
上传日期:2008-03-18 17:25:18
上 传 者houlongting
说明:  arm9_fpga2_verilog是一个可以综合的用verilog写的arm9的ip软核,对学习arm和FPGA开发有帮助。
(arm9_fpga2_verilog is a comprehensive written using Verilog soft-core ARM9)

arm9_fpga2_verilog\align.v (5475, 2000-03-24)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\alu.v (3565, 2000-03-24)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\arm9.v (10192, 2000-05-05)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\clock_if_entarch.vhd (16307, 2000-05-01)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\clock_io_entarch.vhd (3015, 2000-05-01)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\comp42_2.v (3264, 2000-03-24)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\comp42_n40.v (7065, 2000-03-24)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\comp42_n64.v (9973, 2000-03-24)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\control.v (4750, 2000-04-17)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\counters.v (12282, 2000-05-11)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\dcache.v (27517, 2000-05-05)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\decode.v (1034, 2000-04-11)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\dtag.v (2683, 2000-04-13)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\dtag_synth.v (2273, 2000-05-19)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\ex.v (37191, 2000-04-18)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\host.vhd (32390, 2000-05-11)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\host_dcomp.vhd (41717, 2000-05-02)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\host_icomp.vhd (40135, 2000-05-02)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\icache.v (9902, 2000-04-11)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\id.v (51607, 2000-04-18)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\ifetch.v (25233, 2000-05-11)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\interlock.v (16004, 2000-04-14)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\io_conn_if_entarch.vhd (6732, 2000-05-01)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\itag.v (2206, 2000-05-05)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\itag_synth.v (1564, 2000-05-19)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\lad_bus_if_entarch.vhd (11009, 2000-05-01)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\lad_bus_io_entarch.vhd (18270, 2000-05-01)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\lec25dscc25.v (441611, 2000-03-24)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\led_if_entarch.vhd (3334, 2000-05-01)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\led_io_entarch.vhd (2524, 2000-05-01)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\mainmem.v (1936, 2000-03-24)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\mapreg.v (2299, 2000-03-24)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\mapspsr.v (1590, 2000-03-24)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\me.v (12707, 2000-04-18)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\mem_copy.c (41229, 2000-05-04)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\mem_if_entarch.vhd (7598, 2000-05-01)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\mem_init.dat (114, 2000-03-24)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\mem_io_entarch.vhd (7227, 2000-05-01)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\mezz_mem_card_cfg.vhd (5274, 2000-03-24)
arm9_fpga2_verilog\miniram.v (2696, 2000-04-14)
... ...

This is the fpga implementation of the ARM processor. The memory configuration is the main change. The cache sizes had to be altered to fit into the standard Xilinx Virtex FPGA. This is designed to be run on a STARFIRE board from Annapolis Microsystems. The VHDL models represent the necessary interfaces to fit the ARM into the STARFIRE system. Verilog File Description: ================================================================== align.v Data Aligner for Byte/Halfword/Word Access alu.v ALU arm9.v ARM Processor Top Level Module comp42_2.v 4-2 Compressor used in Multiplier comp42_n40.v Level 0 Bank of Compressors (40 of comp42_2) comp42_n***.v Level 1 Bank of Compressors (*** of comp42_2) counters.v Performance Counters (IMISS, DMISS, ...) control.v Instantiates the ifetch, interlock, and counters blocks dcache.v Data Cache Controller decode.v A 4:16 Decoder dtag.v Simulation Model for Data Tags dtag_synth.v Synthesis Model for the Data Tags ex.v Execute Stage of Pipeline icache.v Instruction Cache Controller id.v Instruction Decode Stage of Pipeline idt71v546s100.v ZBT SRAM model ifetch.v Instruction Fetch and Branch Prediciton Unit interlock.v Stall Controller itag.v Simulation Model for Instruction Tags itag_synth.v Sythesis Model for Instruction Tags lec25dscc25.v LEDA Library for synthesis mainmem.v Instantiates the SRAM mapreg.v Maps Register Indexes by Mode mapspsr.v Maps SPSR Indexes by Mode me.v Memory Stage of PIpeline miniram.v Lock Down Cache (ROM) used for Decompression mmu_new.v Memory Management Unit and Decompression Controller mult.v Multiplier top-level module multacc.v 32x8 multiplier pardef.* Parameters and Define Statements pipe.v Instantiates the Execute, Decode, and Memory Stages ppselect.v Partial Product Select for Booth Recoding ram1p.v Simulation RAM model for Instruction Cache ram1p_synth.v Synthesis RAM model for Instruction Cache ram2p.v Simulation RAM model for Data Cache ram2p_synth.v Synthesis RAM model for Data Cache regfile.v Register File shifter.v Shift Unit tag.v TAG model for caches VHDL File Description: ================================================================== clock_if_entarch.vhd Standard Interface to Clocks clock_io_entarch.vhd Clock Pads host.vhd Simulates testarm.vhx host_dcomp.vhd Simulates Program with D/I Comp host_icomp.vhd Simulates Program with I Comp io_conn_if_entarch.vhd Standard Interface to I/O Card lad_bus_if_entarch.vhd Standard Interface to LAD Bus lad_bus_io_entarch.vhd LAD Bus Pads led_if_entarch.vhd Standard Interface to LED's led_io_entarch.vhd LED Pads mem_if_entarch.vhd Standard Interface to Memory mem_io_entarch.vhd Memory Pads mezz_mem_card_cfg.vhd Mezz Card Config for Simulation pe0_bus_if_entarch.vhd Standard Interface to PE0-PEX Bus pe0_bus_io_entarch.vhd PE0-PEX Pads pe_arm2mem_if_entarch.vhd User Defined Interface from ARM to Memory pe_lad2mem_if_entarch.vhd Standard Interface from LAD to Memory pe_mezz_mem_pkg.vhd Mezzanine Package used in Synthesis pe_pkg.vhd Processing Element Package used in Synthesis pex.vhd User Defined Processing Element Contains the ARM and all necessary I/F's pex_synth.vhd Modified Library Use Clause for Synthesis pex_ent.vhd Entity Definition (I/O) for PEX pex_mezz_mem_if_entarch.vhd Standard Interface to Mezzanine Memory pex_mezz_mem_io_entarch.vhd Mezzanine Memory Pads system_cfg.vhd System Configuration for Simulation systolic_if_entarch.vhd Standard Interface to Systolic Bus systolic_io_entarch.vhd Systolic Bus Pads xilinx_pkg.vhd Xilinx Package used in Synthesis Contains Definitions of User Defined Data Types Script File Description: ================================================================== Compile Script for ModelSim (Run First) Simulation Script for ModelSim (Run Second) Waveform Script for ModelSim (Load in Wave Window) pex.fes FPGA Express Synthesis Script /************************************************************************* Below is the FPGA heirarchy -- Synthesis Heirarchy *************************************************************************/ pex_synth.vhd pe_arm2mem_if_entarch.vhd pe_lad2mem_if_entarch.vhd arm9.v regfile.v mmu.v counters.v icache.v ram1p_synth.v itag_synth.v miniram.v dcache.v ram2p_synth.v dtag_synth.v control.v ifetch.v interlock.v pipe.v me.v align.v id.v mapreg.v decode.v ex.v alu.v shifter.v mapspsr.v mult.v multacc.v ppselect.v comp42_n40.v comp42_2.v comp42_n***.v comp42_2.v


