
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2008-04-07 21:36:49
上 传 者softcosmic
说明:  星子行主机远程控制系统用于主机管理,方便远程操作,通信等功能.更 方便用于局域网,管理速度快,连接简单方便.注意:星子行连接可用 于带路由主机与带路由主机之间连接,非路由与非路由之间连接.带 路由与不带路由连接需要在路由端设置特殊应用程序的端口才可正 常使用!
(Xingzi line host remote control system for mainframe management to facilitate long-range operations, communications and other functions. More convenient for local area networks, management of fast, easy and convenient connection. Note: Xingzi带路由line connection can be used between the host and the host to connect带路由, non-routing and non-routing connections between.带路由and do not connect带路由need to set a special routing client applications can use the port!)

服务器\Project1.vbw (776, 2008-04-07)
服务器\Rwinfo.bas (6997, 2007-05-01)
服务器\Form1.frx (12159, 2008-04-07)
服务器\Infor.bas (305, 2007-03-27)
服务器\Skey.bas (2073, 2007-03-27)
服务器\Sm1.bas (1670, 2007-03-27)
服务器\Sm2.bas (985, 2007-03-27)
服务器\Svariable.bas (4628, 2007-03-27)
服务器\Smenu.bas (4440, 2007-03-27)
服务器\Slist2tolist1.bas (709, 2007-03-29)
服务器\Sfile1.bas (2678, 2007-03-29)
服务器\Sreg1.bas (2081, 2007-03-29)
服务器\Srefurbish.bas (1262, 2007-03-29)
服务器\Send1.bas (3631, 2007-03-30)
服务器\Sendfile1.RES (28136, 2005-06-08)
服务器\Form3.frx (68566, 2007-04-11)
服务器\Serconft.ini (64, 2007-04-29)
服务器\Mediaplay1.frm (2107, 2007-05-01)
服务器\Mediaplay1.frx (2250, 2007-05-01)
服务器\Screen2.frx (2250, 2007-05-06)
服务器\Screen1.frx (2250, 2007-04-11)
服务器\Screen1.frm (2151, 2007-04-11)
服务器\Form4.frx (23258, 2007-04-11)
服务器\Form4.frm (2909, 2007-04-11)
服务器\Picture\Thumbs.db (35328, 2007-05-12)
服务器\Freconft.ini (129, 2007-05-01)
服务器\Rconft\Conftnew.ini (134, 2007-05-03)
服务器\Sound\文件上传完毕.wav (75326, 2002-09-02)
服务器\Sound\文件下传完毕.wav (77240, 2002-09-02)
服务器\Sound\Downline.wav (88514, 2002-09-02)
服务器\Sound\Upline.wav (90476, 2002-09-02)
服务器\Sound\c.wav (131928, 2002-09-02)
服务器\Sound\Connect.wav (275080, 2007-02-02)
服务器\Sound\Msgs.wav (9220, 2007-02-02)
服务器\icons\Thumbs.db (53760, 2007-05-11)
服务器\icons\VB_05.ico (2238, 2007-04-05)
服务器\icons\VB_01.ico (3262, 2007-01-18)
服务器\icons\VB_02.ico (2238, 2007-01-23)
服务器\icons\VB_04.ico (22486, 2007-01-23)
... ...


