
上传日期:2008-04-14 10:57:26
上 传 者mike1111
说明:  matlab的图像 处理,其中有SIFT算法,应用于图像配准
(matlab image processing, including SIFT algorithm, applied to image registration)

matlab (0, 2006-09-05)
matlab\startup.m (1162, 2006-01-10)
matlab\.ginput.m (34, 2001-10-04)
matlab\matlabPrimer35.pdf (233011, 2004-09-27)
matlab\CHANGES (32, 2005-06-20)
matlab\images (0, 2006-09-05)
matlab\images\horses.pgm (24620, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\microserf.pgm (76868, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\three.pgm (12336, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\wall.pgm (90528, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\warped_Ein.pgm (65551, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\pick-coke.010.pgm (76815, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\einstein.pgm (65596, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\office.pgm (76846, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\treeC.010.pgm (62515, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\im9h.pgm (76841, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\aztec.mat (134190, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\clown.mat (66034, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\einstein.mat (71726, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\forest.mat (141061, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\palace.mat (65062, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\parkbench.mat (530478, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\trees.mat (93418, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\trees.pgm (90315, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\parkbench.pgm (262201, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\neat.pgm (65551, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\reagan.pgm (65595, 1999-10-05)
matlab\images\einHalf.pgm (16441, 1998-10-06)
matlab\images\tif (0, 2005-04-22)
matlab\images\tif\allanA_080.tif (77216, 2001-10-04)
matlab\images\tif\hedvig3_050.tif (77970, 2001-10-04)
matlab\images\tif\hats.tiff (74354, 2001-10-04)
matlab\images\tif\im7h.tif (77784, 2001-10-04)
matlab\images\tif\lego-microserf.tif (76636, 2001-10-04)
matlab\images\circ64.pgm (4151, 2001-10-04)
matlab\images\zone256.pgm (65593, 2001-10-04)
matlab\images\einCrop.pgm (17351, 2005-02-04)
matlab\images\reaganResize.pgm (19717, 2005-02-04)
matlab\images\dog.jpg (30516, 2005-04-19)
... ...

This is the root directory for iseToolbox and utvisToolbox. There are tutorials in: utvisTuoolbox/tutorials/ iseToolbox/tutorials/ To run these tutorials you need to set your matlab path to include the directories in these toolboxes. A simple way to do that is, from within the matlab console: cd ~jepson/pub/matlab clear startup which startup % It should refer to the one in the current directory startup % Then you can run the tutorials by opening, say, % utvisToolbox/tutorials/colourTutorial.m in an editor % and pasting the commands into the matlab console. % A simple way to check if this is going to work is to % type: which colourTutorial % It should refer to the one in utvisToolbox colourTutorial % Execute the whole script. If you wish to return to another job in matlab, then (within Matlab) cd to your own matlab directory and type: clear startup startup To reset your path.


