
上传日期:2008-04-07 20:44:34
上 传 者wujingtu2005
说明:  MOS是一个批处理系统,它经由键盘接纳由软件模拟的计算机的指令及可使用MOS某些功能的系统调用书写的用户作业,在打印机上输出作业运行结果。该系统提供多个作业并行处理的功能,作业的输入/输出采用SPOLING技术,所要管理的外设是键盘、磁盘、打印机。 故MOS的设计者和实现者要处理/输出、中断、进程调度、作业调度、内外存管理和设备管理
(MOS is a batch processing system, which is accepted by the software via the keyboard of the computer simulation of command and may use certain features of the MOS system call to write the user operation, the printer output operating results. The system provides a wide range of operating parallel processing capabilities, operating the input/output using SPOLING technology to the management of peripherals is a keyboard, disk, printer. Therefore, the designers of MOS and the achievement of those who want to deal with I/O, interrupt, process scheduling, job scheduling, internal and external deposit management and equipment management)

mos\.project (379, 2007-12-09)
mos\.classpath (226, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\.project (380, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\.classpath (226, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\MOS1.JPG (54657, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (5331, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\11.gif (1505, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\MosPrt.class (6238, 2007-12-10)
mos\osos\ (3795, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\KBInBuffer$1.class (634, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\JOB1.txt (162, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\JOB2.txt (162, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\KBInBuffer.class (3693, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\MosPrt$1.class (622, 2007-12-10)
mos\osos\ (819, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (3786, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (356, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\PrtOutBuffer.class (3668, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (1067, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\PrtOutBuffer$1.class (646, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (1419, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (1903, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (739, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (88, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (3628, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (3973, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (2658, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (36754, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (9609, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (3941, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (4533, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (725, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (3135, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (8813, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (5798, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\ (2016, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\JOB3.txt (624, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\MosVar.class (2568, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\MosROM.class (4344, 2007-12-09)
mos\osos\MosProcess.class (9461, 2007-12-09)
... ...


