
上传日期:2008-03-05 15:51:28
上 传 者szxiaoqiang
说明:  < C语言嵌入式系统开发>>一书配套源代码,C51代码,对于51学习有很好参考意义.

C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello\Hello (2476, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello\Hello.c (2897, 2001-10-15)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello\Hello.hex (275, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello\Hello.lnp (42, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello\Hello.LST (5517, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello\Hello.M51 (6921, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello\Hello.OBJ (2896, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello\Hello.Opt (987, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello\Hello.plg (0, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello\Hello.Uv2 (1649, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello\Hello_Uv2.Bak (1650, 2002-01-15)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello\Hello_Opt.Bak (991, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch03_00 - Hello (0, 2008-03-05)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_03 - Bytes\Bytes (1417, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_03 - Bytes\Bytes.c (1143, 2001-10-15)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_03 - Bytes\Bytes.hex (100, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_03 - Bytes\Bytes.lnp (42, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_03 - Bytes\Bytes.LST (2640, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_03 - Bytes\Bytes.M51 (4819, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_03 - Bytes\Bytes.OBJ (1454, 2002-01-23)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_03 - Bytes\Bytes.Opt (991, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_03 - Bytes\Bytes.plg (0, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_03 - Bytes\Bytes.Uv2 (1650, 2001-10-15)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_03 - Bytes\Bytes_Opt.Bak (981, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_03 - Bytes (0, 2008-03-05)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1\Bits1 (1434, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1\Bits1.c (1204, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1\Bits1.hex (106, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1\Bits1.lnp (42, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1\bits1.LST (2729, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1\Bits1.M51 (5226, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1\bits1.OBJ (1512, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1\Bits1.Opt (1108, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1\Bits1.plg (126, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1\Bits1.Uv2 (1650, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1\Bits1_Opt.Bak (1096, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1\Bits1_Uv2.Bak (1650, 2001-10-15)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_04 - Bits1 (0, 2008-03-05)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_05 - Bits2\Bits2 (2430, 2002-01-24)
C语言嵌入式系统开发配书源码\Ch04_05 - Bits2\Bits2.c (2124, 2001-10-15)
... ...

===================================================================== These are the files associated with the book: EMBEDDED C by Michael J. Pont [Pearson Education, 2002: ISBN: 0-201-79523-X]. This code is copyright (c) 2001 by Michael J. Pont. See the end of this file for copyright details. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Project versions: v1.00 (October, 2001) --------------------------------------------------------------------- The projects are listed below. NOTE: Projects are identified by book chapter and (where necessary) by the section in which the example is discussed. Ch03_00 - Hello // Discussed throughout Chapter 3 Ch04_03 - Bytes // Discussed in Chapter 4 (Section 4.3) Ch04_04 - Bits1 Ch04_05 - Bits2 Ch04_08 - Switch Ch04_09 - Goats Ch05_05 - Hello2 Ch05_06 - Goats2 Ch06_03 - 50ms Ch06_04 - Portable Ch06_08 - L_Test Ch06_09 - Safer_Switch Ch06_11 - H_Test Ch07_02 - ISR Ch07_03 - sEOS_T2 Ch07_03 - sEOS_T0 Ch07_05 - Milk Ch08_03 - Dinosaur Ch08_04 - Traffic Ch08_06 - Washer Ch09_10 - Time Ch09_12 - Data_Acq Ch09_13 - Robot Ch10_00 - Intruder --------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT INFORMATION The code included on this CD took many years to produce. It is not ‘free ware’, and is subject to some simple copyright restrictions. These are as follows: · If you have purchased a copy of 'Embedded C', you are entitled to use the code in the directories listed above in your own projects, should you choose to do so. If you use the code in this way, then no run-time royalties are due. · If you are using the code in a company, and (for example) ten people are using the code, the company should own ten copies of 'Embedded C'. · You may not, under any circumstances, publish any of the source code included in the book or on the CD, in any form or by any means, without explicit written authorisation from me. If you wish to publish limited code fragments then, in most circumstances, I will grant this permission, subject only to an appropriate acknowledgement accompanying the published material. If you wish to publish more substantial code listings, then payment of a fee may be required. Please contact me for further details. Michael J. Pont January, 2002 [Michael.Pont@tesco.net] =====================================================================


