
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2008-03-25 13:01:55
上 传 者zesd003
说明:  使用列表框和组合框的自动填充特性快速查找一个子项
(Use the list box and combo box is automatically populated with the characteristics of a subset of items Quick Find)

AutoFill.frm (5942, 1997-07-27)
AutoFill.vbp (473, 1997-07-27)

AutoFill - Automatic string fill demo Copyright (c) 1997 SoftCircuits Programming (R) Redistributed by Permission. This Visual Basic 5 example demonstrates how you can use a combo box to implement an "autofill" feature. Autofill attempts to enter the remainder of the string the user is typing. A combo box is used because they implement both a text box and a list. The code finds the first item in the list that begins with the text entered so far. It then appends the remainder of the matching list item to the text in the text box. The appended characters not typed by the user are highlighted. This way, any new keystrokes typed by the user automatically replace them, thereby not getting in the way of normal typing. Code is also added to make exceptions to certain keystrokes such as Delete and Backspace. This program may be distributed on the condition that it is distributed in full and unchanged, and that no fee is charged for such distribution with the exception of reasonable shipping and media charged. In addition, the code in this program may be incorporated into your own programs and the resulting programs may be distributed without payment of royalties. This example program was provided by: SoftCircuits Programming P.O. Box 16262 Irvine, CA 92623


