
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-04-15 22:29:05
上 传 者hhm406@126.com
说明:  本次综合设计实验是用C++语言在MFC环境下实现一个的画图程序。程序主要由两个类构成,分别是实现响应菜单和实现作图与图形处理的功能。在作图类里有计算机图形学课本中的各种的与图形相关的算法的具体实现,如DDA画线算法、中点圆算法、种子填充算法、平移、旋转、比例缩放等。
(The integrated design of experiments is used C language in the MFC environment realize a drawing program. Procedures constituted mainly by two categories, namely, to respond to the menu and realize realize mapping and graphics processing functions. In the mapping category, there are computer graphics in a variety of textbooks and graphics related to the concrete realization of the algorithm, such as the DDA line drawing algorithm, the midpoint circle algorithm, the seed fill algorithm, translation, rotation, scaling and so on.)

Draw\data1.txt (238, 2007-01-21)
Draw\data2.txt (753, 2007-01-24)
Draw\Draw.aps (32184, 2007-05-14)
Draw\Draw.clw (2618, 2007-05-21)
Draw\Draw.cpp (4173, 2007-01-18)
Draw\Draw.dsp (4899, 2007-01-18)
Draw\Draw.dsw (514, 2007-01-18)
Draw\Draw.h (1336, 2007-01-18)
Draw\Draw.ncb (230400, 2007-05-21)
Draw\Draw.opt (106496, 2007-05-21)
Draw\Draw.plg (1699, 2007-05-21)
Draw\Draw.rc (13911, 2007-05-13)
Draw\DrawDoc.cpp (1702, 2007-01-18)
Draw\DrawDoc.h (1453, 2007-01-18)
Draw\DrawView.cpp (15388, 2007-05-21)
Draw\DrawView.h (3492, 2007-05-13)
Draw\MainFrm.cpp (2365, 2007-05-13)
Draw\MainFrm.h (1493, 2007-05-13)
Draw\MyDraw.cpp (8154, 2007-01-21)
Draw\MyDraw.h (1924, 2007-01-21)
Draw\res\1.BMP (1656, 2007-01-18)
Draw\res\4.jpg (2116, 2007-01-18)
Draw\res\bitmap3.bmp (1656, 2007-01-18)
Draw\res\Draw.ico (1078, 2007-01-18)
Draw\res\Draw.rc2 (396, 2007-01-18)
Draw\res\DrawDoc.ico (1078, 2007-01-18)
Draw\res\Toolbar.bmp (2278, 2007-01-22)
Draw\res\toolbar1.bmp (838, 2007-01-18)
Draw\Resource.h (2095, 2007-05-13)
Draw\StdAfx.cpp (206, 2007-01-18)
Draw\StdAfx.h (1054, 2007-01-18)
Draw\Debug (0, 2007-10-13)
Draw\res (0, 2007-01-18)
Draw (0, 2007-01-18)


