
上传日期:2008-04-12 16:33:42
上 传 者heiyeluren
说明:  一个小型的基于Hash的Key=>Value的数据库,速度很快,目前主要运行在Unix/Linux平台
(Based on a small Hash of Key =)

qdbm-1.8.77\bros\bdbtest.c (10963, 2006-07-20)
qdbm-1.8.77\bros\cdbtest.c (4837, 2006-07-20)
qdbm-1.8.77\bros\gdbmtest.c (5163, 2006-01-01)
qdbm-1.8.77\bros\Makefile (2102, 2006-07-20)
qdbm-1.8.77\bros\ndbmtest.c (4726, 2006-01-01)
qdbm-1.8.77\bros\qdbmtest.c (8952, 2006-07-20)
qdbm-1.8.77\bros\reporter (3631, 2004-04-23)
qdbm-1.8.77\bros\result.xls (31232, 2006-11-05)
qdbm-1.8.77\bros\sdbmtest.c (4712, 2006-01-01)
qdbm-1.8.77\bros\tdbtest.c (4790, 2006-01-01)
qdbm-1.8.77\cabin.c (94785, 2007-07-23)
qdbm-1.8.77\cabin.h (70921, 2007-03-07)
qdbm-1.8.77\cbcodec.c (27087, 2007-04-16)
qdbm-1.8.77\cbtest.c (25157, 2007-04-16)
qdbm-1.8.77\cgi\cgispex-ja.html (16767, 2007-10-22)
qdbm-1.8.77\cgi\cgispex.html (13846, 2007-10-22)
qdbm-1.8.77\cgi\configure (106700, 2007-10-23)
qdbm-1.8.77\cgi\configure.in (2614, 2006-01-25)
qdbm-1.8.77\cgi\Makefile.in (3183, 2006-08-24)
qdbm-1.8.77\cgi\qadm.c (35377, 2006-01-01)
qdbm-1.8.77\cgi\qadm.conf (97, 2004-08-10)
qdbm-1.8.77\cgi\qfts.c (34255, 2006-01-01)
qdbm-1.8.77\cgi\qfts.conf (305, 2003-12-05)
qdbm-1.8.77\cgi\qupl.c (15046, 2006-05-13)
qdbm-1.8.77\cgi\qupl.conf (79, 2004-08-17)
qdbm-1.8.77\ChangeLog (26957, 2007-10-23)
qdbm-1.8.77\configure (112444, 2007-10-17)
qdbm-1.8.77\configure.in (7242, 2007-10-17)
qdbm-1.8.77\COPYING (26430, 2001-07-15)
qdbm-1.8.77\crmgr.c (22335, 2007-04-16)
qdbm-1.8.77\crtest.c (22349, 2007-04-16)
qdbm-1.8.77\crtsv.c (6536, 2007-04-16)
qdbm-1.8.77\curia.c (32874, 2007-10-16)
qdbm-1.8.77\curia.h (23264, 2007-03-07)
qdbm-1.8.77\depot.c (67876, 2007-07-23)
qdbm-1.8.77\depot.h (22769, 2007-10-23)
qdbm-1.8.77\dpmgr.c (21157, 2007-04-16)
qdbm-1.8.77\dptest.c (21352, 2007-04-16)
qdbm-1.8.77\dptsv.c (6343, 2007-04-16)
qdbm-1.8.77\hovel.c (15906, 2007-04-16)
... ...

================================================================ QDBM: Quick Database Manager Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Mikio Hirabayashi ================================================================ Please read the following documents with a WWW browser. How to install QDBM is explained in the specification. README - this file COPYING - license ChangeLog - history of enhancement NEWS - news for users THANKS - list of contributors spex.html - specification spex-ja.html - specification in Japanese Contents of the directory tree is below. ./ - sources of QDBM ./plus/ - API for C++ (read `./plus/xspex.html') ./java/ - API for Java (read `./java/jspex.html') ./perl/ - API for Perl (read `./perl/plspex.html') ./ruby/ - API for Ruby (read `./ruby/rbspex.html') ./cgi/ - CGI scripts (read `./cgi/cgispex.html') ./man1/ - manual pages for commands ./man3/ - manual pages for C API ./lab/ - for test and experiment ./bros/ - for comparison with other database managers ./misc/ - miscellaneous files QDBM is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. See the file `COPYING' for details. QDBM was written by Mikio Hirabayashi. You can contact the author by e-mail to `mikio@users.sourceforge.net'. However, as for topics which can be shared among other users, pleae send it to the mailing list. To join the mailing list, refer to the following URL. http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/qdbm-users Thanks. == END OF FILE ==


