
上传日期:2008-05-17 15:57:55
上 传 者ningxiangwei
说明:  matlab图像处理算法,包括中值滤波,平滑滤波,直方图滤波等
(matlab image processing algorithms, including the median filter, smoothing filter, Histogram filtering)

images (0, 2008-05-07)
images\@strel (0, 2008-05-07)
images\@strel\Contents.m (746, 2002-03-21)
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images\@strel\getneighbors.m (1774, 2002-03-21)
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images\@strel\getsequence.m (1793, 2002-03-21)
images\@strel\isflat.m (633, 2002-03-21)
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images\@strel\ja\display.m (380, 2002-05-02)
images\@strel\ja\getheight.m (394, 2002-05-02)
images\@strel\ja\getneighbors.m (674, 2002-05-02)
images\@strel\ja\getnhood.m (290, 2002-05-02)
images\@strel\ja\getsequence.m (770, 2002-05-02)
images\@strel\ja\isflat.m (276, 2002-05-02)
images\@strel\ja\reflect.m (504, 2002-05-02)
images\@strel\ja\strel.m (4780, 2002-05-02)
images\@strel\ja\translate.m (691, 2002-05-02)
images\@strel\private (0, 2008-05-07)
images\@strel\private\checkinput.m (10718, 2002-05-23)
images\@strel\private\checknargin.m (1837, 2002-03-21)
images\@strel\private\checkstrs.m (2234, 2002-03-21)
images\@strel\private\num2ordinal.m (1018, 2002-03-21)
images\@strel\reflect.m (2194, 2002-03-21)
images\@strel\strel.m (28043, 2002-04-10)
images\@strel\translate.m (3925, 2002-03-21)
images\applylut.c (12154, 2002-03-21)
images\applylut.dll (20480, 2002-06-18)
images\applylut.m (1385, 2002-04-02)
images\bestblk.m (1242, 2002-03-21)
images\blkproc.m (8092, 2002-03-21)
images\bmpread.m (1629, 2002-03-21)
images\bmpwrite.m (1052, 2002-03-21)
images\bwarea.m (1279, 2002-04-02)
images\bwareaopen.m (2825, 2002-03-28)
images\bwdist.m (6717, 2002-03-21)
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% README file for the Image Processing Toolbox. % % This file contains information about the MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox, % versions 3.1 and earlier. The first section of this file discusses the % ways that version 3.1 differs from version 3.0. The subsequent sections % detail the differences between earlier versions of the toolbox. % % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % DIFFERENCES BETWEEN VERSION 3.1 and VERSION 3.0 % % There are two new functions in version 3.1: % % deconvblind - Deblur image using blind deconvolution. % label2rgb - Convert label matrix to RGB color image. % % The function dicomread now reads lossy JPEG-compressed DICOM images. % % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % DIFFERENCES BETWEEN VERSION 3.0 and VERSION 2.2.2 % % Topics include: % - New functions % - Enhancements to existing functions % - Grandfathered functions % - Bug fixes % % There are seven primary categories of new functions in version 3.0: % - Morphology % - Geometric transformations % - Image registration % - Integer image arithmetic % - Image filtering % - Deconvolution % - DICOM % % There are also several new functions in these categories: % - Pixel values and statistics % - Image enhancement % - Array manipulation % % New Morphology Functions (for grayscale and binary images) % conndef - Default connectivity. % imbothat - Perform bottom-hat filtering. % imclearborder - Suppress light structures connected to image border. % imclose - Close image. % imdilate - Dilate image. % imerode - Erode image. % imextendedmax - Extended-maxima transform. % imextendedmin - Extended-minima transform. % imfill - Fill image regions and holes. % imhmax - H-maxima transform. % imhmin - H-minima transform. % imimposemin - Impose minima. % imopen - Open image. % imreconstruct - Morphological reconstruction. % imregionalmax - Regional maxima. % imregionalmin - Regional minima. % imtophat - Perform tophat filtering. % watershed - Watershed transform. % % New Morphology Functions (for binary images) % bwareaopen - Binary area open (remove small objects). % bwdist - Compute distance transform of binary image. % bwhitmiss - Binary hit-miss operation. % bwlabeln - Label connected components in N-D binary image. % bwpack - Pack binary image. % bwulterode - Ultimate erosion. % bwunpack - Unpack binary image. % % New Morphology Functions (structuring elements) % getheight - Get strel height. % getneighbors - Get offset location and height of strel neighbors % getnhood - Get strel neighborhood. % getsequence - Get sequence of decomposed strels. % isflat - Return true for flat strels. % reflect - Reflect strel about its center. % strel - Create morphological structuring element. % translate - Translate strel. % % New Geometric Transformation Functions % checkerboard - Create checkerboard image. % findbounds - Find output bounds for geometric transformation. % fliptform - Flip the input and output roles of a TFORM struct. % imtransform - Apply geometric transformation to image. % makeresampler - Create resampler structure. % maketform - Create geometric transformation structure (TFORM). % tformarray - Apply geometric transformation to N-D array. % tformfwd - Apply forward geometric transformation. % tforminv - Apply inverse geometric transformation. % % New Image Registration Functions % cpstruct2pairs - Convert CPSTRUCT to valid pairs of control points. % cp2tform - Infer geometric transformation from control-point pairs. % cpcorr - Tune control point locations using cross correlation. % cpselect - Control-point selection tool. % normxcorr2 - Normalized two-dimensional cross-correlation. % % New Integer Image Arithmetic Functions % imabsdiff - Compute absolute difference of two images. % imadd - Add two images, or add constant to image. % imcomplement - Complement image. % imdivide - Divide two images, or divide image by constant. % imlincomb - Compute linear combination of images. % immultiply - Multiply two images, or multiply image by constant. % imsubtract - Subtract two images, or subtract constant from image. % % New Image Filtering Function % imfilter - Filter 2-D and N-D images. % % New Deconvolution (Deblurring) Functions % deconvlucy - Deblur image using Lucy-Richardson method. % deconvreg - Deblur image using Regularized filter. % deconvwnr - Deblur image using Wiener filter. % edgetaper - Taper edges using point-spread function. % otf2psf - Optical transfer function to point-spread function. % psf2otf - Point-spread function to optical transfer function. % % New DICOM Functions % dicominfo - Read metadata from a DICOM message. % dicomread - Read a DICOM image. % % New Pixel Values and Statistics Functions % regionprops - Measure properties of image regions. % % New Image Enhancement Functions % stretchlim - Find limits to contrast stretch an image. % % New Array Manipulation Functions % circshift - Shift array circularly. % padarray - Pad array. % % Enhancements to Existing Functions % - The functionality of IMFEATURE has been incorporated into a new % function called REGIONPROPS, and many of the measurements now work % for multidimensional images. % % - The function IMNOISE supports two new noise types: 'poisson' and % 'localvar'. % % - The function RGB2IND uses significantly less memory than in previous % versions. It also now returns a uint16 instead of double image if % the number of colors exceeds 256. % % - The function DITHER uses significantly less memory than in previous % versions. It also now returns a uint16 instead of double image if % the number of colors exceeds 256. % % - The function IM2BW now always returns a uint8 array, making it % consistent with all other toolbox functions that return binary % images. % % - The enamel.tif sample image was modified to remove a one-pixel-wide % black border around the edge. % % Grandfathered Functions % - bwfill The functionality of BWFILL has been incorporated into a % new function called IMFILL. IMFILL can perform fills on % grayscale images in addition to binary images. % % - dilate The functionality of DILATE has been incorporated into a % new function called IMDILATE. IMDILATE can perform % grayscale dilation in addition to binary dilation. % % - erode The functionality of ERODE has been incorporated into a % new function called IMERODE. IMERODE can perform % grayscale erosion in addition to binary erosion. % % - imfeature The functionality of IMFEATURE has been incorporated into % a new function called REGIONPROPS. REGIONPROPS can % perform some measurements on multidimensional images in % addition to 2-D images. % % Bug Fixes % - fspecial Fixed incorrect normalization for the 'gaussian' filter. % % - improfile Fixed an occasional indexing problem caused by round-off % error. % % - rgb2ind Fixed a problem that caused rgb2ind to produce bad results % for very large images. % % - Functions that operate on binary input images now treat NaNs in a % consistent manner. When an input array that is expected to be a % binary image contains NaN values, the NaN values is always be treated % as 1. % % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % DIFFERENCES BETWEEN VERSION 2.2.2 AND VERSION 2.2.1 % % Version 2.2.2 of the Image Processing Toolbox contains a new demo, % LANDSATDEMO, which illustrates how to construct color composite % images from multispectral Landsat data. % % These functions have been updated to support function handles (a % new MATLAB 6 language feature): BLKPROC, COLFILT, NLFILTER, % QTDECOMP, and ROIFILT2. % % Version 2.2.2 fixes these bugs: % - In some cases, DILATE and ERODE returned incorrect answers if % you specified the frequency-domain option with a structuring % element that contained more than 255 elements. % % - FREQZ2 returned incorrect values for the frequency scaling in % some cases, and in some cases it used an excessive amount % memory. % % - FSPECIAL returned incorrectly scaled values for the 'LoG' % option. % % - The animated lines that were displayed on top of images by % IMPROFILE, ROIPOLY, and IMCROP were sometimes difficult to % see. % % - When you displayed the same image twice with IMSHOW, it % appeared to move slightly the second time. % % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % DIFFERENCES BETWEEN VERSION 2.2.1 AND VERSION 2.2 % % Version 2.2.1 of the Image Processing Toolbox fixes these bugs % in version 2.2: % - You can now use the syntax IMSHOW(I,[]) when all the % elements of I are the same. IMSHOW displays I using an % intermediate shade of gray. Previously IMSHOW would % generate an error for this case. % % - You can now pass a matrix to BWLABEL that contains values % other than 0 or 1. BWLABEL treats any nonzero element as % an object element. Previously, BWLABEL would cause a % segmentation violation for this case. % % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % DIFFERENCES BETWEEN VERSION 2.2 AND VERSION 2.1 % % This section describes the new features and enhancements in % version 2.2 of the Image Processing Toolbox, as well as % image-related enhancements in MATLAB 5.3. % % Support for 16-bit image data % Most of the functions in the toolbox have been rewritten % to add support for processing 16-bit image data. (Note % that support for 8-bit image processing was added in % version 2.0; see below.) % % Improved speed % These functions are significantly faster than their % version 2.1 counterparts: bwfill, bwselect, bwlabel, % dilate, erode, histeq, imresize, imrotate, ordfilt2, % medfilt2, im2uint8. % % New options % New border-handling options have been added to medfilt2 % and ordfilt2. % % Data type conversion % The new function im2uint16 converts uint8 and double % images to uint16. % % Image-related MATLAB 5.3 changes % These changes in MATLAB 5.3 may particularly benefit Image % Processing Toolbox users: % - Improved support for integer types (uint8, int8, % uint16, int16, uint32, int32). You can use relational % operators (<,>,==,~=), logical operators (&,|,~), bit % functions, and the SUM function with these data % types. % - Support for the PNG graphics file format % - 16-bit image display % - 16-bit TIFF file I/O % % Bug fixes % These bugs have been fixed in version 2.2: % blkproc - incorrect input argument parsing in rare case % colfilt - incorrect input argument parsing in indexed % image case % freqz2 - four-input syntax was not accepting uint8 % inputs correctly % fsamp2 - was not accepting uint8 inputs correctly % fwind1 - was not accepting uint8 inputs correctly % fwind2 - was not accepting uint8 inputs correctly % im2col - was not handling certain degenerate cases % correctly % isbw - was not handling nonlogical doubles % correctly % medfilt2 - was not handling NaN's in input correctly % ordfilt2 - was not handling NaN's in input correctly % roifilt2 - was not preserving data class correctly in % funfun syntaxes % imcontour - imcontour(...,linespec) syntax was not % implemented % subimage - was not handling double-precision binary % inputs correctly % imrotate - was slower than necessary when the rotation % angle was a multiple of 90 degrees % isgray,isbw,isrgb - inconsistent output value given % empty input matrix % % % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % DIFFERENCES BETWEEN VERSION 2.1 AND VERSION 2.0 % % This section describes the new features and enhancements in version 2.1 % of the Image Processing Toolbox. % % Interactive pixel value display % The new function pixval installs in a figure an interactive display % of the data values for whatever image pixel the cursor is currently % over. You can also click and drag to display the Euclidean % distance between two pixels. % % Feature measurement % The new function imfeature computes feature measurements, such as the % center of mass and the bounding box, for regions in an image. % % Inverse Radon transform % The new function iradon uses the inverse radon transform to % reconstruct images from projection data. In addition, the toolbox % has a new function, phantom, that generates test images for use % with the Radon and inverse Radon transforms. % % Canny edge detector % The edge function now supports the Canny edge detection method. % This method is better at detecting weak edges and is less sensitive % to noise than the other supported edge-detection methods. % % Other enhancements % - The bwfill function can now automatically detect and fill holes in % objects. % - The toolbox now supports the YCbCr color space, through two new % functions, ycbcr2rgb and rgb2ycbcr. % - You can now easily convert images between double precision and % uint8 using two new functions, im2double and im2uint8. % - You can control whether imshow automatically calls truesize by % setting the new toolbox preference 'ImshowTruesize'. % % % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % DIFFERENCES BETWEEN VERSION 2.0 AND VERSION 1.0 % % Topics include: % % - general enhancements % - new functions % - enhancements to specific functions % - compatibility issues % - bug fixes % % % GENERAL ENHANCEMENTS % % This section summarizes general areas of enhancement to the toolbox. See % the Image Processing Toolbox User's Guide for more information about these % enhancements. % % Support for 8-bit image data % Most of the functions in the toolbox have been rewritten to take % advantage of MATLAB's support of unsigned 8-bit integers (uint8 data). % You can now read images into MATLAB as uint8 arrays, and process these % images with the toolbox functions. As a result, memory usage for most % image-processing operations has been dramatically reduced. % % N-dimensional arrays % The toolbox takes advantage of another new MATLAB feature, N-dimensional % arrays. For example, an RGB image is now stored in a single % three-dimensional array, rather than requiring three separate matrices. % In addition, multiframe images no longer require image decks, but can % now be stored and processed in four-dimensional arrays. % % Speed-ups % Several of the toolbox functions have been rewritten to run faster, in % some cases substantially so. % % % NEW FUNCTIONS % % This section describes the new functions in the Image Processing Toolbox, % as well as new functions in the MATLAB Toolbox that are useful for % image-processing applications. % % Image file I/O % imfinfo - Return information about image file (MATLAB Toolbox). % imread - Read image file (MATLAB Toolbox). % imwrite - Write image file (MATLAB Toolbox). % % Image analysis % qtdecomp - Perform quadtree decomposition. % qtgetblk - Get block values in quadtree decomposition. % qtsetblk - Set block values in quadtree decomposition. % % Image enhancement % ordfilt2 - Perform 2-D order-statistic filtering. % % Linear filtering % convmtx2 - Compute 2-D convolution matrix. % convn - Perform N-D convolution (MATLAB Toolbox). % % Image transforms % dctmtx - Compute discrete cosine transform matrix. % fftn - Compute N-D fast Fourier transform (MATLAB Toolbox). % ifftn - Compute N-D inverse fast Fourier transform (MATLAB % Toolbox). % % Binary image operations % applylut - Perform neighborhood operations using lookup tables. % bwfill - Fill background regions in binary image. % bwlabel - Label connected components in binary image. % bwselect - Select objects in binary image. % makelut - Generate lookup table for use with applylut. % % Region-based processing % roifill - Smoothly interpolate within arbitrary region. % % Toolbox preferences % iptgetpref - Get value of Image Processing Toolbox preference. % iptsetpref - Set value of Image Processing Toolbox preference. % % Demos and sample images % There are many new demos and sample images in the toolbox. To see a % complete list, type: % % helpwin imdemos % % % ENHANCEMENTS TO SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS % % Several functions in the toolbox have been enhanced to provide additional % capabilities. This section summarizes these enhancements. % % blkproc - The function you specify no longer needs to return output of % the same size as the input. The output can be any size, including % empty. % % bwmorph - You can now specify the number of iterations as Inf, in which % case bwmorph repeats the specified operation until the image stops % changing. % % dilate, erode - You can now choose between a new frequency-domain % algorithm and the spatial-domain algorithm used in version 1. The % frequency-domain algorithm is faster for large structuring elements, % but uses more memory. Also, the spatial-domain algorithm is faster % than it was in version 1. % % edge - There are two new methods available, 'log' and 'zerocross'. % % hsv2rgb, ntsc2rgb, rgb2hsv, rgb2ntsc - These functions can now convert % images as well as colormaps. % % imhist, medfilt2, roipoly - These functions are considerably faster % than in version 1. % % imshow - The imshow function has been enhanced in many ways. See the % User's Guide for information about imshow. % % % COMPATIBILITY ISSUES % % In order to take advantage of MATLAB features such as uint8 support and % N-dimensional arrays, most of the functions in the toolbox have been % rewritten. This has introduced some incompatibilities that you should be % aware of. This section summarizes these incompatibilities. % % Grandfathered functions % % Several functions from version 1 of the toolbox have been % "grandfathered." This means that these functions are no longer % supported, but still work in version 2. These functions have been % superseded by new functions in the toolbox or in MATLAB. We recommend % that you do not use the grandfathered functions, and that you rewrite % a ... ...


