
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-04-05 00:42:54
上 传 者www2004
说明:  SeeCar-外国人开发的车牌识别程序,识别率很高,而且可以批量识别
(SeeCar-aliens license plate identification procedures developed to identify a high rate, and can identify the quantities)

SeeCarChina\163150.jpg (105401, 2003-03-25)
SeeCarChina\163121.jpg (106843, 2003-03-25)
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SeeCarChina\163239.jpg (108653, 2003-03-25)
SeeCarChina\163241.jpg (107338, 2003-03-25)
SeeCarChina\163244.jpg (100476, 2003-03-25)
SeeCarChina\163259.jpg (105471, 2003-03-25)
SeeCarChina\163303.jpg (105255, 2003-03-25)
SeeCarChina\163511.jpg (107027, 2003-03-25)
SeeCarChina\163541.jpg (95406, 2003-03-25)
SeeCarChina\163608.jpg (104789, 2003-03-25)
SeeCarChina\163611.jpg (103393, 2003-03-25)
SeeCarChina\163620.jpg (105721, 2003-03-25)
SeeCarChina\163627.jpg (105617, 2003-03-25)
SeeCarChina\Format.ini (3731, 2000-06-20)
SeeCarChina\Player.exe (1228800, 2003-05-25)
SeeCarChina\Thumbs.db (75776, 2008-04-05)
SeeCarChina (0, 2008-04-05)

SeeCar Demo application (Player version 4.0.1 and above) ------------------------ Contents: --------- 1. Contact Us 2. Legal Notes 3. Overview 4. Playing the demo 5. System Requirements 6. Checking Your Own Pictures 1. Contacting Us ---------------- For more information please contact Hi-Tech Solutions customer support at: E-mail: Fax: (972) 46 44 1870 Site: We would like to receive feedback on the operation of this demo and a report of any problems that were encountered during its operation. 2. Legal Notes -------------- The SeeCar Recognition demo Player is a copyright product of Hi-Tech Solutions. Any replication or distribution of the product are prohibited - unless requested in advance from the Company. Any use of this product for purposes other than playing the demo - are prohibited. 3. Overview ----------- The demo player introduces the powerful capabilities of our SeeCar vehicle License Plate Recognition (LPR) software/system. It performs true identification of the license plate in real time. The player is capable of reading both bmp and jpg images of various types (color, B&W, 8, 16, 24 & 32 bit per pixel). It performs autodetection of image subtype (grayscale, color, number of bits per pixel, etc.). The images are included in the same directory, and their properties are configured in the format.ini configuration file. Note that in case you would like to check it on your own images, please refer to the "Checking Your Own Pictures" section at the end of this document. The player is best viewed under the 1024x768 display resolution. 4. Running the player --------------------- 4.1 Operation If the player comes compressed in a Zip file, first unzip the file into a subdirectory (using Winzip). To execute the recognition demo, activate the Player.exe file. The demo will automatically start to run: Vehicle plate images of different formats and qualities are displayed and identified. The default run speed is medium, and you can change its speed or control its operation. The identified code is displayed at the bottom window. The file processed by the player, and the time required to identify the image are shown in the right window. 4.2 Button control 'Rewind' - rewind the player to the first image 'Back Single' - play back a single image 'Pause' - pause the player 'Play' - play the image 'Play Single' - play a single image 'Fast Forward'- fast forward the player to the last image 'Speed slidebar'-sets the player run speed (see description below). 4.3 Properties dialog: 4.3.1 General Tab: - Image Folder field - specifies the path to the images directory to read images from. It can be edited both manually and using "Browse..." button - Use Windows Current Dir checkbox - cancels the previous field and uses windows current directory instead (usually it's the directory in which the player resides if it was launched by windows explorer). - Bitmaps and Jpegs checkboxes - specify what types of images to read from the selected above directory 4.3.2 Slide Show Tab: - Auto Start checkbox - specifies whether to start "playing" automatically upon application start or properties change. - Random play checkbox - if this checkbox is selected the images are played in a random order instead of preserving the directory order of image files - Speed slidebar - specifies the delay between two consequent images. This delay is added in addition to the recognition time in order to allow analyzing the recognition results. Sliding to the left sets the fastest player run speed (no delay is added). However, at this setting the results will be hard to track. The slide is also duplicated on the main display. Notes: 1. Each of the 10 scale bars represent a 0.3 sec. delay between the two consequent images. This allows setting the delay between 0 (fast run) to 3 seconds (slow run). 2. jpg images can be played quicker than bmp ones due to disk caching differences of these two picture types. 4.3.3 Font/Colors tab: - Plate number font dialog - allows to choose a non-default font for recognition results. - Plate number color - allows to choose a non-default color for recognition results. - Shadow effect checkbox - allows to show a shadow for recognition results. 5. System Requirements ---------------------- 5.1 Minimum: PC 486 or higher with a minimum of 16MB RAM running Windows ***/NT/2000/Me. Win 95 is not supported and might result in run-time errors. 5.2 Optimum: We recommend a Pentium 3 550 or higher with ***MB RAM for optimum execution. A stronger PC will result in faster recognition times, as indicated on the right side. 6. Checking Your Own Pictures ----------------------------- a. Copy the following files to the folder that contains your own images : 1.Player.exe (from the Player Folder). 2.Format.ini (from the Player Folder). b. Images Dimensions should be the same format as specified in the format.ini file (e.g., 768*288). In case they do not fit the configuration settings, the player will issue a warning. c. If you use jpg images, we recommend to use a high quality compression (best is 100%) for better results. You can also contact us to help you with the format.ini file based on your images.


