
上传日期:2008-01-23 15:33:59
上 传 者bingtuo
说明:  Notepad++ V4.73 绿色软件解压即可使用。 Notepad++ 是一款非常有特色的编辑器,是开源软件,可以免费使用。 功能有: ①、内置支持多达 27 种语法高亮度显示(囊括各种常见的源代码、脚本,值得一提的是,完美支持 .nfo 文件查看),也支持自定义语言; ②、可自动检测文件类型,根据关键字显示节点,节点可自由折叠/打开,代码显示得非常有层次感!这是此软件最具特色的体现之一; ③、可打开双窗口,在分窗口中又可打开多个子窗口,允许快捷切换全屏显示模式(F11),支持鼠标滚轮改变文档显示比例,等等; ④、提供数个特色东东,如 邻行互换位置、宏功能,等等...现在网上有很多文件编辑器,这个却是不可多得的一款,不论是日常使用还是手写编程代码,都能让你体会到它独有的优势和方便。 支持的语言: C, C++ , Java , C#, XML, HTML, PHP, Javascript等

Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\langs.model.xml (75487, 2007-12-31)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\config.model.xml (4061, 2007-12-01)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\stylers.model.xml (85030, 2008-01-01)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\langs.xml (75487, 2007-12-31)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\contextMenu.xml (484, 2007-09-10)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml (1790, 2007-08-08)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\license.txt (14971, 2007-08-08)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\LINEDRAW.TTF (80024, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\SciLexer.dll (352256, 2007-12-30)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\change.log (1675, 2008-01-06)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\notepad++.exe (823296, 2008-01-07)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\nativeLang.xml (18173, 2007-07-24)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\nppcm.dll (24576, 2006-11-24)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\c.api (6389, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\cpp.api (11745, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\java.api (64396, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\cs.api (4085, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\php.api (42503, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\css.api (3919, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\vb.api (7328, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\perl.api (4288, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\javascript.api (6611, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\python.api (2606, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\flash.api (10155, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\lisp.api (6058, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\vhdl.api (628, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\tex.api (23372, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\xml.api (4014, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\nsis.api (2802, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\NPPTextFX.dll (132096, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\NPPTextFX\AsciiToEBCDIC.bin (512, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\NPPTextFX\libTidy.dll (250368, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\NPPTextFX\NPPTextFXdemo.TXT (32286, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\NPPTextFX\W3C-CSSValidator.htm (193, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\NPPTextFX\W3C-HTMLValidator.htm (236, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\Explorer.dll (204800, 2007-12-20)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\HexEditor.dll (172032, 2007-08-05)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\SpellChecker.dll (77824, 2007-12-20)
Notepad++ V4.73\Notepad++\plugins\NppExec.dll (208896, 2007-12-27)
... ...

Notepad++ release Note : What is Notepad++? ****************** Notepad++ is a generic source editor (it tries to be anyway) and Notepad replacement written in C++ with the win32 API. The aim of Notepad++ is to offer a slim and efficient binary with a totally customizable GUI. This project is under the GPL Licence ( Why another source editor? ************************** I worked for a big smart card company as an engineer developer. On 2003, I took charge of looking for an alternative solution for an internal tool coded in Java. The internal tool needed an edit component, and I discovered Scintilla (which allows me to develop in C++) on the Internet. I began my conception and development on this project. In the mean time, the company where I worked began to use a new development environment, and a property language as well, to re-develop all internal tools. All the developers were forced to use this unstable and uncomfortable IDE and the incoherent property language. This project was unfortunately abandoned (or on the contrary?). As a C++/Java developer, I decided to continue the project in my spare time. The prototype of project was already done, I removed the components which depend on the specification of the abandoned project - It made a generic code editor. Then I made it available on sourceforge : that's the beginning of Notepad++. Time moves on, and I continue to improve Notepad++. Two things make me continue this project : my need to work on a coherent project by using my beloved language C++ and the encouragement from Notepad++ users. So you asked me "Why another source editor", the answer that I can give you is : "Why not? Since I enjoy myself doing it." How to install : **************** From the installer : Just follow the install wizard. From the zip : just unzip all the files into a directory you want then launch it. Project web sites : ******************* Notepad++ official site : Here you can find all the informations about Notepad++, such as FAQ/tutorial, plugins/extension download, news, shops, etc... Notepad++ project site : It is Notepad++ project site. The source codes and binaries are distributed here. You can do your feature requests or bug reports by using the trackers, you can ask your question regarding Notepad++ in the divers forums as well. Don HO **********************


