
上传日期:2008-05-30 17:51:19
上 传 者funny001
说明:  Notepad++是一个通用的源码编辑器,用c++和win32api写的,该软件成熟且免费开源,在sf.net排名靠前,可以供大家学习界面编程。 Notepad++ is a generic source code editor (it tries to be anyway) and Notepad replacement written in c++ with win32 API. The aim of Notepad++ is to offer a slim and efficient binary with a totally customizable GUI.
(Notepad++ Is a generic source code editor, with c++ And Win32API written, the software mature and free open-source, in the top can be for everyone to learn programming interface. Notepad++ Is a generic source code editor (it tries to be anyway) and Notepad replacement written in c++ With win32 API. The aim of Notepad++ Is to offer a slim and efficient binary with a totally customizable GUI .)

PowerEditor (0, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\bin (0, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\bin\change.log (1587, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\bin\license.txt (14971, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\bin\todo.txt (158, 2007-12-30)
PowerEditor\gcc (0, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\gcc\makefile (13402, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\installer (0, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\installer\bin (0, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\installer\bin\xmlUpdater.exe (100247, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\installer\configModel.xml (193, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\installer\images (0, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\installer\images\header.bmp (25818, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\installer\images\headerLeft.bmp (26270, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\installer\images\headerRight.bmp (26270, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\installer\images\npp_inst.ico (13902, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\installer\images\splash.bmp (1205354, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\installer\images\wizard.bmp (154542, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\installer\langsModel.xml (191, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\installer\nativeLang (0, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\installer\nppSetup.nsi (31132, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\installer\stylesGlobalModel.xml (192, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\installer\stylesLexerModel.xml (188, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\license.txt (14971, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\src (0, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\src\CMakeLists.txt (6606, 2007-09-20)
PowerEditor\src\config.model.xml (4799, 2008-03-09)
PowerEditor\src\constant.h (165, 2007-09-10)
PowerEditor\src\contextMenu.xml (512, 2008-04-18)
PowerEditor\src\cursors (0, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\src\cursors\drag.cur (766, 2008-04-23)
PowerEditor\src\cursors\drag_interdit.cur (766, 2008-04-23)
PowerEditor\src\cursors\drag_plus.cur (766, 2008-04-23)
PowerEditor\src\font (0, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\src\font\LINEDRAW.TTF (80024, 2007-10-01)
PowerEditor\src\icons (0, 2008-05-11)
PowerEditor\src\icons\allChars_off.ico (4022, 2007-08-07)
PowerEditor\src\icons\allChars_on.ico (4022, 2007-08-07)
... ...

What is Notepad++ ? =================== Notepad++ is a free (free as in "free speech", but also as in "free beer") source code editor and Notepad replacement, which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. To build Notepad++ package from source code: ============================================ For generating the executable file (notepad++.exe), you can use VC++ 7 / VC++ 8 or MinGW 3.0 / 2.X (a makefile is available, but not maintained). A CMakeLists.txt (located in the PowerEditor\src directory) is available for generating the different VC project and MinGW makefile via cmake. For generating the the dll file (SciLexer.dll), you have 2 choices as well : VC++ 6 (from v2.5) or MinGW 3.0 / 2.X All the binaries will be builded in the directory notepad++\PowerEditor\bin Go to Notepad++ official site for more information : Don HO


