Help.all.0609 (13914, 2006-06-09)
shcor\cdf\Help.install (865, 2005-08-15)
shcor\cdf\Help.test (360, 2005-08-15)
shcor\cdf\include (0, 2007-12-27)
shcor\cdf\include\cdf.h (68344, 2006-10-26)
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shcor\cdf\include\cdflib64.h (35869, 2006-10-26)
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shcor\cdf\lib\cdf (0, 2007-12-27)
shcor\cdf\lib\cdf\help (0, 2007-12-27)
shcor\cdf\lib\cdf\help\cdf2skt.olh (16341, 2006-10-26)
shcor\cdf\lib\cdf\help\cdf2sktj.olh (6465, 2006-10-26)
shcor\cdf\lib\cdf\help\cdfbrow.ilh (30871, 2006-10-26)
shcor\cdf\lib\cdf\help\cdfcmp.olh (17763, 2006-10-26)
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shcor\cdf\lib\cdf\help\cdfdirj.olh (803, 2006-10-26)
... ...

*********************************************************** ****** Shape correspondence Package C implementation ****** ********************** Version 2.0 ************************ *********************************************************** This package implements the shape correspondence method between a template shape and a set of target shapes. It was developed in Linux (Fedora Core 5). Part of this package uses the Object-Oriented Quadratic Programming (OOQP) software developed by Gertz and Wright. This work is covered by Copyright (c) University of South Carolina. This C package is developed by Habib Moukalled, Kenton Oliver, and Song Wang Computer Vision Lab Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of South Carolina. The details of the shape-correspondence method can be found from Song Wang, Toshiro Kubota, Theodor Richardson. Shape Correspondence through Landmark Sliding, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), I:143-150, Washington, DC, 2004. This paper is also enclosed as "document.pdf." Note that this version (2.0) supports the correspondence of both CLOSED-curve (default) and OPEN-curve shape instances. Please check Program Usage for how to handle the two cases. 10/26/2006 *********************************************************** ******************* Build Instructions ******************** *********************************************************** After unpacking the package, from the "correspondence" folder follow these steps to install: (1) The file "Makefile" contains a line that points to the location of libg2c.a in your system. This line looks like LIBG2C=/usr/lib/gcc-lib///libg2c.a This needs to be modified according to your own Linux distribution. In general, one can find the location of this library by executing the following command from the command shell find /usr/lib -name libg2c.a however on non-standard distributions the path /usr/lib may need to be substituted. (2) Use the command make to build all the necessary files. *********************************************************** ********************* Program Usage *********************** *********************************************************** This code uses the CDF (Common Data Format) file format to store the shape instances information. CDF is a widely supported format brought to the open source community by NASA. (For more information on the cdf format, visit In order to use CDF, the location of the CDF runtime libraries (included in this package) needs to be specified. From the "correspondence" folder, use the following command from a BASH shell export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/cdf/lib or from a TCSH/CSH shell setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $PWD/cdf/lib to set the environment variable. A CDF input file should contain first the template shape, followed by all the shape instances to be corresponded. To process an input, e.g. foo.cdf, use bin/2dcor [options] foo.cdf this will produce the following output files: foo.fig - display of the results. foo_corresponded.cdf - result of the correspondence. (Note: CDF does not allow overwriting files, to rerun an experiment using the same output files, the old target .cdf files need to be deleted). By default, the program assumes that the shapes are closed contours. Additional options that can be used with the program are: -c tells the program that the dataset consists of open contour shape instances. This option must be used for open contours to be corresponded correctly. If left off open contours will be treated as if they were closed. -e print error messages to correspondence_error.log. Alternatively use -eo to print to stdout or -ee to print to stderr instead. -o specify the output cdf filename. For an input foo.cdf, default is foo_corresponded.cdf -s # specify the number of times the code is iterated. Default value is 20. -v print verbose information of the current calculations on the shapes being worked on. -x specify the xfig output filename. For an input foo.cdf, default is foo.fig For example, the following command ./2dcor foo.cdf -v -s 100 -x myfile.fig will iterate the algorithm 100 times for each shape instance in foo.cdf, while displaying the progress, and store the display on "myfile.fig". For testing purpose, in the "shapes" folder we enclose four sample data sets, two closed contour: callosums.cdf and metacarpals.cdf; and two open contours: femur.cdf and kidney.cdf that contain 1,000 shape instances each. After running the correspondence program on a data set, you can do a general procrustes anaylsis on the results. For this, use bin/ss2d [options] foo_corresponded.cdf This will produce the following output files: foo_corresponded_statistics.cdf - result of applying general procrustes analysis. Including mean shape, and the covariance matrix. foo_corresponded_shape_space.fig - display of all the results superimposed and the mean shape. A visual representation of the deformation space. The available options are: -f specify the procrustes cdf filename. For an input foo.cdf, default is foo_statistics.cdf -x specify the shape_space xfig filename. For an input foo.cdf, default is foo_shape_space.fig -v print verbose information of the current calculations on the shapes being worked on. -c tells the program that the dataset consists of open contour shape instances. This option must be used for open contours to be corresponded correctly. If left off open contours will be treated as if they were closed. We have also included a tool that allows the conversion from ascii text files to the CDF format, bin/a2cdf, of the correspondence distribution. The general format the converter expects is:


