
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-04-02 08:02:51
上 传 者猪猪霞
说明:  根据GPS观测数据,绘制电离层影像图的VC程序,可应用于气象、航天等领域。
(According to GPS observation data, mapping ionospheric image of VC procedures, can be applied in meteorology, aerospace and other fields.)

ionosphere\example\bias.inp (314, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\example\getigs (22707, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\example\gobias (147, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\example\gomaps (59, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\example\gopre (11872, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\example\list.files (6954, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\example\maps.inp (579, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\example\ (2765, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\example\ (3093, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\example\see (32, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\example (0, 2008-04-02)
ionosphere\IonoBias.cpp (60150, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\Jamfile (208, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\ (225, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\TECMaps.cpp (53023, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\VTECMap.cpp (15766, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere\VTECMap.hpp (9619, 2007-07-25)
ionosphere (0, 2008-04-02)

apps/ionosphere Program IonoBias reads Rinex data files containing extended Rinex observation types EL, LA, LO and SR or SS (see preprocessing, below) from several sites and estimates biases in the ionospheric total electron content (TEC) measurements imposed by the hardware: either by satellite (the satellite + receiver combined bias) or by receiver alone (average over satellites to get the receiver bias). IonoBias does this by assuming a simple model of the ionosphere and simultaneously estimating biases and model parameters. Program TECMaps reads Rinex data files containing extended Rinex observation types EL, AZ and SR or VR from several sites and at each epoch fits the ver- tical TEC data to a model of the ionosphere on a two-dimensional grid surface. Hardware TEC measurement biases are corrected, using input from the program IonoBias. The user can specify the type of grid, the type of TEC data and the model to be used. Output is in the form of files, one per epoch, which can be used to plot the 2D ionospheric TEC surface. Run these programs at the command prompt with no options to see a summary of the input options.


