
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-04-02 08:00:19
上 传 者猪猪霞
说明:  GPS数据预处理软件,可以对Rinex格式数据进行增加、删除的编辑工具。
(GPS data pre-processing software, can Rinex format data to add, delete the editing tools.)

Rinextools\EditRinex.cpp (12495, 2007-07-25)
Rinextools\Jamfile (354, 2007-07-25)
Rinextools\Makefile.am (425, 2007-07-25)
Rinextools\NavMerge.cpp (10207, 2007-07-25)
Rinextools\ResCor.cpp (86986, 2007-07-25)
Rinextools\RinexDump.cpp (13822, 2007-07-25)
Rinextools\RinexEditor.cpp (57181, 2007-07-25)
Rinextools\RinexEditor.hpp (12803, 2007-07-25)
Rinextools\RinSum.cpp (31248, 2007-07-25)
Rinextools (0, 2008-04-02)

Rinex tools (/apps/Rinextools) This directory contains 4 standalone programs which are useful in manipulating Rinex observation files. They are: RinexDump dumps Rinex observation data in columns in a flat file, useful for plotting RinSum summarizes a Rinex observation file EditRinex reads and edits a Rinex observation file, writing out the a new, edited one. ResCor reads a Rinex file(s) and computes any of several residuals and corrections from the data, and then writes them to an output Rinex observation file. NavMerge reads any number of Rinex navigation files and either prints a summary on the screen, or, if an output file is specified, writes a unique superset of all the ephemeris data to that file. It will also correct the week number in the ephemeris if it is inconsistent with the time on the epoch line. In addition there is the RinexEditor module, which implements a class that may be called within other programs to edit the Rinex data. The EditRinex program is really just a shell that calls the RinexEditor, while ResCor is a more complicated program that also calls the RinexEditor but also modifies the data (i.e. computes the residuals and corrections) before writing it out. All of these programs are run from the command line, and input and outputs are all flat files. To see the command line syntax, run the program with either no arguments, or with arguments but including --help. Examples are not included here; however, examples are available elsewhere. RinSum is very easy to run; try typing RinSum -i at the command line for any Rinex observation file . Note, also, that the discontinuity corrector uses EditRinex to apply its corrections, and that an example of this is found in /apps/cycleslips/examples. Finally, the RinexPlot utility (/apps/RinexPlot) makes extensive use of the other utility programs here; it is actually a Perl script and runs these programs from the command line. Brian Tolman btolman@arlut.utexas.edu


