
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2007-12-30 11:20:42
上 传 者yezhangxiang
说明:  很多密码算法的一个源代码实现的集合,写的比较专业,c语言的。有DES,AES,RSA,MD2,MD4,MD5
(Many cryptographic algorithm realization of a collection of source code, written by more professional, c language. There are DES, AES, RSA, MD2, MD4, MD5)

xyssl-0.8 (0, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\BUGS.txt (5866, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include (0, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl (0, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\aes.h (2752, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\arc4.h (1032, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\base64.h (1822, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\bignum.h (10644, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\bn_mul.h (24682, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\certs.h (313, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\config.h (5020, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\debug.h (2565, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\des.h (3894, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\dhm.h (3503, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\havege.h (657, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\md2.h (2985, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\md4.h (2918, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\md5.h (2918, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\net.h (3237, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\padlock.h (1662, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\rsa.h (8518, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\sha1.h (2975, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\sha2.h (3435, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\sha4.h (3596, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\ssl.h (16365, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\timing.h (845, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\include\xyssl\x509.h (11108, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\LGPL.txt (26944, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\library (0, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\library\aes.c (31671, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\library\arc4.c (3583, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\library\base64.c (6378, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\library\bignum.c (39800, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\library\certs.c (12250, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\library\debug.c (3291, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\library\des.c (22867, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\library\dhm.c (5953, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\library\havege.c (9237, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\library\Makefile (920, 2007-10-20)
xyssl-0.8\library\md2.c (8612, 2007-10-20)
... ...

How to setup your own Certificate Authority =========================================== 1. Configure OpenSSL -------------------- First of all, create sslconf.txt in the current directory (a basic example is provided at the end of this file). Then you need to create the database and a starting serial number: $ touch index $ echo "01" > serial 2. Generate the CA certificate ------------------------------ $ openssl req -config sslconf.txt -days 3653 -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 \ -set_serial 0 -text -keyout test-ca.key -out test-ca.crt 3. Generate the private key and certificate request --------------------------------------------------- $ openssl genrsa -out client.key 2048 $ openssl req -config sslconf.txt -new -key client.key -out client.req 4. Issue and sign the certificate --------------------------------- $ openssl ca -config sslconf.txt -in client.req -out client.crt 5. To revoke a certificate and update the CRL --------------------------------------------- $ openssl ca -config sslconf.txt -revoke client.crt $ openssl ca -config sslconf.txt -gencrl -out crl.pem 6. To display a certificate and verify its validity --------------------------------------------------- $ openssl x509 -in client.crt -text -noout $ cat test-ca.crt crl.pem > cacrl-temp.pem $ openssl verify -CAfile cacrl-temp.pem -crl_check client.crt 7. To export a certificate into a .pfx file ------------------------------------------- $ openssl pkcs12 -export -in client.crt -inkey client.key -out client.pfx ##================================================================ ##============== Example OpenSSL configuration file ============== ##================================================================ # References: # # /etc/ssl/openssl.conf # http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/config.html # http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/x509v3_config.html [ ca ] default_ca = my_ca [ my_ca ] certificate = test-ca.crt private_key = test-ca.key database = index serial = serial new_certs_dir = . default_crl_days = 30 default_days = 365 default_md = sha1 policy = my_policy x509_extensions = v3_usr [ my_policy ] countryName = optional stateOrProvinceName = optional organizationName = match organizationalUnitName = optional commonName = supplied emailAddress = optional [ req ] distinguished_name = my_req_dn x509_extensions = v3_ca [ my_req_dn ] countryName = Country Name.............. countryName_min = 2 countryName_max = 2 stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name.... localityName = Locality Name............. 0.organizationName = Organization Name......... organizationalUnitName = Org. Unit Name............ commonName = Common Name (required).... commonName_max = *** emailAddress = Email Address............. emailAddress_max = *** [ v3_ca ] basicConstraints = CA:TRUE subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer:always [ v3_usr ] basicConstraints = CA:FALSE subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer


