
上传日期:2008-02-16 02:20:51
上 传 者mdaxue
说明:  Wouldn t it be great if we could somehow give visual commands to our computer without touching the keyboard or mouse? In this article, we will put together a simple laser gesture recognition application and use it to control Windows Media Player. This is far more comfortable than using a remote control because you don t have to look for the correct buttons in the dark. All you have to do is make a few simple gestures anywhere in the camera s field of view with a laser pointer, and that s it! This program recognizes simple gestures made on a wall with a laser pointer such as left, right, up, down, two downward and two upward diagonals. This program could be modified to recognize some more gestures however, it cannot recognize complex gestures since I haven t taken a neural network approach for image recognition. 通过“手势”控制媒体播放器。
(Wouldn t it be great if we could somehow give visual commands to our computer without touching the keyboard or mouse? In this article, we will put together a simple laser gesture recognition application and use it to control Windows Media Player. This is far more comfortable than using a remote control because you don t have to look for the correct buttons in the dark. All you have to do is make a few simple gestures anywhere in the camera s field of view with a laser pointer, and that s it! This program recognizes simple gestures made on a wall with a laser pointer such as left, right, up, down, two downward and two upward diagonals. This program could be modified to recognize some more gestures however, it cannot recognize complex gestures since I haven t taken a neural network approach for image recognition. through the )

CodeProject Laser Gesture Recognition_ Free source code and programming help.mht (154601, 2008-02-02) (106547, 2008-02-02) (181752, 2008-02-02)


