
上传日期:2008-01-13 02:07:03
上 传 者ling2091
说明:  用JAVA编写的N后问题~可以自由设置皇后个数,目前设置皇后上限为13,更改程序中STRING字符串的大小后可计算更多皇后的问题,有图形化界面显示解的位置~界面很可爱好看的哦~ 
(JAVA prepared with N, after the issue of ~ can freely set the number of Queen s, Queen s currently set a maximum of 13, to change the program the size of the string STRING after more Queen computable problems, have a graphical user interface shows the location of ~ interface solution is Oh pretty cute ~)

NQueen\build\classes\queen2\About$1.class (622, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\About$2.class (1131, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\About.class (1898, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\imag1.jpg (9779, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\imag2.jpg (795, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\Queen2.class (1578, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\QueenTu$1.class (632, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\QueenTu$2.class (1709, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\QueenTu$3.class (1047, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\QueenTu$4.class (720, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\QueenTu$Listener.class (1941, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\QueenTu.class (3912, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\TextDlg$1.class (632, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\TextDlg$2.class (1229, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\TextDlg$3.class (725, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\TextDlg.class (2675, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\UserGuide$1.class (642, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build\classes\queen2\UserGuide.class (2313, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\build.xml (3355, 2008-01-06)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\allclasses-frame.html (707, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\allclasses-noframe.html (687, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\constant-values.html (5027, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\deprecated-list.html (4992, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\help-doc.html (8037, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\index-files\index-1.html (5473, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\index-files\index-2.html (5533, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\index-files\index-3.html (5752, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\index-files\index-4.html (5443, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\index.html (1189, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\overview-tree.html (5193, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\package-list (8, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\queen2\class-use\Queen2.html (5307, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\queen2\package-frame.html (813, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\queen2\package-summary.html (5508, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\queen2\package-tree.html (5176, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\queen2\package-use.html (5104, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\queen2\Queen2.html (10533, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\resources\inherit.gif (57, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\javadoc\stylesheet.css (1326, 2008-01-09)
NQueen\dist\Queen2.jar (36486, 2008-01-09)
... ...

======================== BUILD OUTPUT DESCRIPTION ======================== When you build an Java application project that has a main class, the IDE automatically copies all of the JAR files on the projects classpath to your projects dist/lib folder. The IDE also adds each of the JAR files to the Class-Path element in the application JAR files manifest file (MANIFEST.MF). To run the project from the command line, go to the dist folder and type the following: java -jar "Queen2.jar" To distribute this project, zip up the dist folder (including the lib folder) and distribute the ZIP file. Notes: * If two JAR files on the project classpath have the same name, only the first JAR file is copied to the lib folder. * If the classpath contains a folder of classes or resources, none of the classpath elements are copied to the dist folder. * If a library on the projects classpath also has a Class-Path element specified in the manifest,the content of the Class-Path element has to be on the projects runtime path. * To set a main class in a standard Java project, right-click the project node in the Projects window and choose Properties. Then click Run and enter the class name in the Main Class field. Alternatively, you can manually type the class name in the manifest Main-Class element.


