
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-02-24 03:53:39
上 传 者zgledu
说明:  在OGRE引擎中绑下Lua脚本语言,对开发网络游戏的朋友同时想使用LUA作为开发脚本时非常有用.
(Ogre engine strapped in under the Lua scripting language, on the development of online games friends at the same time want to use LUA as a very useful when developing scripts.)

Lua Bind Test\bin (0, 2007-12-17)
Lua Bind Test\bin\Lua51.dll (58880, 2007-10-23)
Lua Bind Test\bin\Lua51_d.dll (262144, 2007-10-23)
Lua Bind Test\bin\LuaBind.dll (44032, 2007-10-23)
Lua Bind Test\bin\LuaBind_d.dll (385024, 2007-10-23)
Lua Bind Test\bin\plugins.cfg (150, 2007-10-24)
Lua Bind Test\bin\plugins_d.cfg (152, 2007-10-24)
Lua Bind Test\bin\resources.cfg (415, 2007-10-24)
Lua Bind Test\include (0, 2007-10-22)
Lua Bind Test\include\lapi.h (274, 2005-04-26)
Lua Bind Test\include\lauxlib.h (5947, 2006-04-13)
Lua Bind Test\include\lcode.h (2822, 2006-03-22)
Lua Bind Test\include\ldebug.h (1090, 2005-04-26)
Lua Bind Test\include\ldo.h (1950, 2005-08-25)
Lua Bind Test\include\lfunc.h (1155, 2005-04-26)
Lua Bind Test\include\lgc.h (3265, 2005-08-25)
Lua Bind Test\include\llex.h (2254, 2006-03-24)
Lua Bind Test\include\llimits.h (2473, 2005-12-28)
Lua Bind Test\include\lmem.h (1539, 2005-04-26)
Lua Bind Test\include\lobject.h (8876, 2006-01-19)
Lua Bind Test\include\lopcodes.h (8350, 2006-03-15)
Lua Bind Test\include\lparser.h (2339, 2006-03-10)
Lua Bind Test\include\lstate.h (5100, 2006-02-07)
Lua Bind Test\include\lstring.h (841, 2005-04-26)
Lua Bind Test\include\ltable.h (1220, 2006-01-11)
Lua Bind Test\include\ltm.h (1068, 2005-06-07)
Lua Bind Test\include\lua.h (11998, 2007-03-24)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind (0, 2007-10-22)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind\adopt_policy.hpp (4785, 2005-12-04)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind\back_reference.hpp (3196, 2005-12-04)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind\back_reference_fwd.hpp (1458, 2005-11-28)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind\class.hpp (36990, 2006-01-11)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind\class_info.hpp (1536, 2005-11-28)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind\config.hpp (5170, 2007-10-17)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind\container_policy.hpp (4088, 2005-12-04)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind\copy_policy.hpp (3945, 2005-12-04)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind\dependency_policy.hpp (3499, 2005-12-04)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind\detail (0, 2007-10-22)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind\detail\calc_arity.hpp (2122, 2003-06-14)
Lua Bind Test\include\luabind\detail\call.hpp (11378, 2005-12-04)
... ...

======================================================================== CONSOLE APPLICATION : Test Console Project Overview ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this Test Console application for you. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your Test Console application. Test Console.vcproj This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an Application Wizard. It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated the file, and information about the platforms, configurations, and project features selected with the Application Wizard. Test Console.cpp This is the main application source file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named Test Console.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: AppWizard uses "TODO:" comments to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or customize. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


