
上传日期:2008-01-19 13:33:46
上 传 者earra3
说明:  微软官方的导弹飞行模拟程序。 基于DirectX 9用C#开发,功能全面,效果超炫。对进行图形显示开发和C#语言学习大有裨益。
(Microsoft s official missile flight simulation program. Based on DirectX 9 with C# Development, full-featured, the effect stunning. For graphical display on the development and C# Language learning benefit.)

Rocket Commander (0, 2006-03-12)
Rocket Commander\app.config (3328, 2006-03-12)
Rocket Commander\App.ico (7406, 2005-12-11)
Rocket Commander\ (18812, 2006-01-20)
Rocket Commander\ClassOverview.png (211183, 2006-01-20)
Rocket Commander\Game (0, 2006-03-12)
Rocket Commander\GameScreens (0, 2006-03-12)
Rocket Commander\GameScreens\Credits.cs (5003, 2006-01-19)
Rocket Commander\GameScreens\Help.cs (2588, 2006-01-20)
Rocket Commander\GameScreens\Highscores.cs (15999, 2006-03-12)
Rocket Commander\GameScreens\IGameScreen.cs (1286, 2006-01-20)
Rocket Commander\GameScreens\MainMenu.cs (5678, 2006-03-12)
Rocket Commander\GameScreens\Mission.cs (34838, 2006-03-11)
Rocket Commander\GameScreens\MissionSelection.cs (9535, 2006-03-11)
Rocket Commander\GameScreens\Options.cs (13867, 2006-02-27)
Rocket Commander\Game\Asteroid.cs (8760, 2006-01-20)
Rocket Commander\Game\BaseAsteroidManager.cs (54946, 2006-02-28)
Rocket Commander\Game\GameAsteroidManager.cs (25281, 2006-02-27)
Rocket Commander\Game\GameForm.cs (13970, 2006-03-10)
Rocket Commander\Game\Level.cs (9750, 2006-03-12)
Rocket Commander\Game\PhysicsAsteroidManager.cs (54699, 2006-03-11)
Rocket Commander\Game\Player.cs (17939, 2006-01-20)
Rocket Commander\Game\SmallAsteroids.cs (2981, 2006-01-19)
Rocket Commander\Game\SpaceCamera.cs (22492, 2006-03-12)
Rocket Commander\Graphics (0, 2006-03-12)
Rocket Commander\Graphics\AnimatedModel.cs (21927, 2006-01-31)
Rocket Commander\Graphics\AnimatedTexture.cs (6575, 2006-01-20)
Rocket Commander\Graphics\ColorHelper.cs (3993, 2006-01-20)
Rocket Commander\Graphics\Font.cs (7904, 2006-02-27)
Rocket Commander\Graphics\GraphicForm.cs (50763, 2006-03-12)
Rocket Commander\Graphics\IGraphicObject.cs (1274, 2006-01-20)
Rocket Commander\Graphics\LensFlare.cs (11616, 2006-01-20)
Rocket Commander\Graphics\LineManager.cs (10046, 2006-02-28)
Rocket Commander\Graphics\Material.cs (13154, 2006-01-19)
Rocket Commander\Graphics\Model.cs (32520, 2006-03-12)
Rocket Commander\Graphics\TangentVertex.cs (4441, 2006-01-20)
Rocket Commander\Graphics\Texture.cs (25087, 2006-01-20)
Rocket Commander\Helpers (0, 2006-03-12)
Rocket Commander\Helpers\AutoUpdater.cs (1165, 2006-03-09)
Rocket Commander\Helpers\BigScreenMessage.cs (1313, 2006-03-12)
... ...

Readme for Rocket Commander =========================== More information can always be found on This game was build by, visit my site to learn more about the development progress of the game. Tutorials and Videos on how to write the game (in german) will be available at the Coding4Fun site. Source Code: You will need Visual Studio 2005 c# Express or better to compile, download it for free at if you don't have Visual Studio already. The code uses the .NET 2.0 Framework and the game does require the .NET 2.0 runtime to be installed on the target machine. Other than that Managed DirectX December 2005 is also required. You can install all those things automatically with the Installer from You are allowed to modify the source code and make modifications to the game, but you have to include the licence.txt file and the header in each file if you distribute your own game or mod derived from this game. For more details check out the license.txt file. Gameplay: You just have to fly through the space and reach the destination (the green target in the middle). Unlike other games you don't have to kill anything. You just have to survife. Collect items to live longer, restore your health, get extra lifes or special abilities. After the game (if you won or lost) you will get a score, which will be uploaded to www.RocketCommander automatically. A local highscore does also exist. Controls: Mouse: Move it to rotate rocket in 3d space. Right mouse button: Hold down to roll rocket around the own axis, useful to restore default view. Cursor keys (up/down or w/s): Accelerates or slows down Cursor keys (left/right or a/d): Strafe left/right (weak because we are inside a rocket) Q/E keys to roll like with the right mouse button. Items: Refill Fuel (yellow): Required if you run out of fuel, should be collected around every 30 seconds. Health (green): Restores up to 50% of your health. If you don't collide with any asteroid, you will not need it as much. Really important if you low on life. ExtraRocket (purple): Gives you one extra life. Very powerful and rare item, you should always collect one of these if you see it. Speed (blue): This is the coolest item, but the most dangerous one too. You can fly up to 50% faster than before, but you can't slowdown much and if the asteroid density is very high this can cost your life in a matter of seconds. While active you get twice as much points for flying around. Bomb (red): Allows one free collision with an asteroid. In the beginning this might not be the most useful item, but as soon as you reach the middle or end of a level, you really wish there would be more of these items. It helps you out more than any other item in hard situations and does often save your life. You can also stack up to tree bombs (screen border gets more red). Missions: Easy Flight: First mission, pretty easy, collect all items and fly as fast as you can for maximum score. Lost Civilization: This level can be pretty easy up to 80% of the level, if you just fly savely in the middle and only try to collect fuel items, but the last part will get very hard. Try to avoid the buildings (white parts on the map) and if collecting items near them, get the hell outta here after collecting them. Valley of Death: Hardest map, even the beginning is not easy at all. You start with only a few items flying around, but later whole streets of items will appear in front of you. They are great for getting a lot of points quickly, but don't let them trick you. Sometimes they will lure you into a trap. Extra Mission for the Christmas 2005 Edition: Merry Christmas, this level is packed with items and gifts :) Extra Mission for V1.1 (March 2006): The Revenge: Very hard mission for pro gamers, there are a lots of tricks in this mission, but you should play it a couple of times normally and just reach the goal, then try out the tricks. More info can be found in the Levels\LevelInfo.txt file. Copyright 2005 (c) by Benjamin Nitschke (, exDream entertainment


