
上传日期:2008-02-29 10:42:13
上 传 者tman
说明:  modbus linux libiary!

modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\AUTHORS (106397, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\commun.c (7158, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\COPYING (17982, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\libmodbus.html (22168, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\ (30017, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\Makefile (951, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\master-example (14374, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\master-example.c (5179, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\master-exemple (13051, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\mbdialer.c (11533, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\mbm.c (11369, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\mbs.c (12422, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\modbus.h (2899, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\slave-example.c (778, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4\slave-exemple (13178, 2004-04-17)
modbus-lin-0.0.4\libmodbus-0.0.4 (0, 2008-02-29)
modbus-lin-0.0.4 (0, 2008-02-29)

============================================================================ = LibModbus 0.0.1 05/08/2001 = = = = This software is Copyright (C) 2001 by Laurent LOPES. = = Use this software at your own risk. I am not responsible for = = anything this software may do to your computer. = = This software falls under the GNU Public License. Please read = = the COPYING file for more information = ============================================================================ ====================================== Author ====================================== Author: Laurent LOPES e-mail: homepage: ====================================== Requirements ====================================== libpthread ====================================== Install ====================================== Compilation: make General install: make install Removal: make uninstall ====================================== Features ====================================== This library is made to dial with master and slave Modbus(R) protocol. If you want more information about Modbus protocol, please see the web page : This program is free software and is provided under terms of the GNU Public License. That's mean you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details in the COPYING file. ====================================== Getting started ====================================== In this document value with 0x before indicate value in hexadecimal like in C. This library is working only in RTU mode and not in ASCII mode. So, you must to configure every time 8 data bits. RTU mode is better than ASCII mode and I use it every time. A RTU modbus packet look like : Slave address 1 byte Function code 1 byte Data N bytes CRC16 2 bytes LibModbus don't know all modbus standard function, because I never use bits functions :) Known functions are : code function 03 (0x03) read n bytes 04 (0x04) read n bytes 06 (0x06) write 1 byte 07 (0x07) read software status 08 (0x08) line test 16 (0x0a) write n bytes LibModbus us the GNU thread library. This library is generally provided with all Linux distributions. ====================================== Programming the LibModbus ====================================== 1. Open & Close ====================================== Before using master and slave functions you need to initialise the serial port with the function : int Mb_open_device(char device[], int speed, int parity, int data_bits_length, int stop_bits_length); - device is a string who contain the device to open : /dev/ttyS0 for COM1, /dev/ttyS1 for COM2, etc. - speed indicate the speed in baud rate. Each values are : 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400. If you set another value, the function use automatically 9600 bauds. - parity is the parity off the frame. 0 indicate don't use parity, 1 indicate EVEN parity and -1 indicate ODD parity. - data_bits_length indicate the length of the data bits. You can set 7 or 8 bits but in modbus RTU mode only 8 bits work. - data_bits_stop indicate how many bits to send at the end of the frame. You can set 1 or 2 bits. The serial port is open in bidirectional asynchronous mode. Mb_open_device() save oldest parameters of the serial port to restore them when dial is terminate. For more information about serial port configuration please read man pages : man 2 open, man 2 read, man 2 write and the serial programming HOWTO. At the end of your program you can close and restore the oldest parameters with : void Mb_close_device(int device); - device indicate the device descriptor returned by the Mb_open_device() function. 2. Master ====================================== Before send a packet you need to configure it. There is a struct made for it : Mbm_trame. The declaration of the Mbm_trame is declared as below : struct { int device; int slave; int function; int address; int length; int timeout; } Mbm_trame; - device indicate the device descriptor returned by Mb_open_device(). - slave indicate the slave to call. - function indicate the function to send. - address indicate the address for functions 0x03, 0x04, 0x06, 0x0a. For 0x07 and 0x08 functions, this value isn't use. - length indicate how many data to read or to write to the slave. This setting is only use for 0x03, 0x04, 0x0a modbus functions. When Mbm_trame done, you can call send the request with int Mb_master(Mbm_trame packet, int data_in[], int data_out[], void *ptr_function_send, void *ptr_function_receive); - packet is the struct Mbm_trame set above - data_in[] is data to send for writing functions. Modbus function 0x06 (send one byte) send only data_in[0]. Modbus function 0x0a (send n bytes) send from data_in[0] to data_in[packet.length-1] byte. - data_out[] is data answered by the slave on reading function like 0x03, 0x04,0x07. In 0x03 and 0x04 modbus functions data read are stored from data_out[0] to data_out[packet.length-1] byte. For the 0x07 function the slave statue is stored in data_out[0]. - ptr_function_send is a function called when master send a data on the serial port. If you don't want to call a function set NULL. There is a predefined function to print the character sent : Mb_snd_print(). See below to know more about it. - ptr_function_receive is a function called when master receive a data from the serial port. If you don't want to call a function set NULL. There is a predefined function to print the character received : Mb_rcv_print(). See below to know more about it. The Mb_master() function compute alone the packet to send, according to the setting above. The function send the packet and wait the slave answer during the timeout time. If the slave answer before the end of the timeout time, the master function check the slave answered packet, and in the case there isn't failure write data in data_out[] and return the value 0. If you make an error in the setting off the Mbm_trame struct the function return -1 and send nothing. If there is noise on the line, or the slave answer bad data, or the control of the crc16 in the slave packet is wrong, the function return -2 and store nothing in data_out[]. If this isn't the right slave who answered, the function return -4 and do nothing with packet received. If the slave don"t answer before the end of the timeout, master function return -3. 3. Slave ====================================== Using slave function is easier as master. The slave function work with a modbus database in 16 bits data defined by the libmodbus : int *Mbs_data; Before using slave function you need to allocate memory area to this pointer with malloc(). For example if you want a database of 1000 byte write at the beginning of your program : Mbs_data = (int *) malloc( 1000 * sizeof(int)); ---- ^ |____ size of your modbus data map. Now you can launch the slave function with : void Mb_slave(int device, int slave, void *ptr_function_send, void *ptr_function_receive, void *ptr_function_end); - device indicate the device descriptor returned by Mb_open_device(). - slave indicate the slave number. - ptr_function_send is a function called when slave send a data on the serial port. If you don't want to call a function set NULL. There is a predefined function to print the character sent : Mb_snd_print(). See below to know more about it. - ptr_function_receive is a function called when slave receive a data from the serial port. If you don't want to call a function set NULL. There is a predefined function to print the character received : Mb_rcv_print(). See below to know more about it. - ptr_function_end is a function called when slave finish to send answer to the master. If you don't want to call a function set NULL. The slave function wait data from the serial port. When master send a byte equal to his slave number, the slave read all the packet, check the crc16 and if all is right write or read modbus datamap(Mbs_data[]) according to the master request, compute and send answer. This function make a thread for running and to wait data from the serial port in an another task. That way calling Mb_slave() is very quick and the main program continue his way. So you can work with the modbus datamap. It's of course possible to write and read in Mbs_data[] during the execution of the Mbs_slave() function. You can know the pid of the slave function. It's stored in a integer defined by the libmodbus : int Mbs_pid; To stop the slave function you can call : void Mb_slave_stop(void); This function stop the slave function and clean all threads. After this function you can recall the Mb_slave() without problems. Be careful ! Don't launch several Mb_slave() function in the same time, because there will be a mix between data of both functions and cause wrong data and also bugs. 4. Misc. ====================================== int Mb_verbose; To debug your program - and the library :) - you can switch on Mb_verbose to 1. This integer is defined by the libmodbus. Set to 1 indicate master and slave function to write everything about the communication on the standard output (usually your screen).If you don't use this integer master and slave are automatically without verbose. int Mb_status; If you use slave function with the 0x07 modbus function, slave return status of your program. This status is defined by the libmodbus in a 16 bit variable. You can store every thing that you want in this data between 0 and 65535. You can know the version of the libmodbus calling the function : char *Mb_version(void); Maybe one day there will be newest version... Function pointer : When you launch master or slave you can indicate function to call when receive or send a data. In the libmodbus there is one function predefined for each action : void Mb_rcv_print(unsigned char c); This function print in the standard output : "receiving byte ->" and the character in hexadecimal and decimal mode. void Mb_snd_print(unsigned char c); This function print in the standard output : "sending byte ->" and the character in hexadecimal and decimal mode.


